Yew Island

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Revision as of 14:21, 4 March 2006 by Stefanjcarney (Talk | contribs)

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Yew Island is a nation located between the Western and Southern continents of the Alliance of Honourable Peoples.

A Factbook will be added shortly.


The stone heads of Emerald bay. These ancient statues are a national treasure.

Silverback Mountains Over Harlequin Lake.jpg

A view of the Silverback Mountains over Harlequin Lake. This area is famous for it's beautiful landscapes and is a popular tourist attraction.


The Silverback Mountains. The River Orion (visible) runs from a spring high in the mountains.

Parliament building.jpg

Above: Yew Islands Parliament Building. Below: The same Parliament Building looking down through parliament Avenue.

Parlaiment Building 2.jpg