History of FAN

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The following is as complete of a history of the Federation of Allied Nations as is possible.



2: Caldarian President Yakiva Tovia-Toba dies while in office from attack-related injuries at the age of 51.

13: The Atholonian-backed ETF (Elite Task Force), an alternative to the IA, is founded.

15: Typophilean Prime Minister Edwin McDowell releases correspondence between Velenorian president James K. Riviera Jr. and the leader of New Met. The telegrams reveal that Riviera had plans to change the delegate, while at the same time telling McDowell that no such plans were in place. Riviera, however, uses the crisis as an opportunity to stage a coup d'état in Velenora. James K. Riviera Jr. announces the arrest of all republikan-related officials and declares himself supreme dictator. The name of Velenora is changed officially to The Egotistical Dictatorship of Velenora.