Blastersnatch Gunfight

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The Blastersnatch Gunfight
Date: September 21st, 1921
Location: The Blastersnatch Saloon, Ruby Junction, Freestate Rooi-Nassau
Outcome: Notorious gangleader killed, many lawmen killed. No real outcome.
Police, Marshalls & Sheriff deaths (Lawdogs) 6
Gangmember deaths: (No Mercy Riders) 5
Total: 11


The Blastersnatch Gunfigh in Ruby Junction is a small yet defining moment in Guffingfordian history. The first time the police and members of the Inter-State Army took up rifles and pistols against a single group of bandits, to stop crime dead in its tracks - for good was the reasoning. It'd take another 12 years to clear Guffingford of its notorious criminal elements, and in 1933 the heat was gone from the western plains and mountains.



Police Force