Conquest incorporated

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Conquest Incorporated (also Conquest Inc., or CI) is a self-governing corporate entity that has only recently cast away the last shreds of government oversight. Stepping forth from Sol into a brave new world of unconfined horizons brimming with the possibility of staggering profit, Conquest Incorporated is seeking to restructure itself. Reforging four longstanding corporate giants - each a trillion credit business in its own right - into a new and greater whole, Conquest Inc. is reorienting to move into the interstellar market. Absolutely everything is for sale at suspiciously low prices as the megacorporation seeks new friends and customers in an ever-changing universe.

The Big Four

At the time Conquest Incorporated became solvent, the Big Four had been downsizing, innovating and warring over diverse sectors of the market for centuries, gradually wearing down the feeble, long-forgotten national government until it reached its nadir as the Economic Oversight Committee, which itself was violently sundered.

Rhinemetall Enterprises

CEO Mr. Leon Rheinhardt Developers and producers of top tier military material for well over two centuries, Rhinemetall favors rugged, durable and efficient designs over insubstantial flash and glitter. These level-headed priorities have proven to be exactly the right ones for many a satisfied costumer in a universe where history is, after all, written by the victors.

TerraTech Industries

CEO Mr. Liu Yi A one-stop shop for any consumer, be it the nation-state in search of raw steel or the discerning individual on the prowl for the very finest consumer products, TerraTech is proud and pleased to be the foremost business for industrial and consumer goods.

Hammond Aerospace

CEO Mr. James Hammond

	The sky is the limit! Pioneering developers of both civilian and military air- and spacecraft, Hammond Aerospace is poised to take advantage of the coming upsurge in CI’s interstellar investment. Innovation and power go hand in hand, and nowhere is that wise notion more completely accepted than at Hammond Aerospace, visionaries of flight for nearly three hundred years.

Triumph Media

CEO Mr. Seiji Akimoto Knowledge is power, and so Triumph Media, with its widely acknowledged experience in both digital and print media, wields a prodigious amount of influence in practically every field of business endeavor. Crafting the ideal message comes easily to these public relations experts, and all the news that’s fit to print is printed by Triumph Media.