Special Reconnaissance Unit (SRU)

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The SRU (Special Recon Unit) is the most elite unit in the Roudland Armed Forces, comprising 550 Special Forces soldiers, trained to the highest standard. They are used to break up enemy frontline formations, perform long-range scouting missions, assassinations, attack hostile strong points covertly, and in a modern development, they are used in an anti-terrorist role.


The SRU were formed in 1907 to perform recon operations during the Roudland-Trollinahole war. This war marked the first use of elite rifle units as Special Forces, and the effect since has been tremendous. The head of the Army Intelligence Division, Field Colonel Thomas Gortnam, was convinced that, unlike previous wars, this war would need fast-moving rifle units able to perform many different roles.

During the subsequent campaigns from 1907-09, the SRU performed their role with distinction, and proved Gortnam right.

Their next usage was during the Great Alliance War, where they served in all combat areas, from Sazzydom and Xathame to the siege of Silent Hill and the climatic eastern campaign through Trollinahole and Feetbunions. Their main roles were to recon enemy positions and to perform commando-style raids and insertions behind enemy lines. Again they proved their worth, and were expanded from their platoon strength as of 1937, to a regimental strength in 1943.

After the Great Alliance War, the SRU were present in a number of conflicts, and their role changed from regulars to true Special Forces soldiers. They were present at the initial encounter between Friendly Aliens and Super Rome, and gathered vital diplomatic information that was of help later, when diplomatic relations began with the new nation.

===Modern Use and Formation===
SRU soldier after assault on Hortnam Airfield

The current SRU, or to give it its formal name, 1st Special Forces Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade, comprises 550members, who are all combat ready and trained to take on a variety of roles. They were the first unit to receive G36K rifles in 1994, and have often been used as a test bed for new MoD innovations (it is rumoured that the SRU were the testers for Archer Network technology, and even had a hand in developing certain aspects of the satellite readout/ HUD usage).

In modern conflicts, the SRU have been used sparingly, but with deadly precision. It should be noted that during the 2003 diplomatic crisis between McPsychoville and Jihad Allah, SRU units were present in both nation’s capitals, liaising with operatives and Agents from the Roudland Security Bureau and RS2 (The Agency) respectively. They were present during the Hannigan Island campaign, obtaining vital intel that was used for the capture of the main settlements by allied forces, and destroying the runway of one of the island’s airports.

They also have been used for numerous deniable operations; during the retreat from the borders following the opening of the Caesaria War, SRU units operated, at great risk, to disrupt the retreat behind enemy lines, thus allowing Super Roman forces to destroy much of the enemy’s armoured capability before it could regroup for a successful defence of the country. This operation was deemed so covert that not even the Prime Minister was informed.


Currently, SRU recruits are only accepted from the regular army; no Mobile Infantry conscripts can apply. The training process involves spending 3 months at SRU Fort Ashtonshire, in North-West Roudland. A number of long distance day and night hikes are undertaken, along with specialist training concerning weaponry, camouflage, hand-to-hand combat, covert insertion and extraction, and unconventional combat. Escape and evasion skills are also taught, as well as combat skills for most environments, including desert, jungle, forest, swamp and tundra. For the latter the SRU train in a Special Unit Omicron base in southern McPsychoville, and for the desert training the recruits are assisted by Kegmenistani Commissars. During pre-training selection up to 75% of applicants are lost, leaving the best soldiers available to go on to training.

Weapons and Tactics

Depending on the situation or assignment, differing weapons and tactics may be utilised by SRU soldiers. There remain a few constants, such as the need to work as unit; SRU soldiers are taught that no-one can work alone effectively, and certainly no-one will ever by deployed on their own. A typical SRU squad will be of the 4 or 8 man variety, again depending on the mission. In terms of tactics, SRU soldiers are taught to think unconventionally as to avoid being second-guessed by the enemy. Soldiers may be required to ambush an enemy patrol; unconventional means may be used to do this, such as using distractions or improvised explosives etc. In this way SRU soldiers are a highly versatile force, and have been used on numerous occasions where other soldiers have simply been deemed not up to the task.

Weapons used are again utilised for the mission at hand, although the SRU members normally prefer NDS (Northern Defence Systems) weaponry, such as the G36K and USP. Occasionally SRU soldiers will use foreign hardware, such as the AUG, ARC family or BR55 and SPNkr.

The SRU Soldier

The SRU are the elite. They are used for many different roles, creating a versatile force that has training and skills for almost every scenario. They have served Roudland well for almost a century, and SRU members have received practically every accolade that the military has to offer, including the Distinguished Combat Service Medal and the fabled Roudland Cross of Valour (it should be noted that of the 37 Roudland Crosses of Valour received since 1733, 14 have been given to SRU members). SRU soldiers are feared throughout the Alliance, sharing the same mix of fear and respect afforded to the Wrightland Marine Commandos, Special Unit Omicron and COMA. They are awesome combatants, and are relied upon to get a result, whatever the assignment.