Super Rome

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Super Rome is a massive economic and military Juggernaut, with a diverse and complex political orchestration and one of the most powerful centres of commerce in the Alliance of Honourable Peoples. Super Rome currently enjoys a comfortable position in the Alliance Defence Council; it is a member of the Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) and the Alliance Defence Ministry (ADM) and is also a member of the Group of 8, consisting of the most economically powerful nations in the Alliance.

Super Rome enjoys the largest agricultural, industrial and commercial output of any nation within the Alliance and has held a steady current account surplus for over four hundred years. Super Rome in its entirety is under the command of the current Imperator Letton.

Super Roman Factbook

Populace and Ethos

Super Roman culture has developed over two millennia and is one of the most diverse in the region. The "Cursus Honorum" or the "Path of Honour" is fundamental to Roman society. To be honourable, pious and just is the ultimate Roman desire and it is to this that Romans aspire. Thus the Roman people are continually motivated to better themselves and become more productive members of society. To achieve this end Romans have achieved a reputation of being pioneers and explorers rather than conquerors and warmongers. The Roman populace is extremely proud of its heritage and is fiercely patriotic. Citizens also believe that a powerful economy is essential for high levels of innovation and technological advancement to take place. It is or this reason that enormous emphasis is placed on the Super Roman economy and the productivity of the populace as a whole.

The Economy of Super Rome

As has been mentioned above the Super Roman economy is considered the precursor to all technological advancement, innovation and overall progression of the Super Roman nation. However Super Rome also places a great emphasis on the overall well being of its citizens. Social liberties and freedoms are never placed above the role of the economy. Many have questioned the unorthodox method of government taxation at 100% and have doubted its operation. The Super Roman people are immensely proud however of their achievement in their economic system. Super Roman GDP now approaches D85 trillion per annum. Spending by the government is unparalleled in the Alliance. Sparta has become one of the major hubs of economic activity within the Alliance.

In 1935 the policy of "Pecuniam Revenit" was put into operation. Under this system inflation was placed under complete control of the government and inflationary pressure has never deviated from the 1.5% level set by the Super Roman government. This policy has revolutionised the operation of an Economy and has led to huge expansion of Gross Domestic Product.

Pecuniam Revenit is a system of credit for individuals. At 16 years of age all Super Roman citizens are issued with an electronic visa. Within this card is stored all information regarding the individual: personal details, financial details and historical records of activity. These cards are compulsory and those within Super Rome whom are found not to be in possession of such a card are immediately deported. This has achieved wonders in preventing illegal immigration. Only The Senate Ministry of Domestic Affairs (SMDA) can issue visas upon request. Applicants from abroad are thoroughly checked and assessed before allowing the individuals to immigrate.

Pecuniam Revenit literally means that whatever income an individual earns is the property of the government. The government will use this income to invest and spend in all public sectors. Individuals consume through credit granted by the government. For example, if an individual earns D35, 000 a year he will receive D35, 000 of credit. This can then be used to purchase goods and services from the government. Firms and Industry is still competitive in the global market, as trade remains unrestricted. Corporations and firms are state owned and all revenue generated by firms is taxed at 100%. Foreign buyers are often perplexed by the system as goods and services are in practice being purchased from the Super Roman government. Imports and exports are purchased and sold in Denarii held by the government and central banks.

In this way government combines regulation and free trade in an unorthodox equilibrium. Government intervention is theoretically all pervasive but in practice minimal. The operation of a firm is unchanged. The only difference is that wages, in traditional monetary terms are eliminated. Wages are not paid to the employees directly. At the end of each month the government renews the level of credit awarded to the individual. Cash and coinage have been eliminated and all forms of payment are electronically managed. Revenue for firms still exists and the more efficient and productive a firm the higher the level of credit revenue achieved. Thus incentive to become more competitive is still existent.

This system has ensured that the quality and quantity of goods produced are extremely high. Government regulates industry and provides subsidies and support when needed in return for the efficient operation of firms, abolition of collusion and cartels and the continuation of trade. Greater levels of competitiveness exist within the Super Roman economy, monopolies are relatively extinct and monopsonies and trade unions have been largely eradicated. Consumers also benefit from cheaper domestic goods of a higher quality and greater variety without the need to circulate money. This is why inflation and interest rates remain low within Super Rome. (Regarding the MV=PT theory) Inflation has only once deviated from 1.5% in 1942 during the Great Alliance war and this was only due to the fact that huge loans were granted from Super Rome to warring nations such as Roudland, Great Wrightland and Gothria.