Tahar Joblissan colonists

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Tahar Joblissan Colonists refers to one of the numerous groups of emigrants from Tahar Joblis who migrated off the crowded planet of Earth (and out of the particularly crowded country of Tahar Joblis). Initially, most moved to areas in and around Titan, but as Titan was itself becoming crowded, more moved on in search of greener pastures.

The various Tahar Joblissans in space have founded a number of distinct colonies in other systems, most of which (systems and colonies) are typically overlooked by other nations. In outside systems, for example, Tahar Joblissans can be found constructing space stations around red dwarf stars and sometimes mining methane from such gas giant companions as exist, and sometimes as interstellar nomads. Inside Sol System, Tahar Joblissans are frequently nomadic, operating in both asteroid and Kuiper belts as well as above and below the ecliptic.

The Tahar Joblissan colonists typically do not participate in government "back dirtside," but have their own native governments, which are often at least as confusing, if not as paperwork intensive as the famous Tahar Joblissan bureaucracy back at home; however, they maintain ties with and frequently cooperate with their original homeland, which has been a great boon to the space program. Most remain true to the original democratic and socialistic principles of Tahar Joblis, but there are a few odds sorts who don't.

Overall, the system can be referred to as an anarchy collectively, in addition to being secretive, insular, and technologically adaptable. Of particular worrisome note is that the various in-system colonists, not content to rely on the long arm of Titan to protect its vast civilian fleet (in other words, their homes) have developed their own fighting navy in secret, as noted by a self described expert on the matter, known only as "Brian."

"Brian" is no longer collecting direct intelligence about the space navy, having been successfully extracted from a Tahar Joblissan asteroid station by special agents from Freod following his tantalizing leaks about the growing threat of the Tahar Joblissan Space Navy. To date, it is believed that no other system government is truly aware of his current location or has a firm evaluation on the degree of accuracy of his information and his further speculations on the matter.

[Category:Tahar Joblis]