Bhavan Patel

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President Bhavan Patel

Bhavan Patel born in Febuary 2nd, 1937. He is the current President of the Roman Republic.

Leader of the Communist Party, which espoused, communism, economic and military modernization, Nationalism, and Patriotism. Bhavan Patel played a key role in the overthrow of the former Roman President in 1981 that made the party a force to be reckoned with. As the new president, he set up a Authoritarian Communist Government that was enforced be his military to prevent another revolution that might bring the republic back.


Bhavan Patel was born in a hospital in Ahmedabad, India. His mother Mala Patel and father Harshad Patel. His mother named him Bhavankumar (Sanskrit: Meditator) Harshadray Patel. When he was 4, his mother died from natural causes, leaving his father to take care of him. Later on when he was 7, his father died of cancer. His reletives denied to take care of him. A Gurkha family, friends of his parents, opened their arms for him. His "father" named Lachman Gurung, "mother" Ramani Gurung and their son, Thaman, the same age as Bhavankumar. Lachman soon began training Bhavankumar the ways of the Gurkha like Thaman. He was taught how to use a kukri and how to never back down from your enemies, but be kind and respectful. He attended Ahmedabad Public School, he was behind in his education, but with help from his guardians and teachers, he graduated school in 1957. Bhavan showed interest in the military, especially the Gurkha Regiments. He attended college with a ROTC scholarship and recieved 2 degrees in Information Technology and Intelligence.

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1st Gorkha Rifles

He enter the Roman Army in 1961 and joined the 1st Gorkha Rifles as a 2nd Lieutenant. He got his first sight of combat when he fought against Pakistan. The Pakistani rebels who attempted to break away from the Roman Republic, through bombings and executions of Roman citizens. The 1st Gorkhas was the first to be deployed into the region. Their first task was to eliminate the rebels and bring back the Rebel leader to Roman Custody.

After the War, he returned to India and settled himself with his Gorkha comrades. Later on, he married Anita Patel and had 2 sons. The oldest son, Abhirajkumar (Hindi: Fearless King) Bhavankumar Patel, born on Febuary 10th, 1974. His second son, Bhupendrakumar (Hindi:emperor) Bhavankumar Patel, born on April 4th 1977.

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Bhupendra (right), with his father, Bhavan (center), and his brother, Abhiraj (left)

After the Military

Bhavankumar retired in 1978 at the rank of Captain. He applied for a job at the Roman Central Intelligence Agency. He was accepted for the position of agent because of his service in the Gorkhas and Special Forces. He began traveling all over the world hunting down terrorist that might threathen the Fatherland.

Overthrow of Rome