Tomislav Callopa

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Tomislav Callopa
Leader of the CR Oscilloscopean government
1972 (Exact Date Unknown)
A very temperemental, yet benevolent man, Tomislav has been known to take away voting rights in fits if rage, only to reinstate them at the next possible opportunity


Tomislav Callopa, is the often dictator, leader of the nation of CR Oscilloscopes. He has been elected and reelected an immense amoutnt of times in his history at the forefront of CR Oscilloscopean politics.

Early History

In the late days of 1972 (Exact date unknown), Tomislav was born into the influential Callopa family, a wealthy family in control of much of the region's oil. As the only child of his parents, Charles and Hilda, he was rather spoilt and is described by many of his childhood friends as being rather selfish and arrogant. Home schooled until the age of 13, when Tomislav began attending the privately run, Hurstfield School, he found that many grew weary quickly of his persoality. Driven to better himself, Tomislav donated many of his things to charity and began to live a more understated life. The new Tomislav gained many friends, several of whom would grow up to become powerful figures.

Political History

At the age of 17, he finished school and attended the nation's pioneering, University Giordnym Square in CR Oscilloscopes City. Taking a course in Politics, he found himself excelling and after only three years he graduated, with a top class degree. For a few months after, Tomislav Callopa went back home, to take a short break before assesing his future. Just a few weeks into his break, however, his father's company went into administration. Upset by this, he investigated the reasons, and discovered that a growing, opposition party in the CR Oscilloscopes parliament were preying on divisions in the pro-market Schwarzright party and forcing through tight laws on enviroment damaging business. Upon finding this out Tomislav set out to CR Oscilloscopes City once more and joined the Schwarzright party at their head office. At a meeting of party members a few days later, he called on the party to unite against the opposition or face losing power. After what turned into a 25 minute speech, he received a standing ovation, from the crowd and even a small article in the CR Oscilloscopean Tribune devoted to his speech. A few days later, the, then leader of the Schwarzright party called Tomislav to a private meeting, where he offered Tomislav the chance to become the party's Enviromental Minister, a position never before fulfilled(See CR Oscilloscopean Historical Anomalies). He thrived in this role, playing a major part in defeating many propositions to regulate dirty businesses. Only five years into his tenure as the Enviromental Minister, the leader of the Schwarzright party died leaving a vacant spot at the head of national politics. When it came to the party electing a new leader,, Tomislav put his name forward, and realising he would definitely win, no-one chose to stand against him. Tomislav's first job as leader of the Schwarzright party, was to win the election, scheduled after the original leader's death. He campaigned vigorously, and his charisma and youthful charm convinced many. In the end, the election was a whitewash, the Schwarzright party gaining 91% of the vote. His first actions as Prime Minister of CR Oscilloscopes were to abolish the restricting laws placed on businesses previously. He then worked hard to establish CR Oscilloscopes as an economic giant, whilst attempting to retain the peoples' rights. This policy is one which carries forward to the current day, and it has helped CR Oscilloscopes establish itself as having the highest GDP in its region of choice, parallel pacific

Older Age

As he has moved into older life, Tomislav has found his enthusiasm never waning. Having married soon after his third election win, Tomislav has had two children, Azar Callopa, now the country's top ambassador and Sasha Callopa, who hovers on the fringes of the party, a highly controversial figure. Whilst his pro-market attitude has always held constant, Tomislav has becom very variable on the subject of voting rights. On some occasions, he has been so upset by his people's attitudes and problems, that he has cancelled elections and declared himself national leader by right. Such is the adoration for him (Last election majority: 98.7%) that most people do not bat an eyelid to this, and many in fact condone his decision. When greeted by this response, on most occasions Tomislav has reintroduced elections, just a few days after removing them.


Tomislav recently said, in a new year's broadcast, that he plans to hand over the reigns of power to his son Azar sometime in the future. Azar Callopa, who is also highly regarded by the populace is unlikely to be a controversial appointment.