Global Right Alliance

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Global Right Alliance
Forum: [1]
Population: 105
Delegate: Northern Chittowa
Founder: None
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The GRA has a long a varied history of which many versions are being told. On the 21st of February 2006 a discussion was started to bring together everyones thoughts and views on the history of the GRA. Many people became involved and here is what was documented as the history of the GRA, Global Right Aliiance.

Start told by Feldmarschall Charles for the record this is a brief history of how Fascist Emerica came to the GRA in the first place - at the start of the GRAs life, Feldmarschall Charles was the Head of Intelligence for the RKKA (Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnaya Armiya). it had come to their attention that a certain fascist region, the Fascist Reich (which Emerica had founded), was becoming far to united and also aggressive towards a number of the RKKA’s member regions.

Feldmarschall Charles spy nation, Fropland, infiltrated the Reich along with several other agents, and proceeded towards the higher areas of government. In a successful operation he was appointed head of the Gestapo and also a member of the Cabinet of three, and in this position false information was easily fed to certain high-powered and egotistical members. According to first hand report arguments occurred very regularly and members fell out with each other for no reason, with Emerica was ejecting members left right and centre. To cap it off, Emerica was continually bombarded with anti-fascist propaganda by the important communist official Christina, and his invasion attempts into RKKA regions were destroyed by the RKKA's leader, Comrade General.

Finally, Emerica ejected all members and renounced Fascism, leaving the region himself to form the GRA. This entire process took four months.

Despite reports that he renounced Fascism, many believe that he was always pro-Fascist but claimed not to be to try and either gain more nations or to disconnect himself from his old region(s) and form.

As told from the Point of View of South Land.

When Emerica founded the region, he was very active as a recruiter. He managed to get a handful of very active nations early on including Pascalini, Cristia Elite, Old Zertaxia and South Land.

Recruitment drives were often but the region did not grow much over 20 nations. despite had very active nations, the size did not grow. As with most new regions, there was no real government. Emerica was more of a dictator who appointed people to certain positions.

The regional message board always had a lively debate going on and became known around conservative regions as a conservative safe haven with intelligent debate.

At the start of its life, the region was a haven for Conservative ideals; however, Emerica's approach soon changed. The first offence he committed was changing the WFE from saying "The GRA accepts conservative and capitalist nations" to saying "The GRA accepts conservative, capitalist and moderate fascist nations" without first asking the region. What ensued was a vicious debate over whether fascism should be accepted, with Emerica being its only defender yet still refusing to change the factbook entry. Despite the wishes of the entire region, he refused to revert back to the old WFE.

Emerica started to become annoyed of the amount of RMB Chatter which he belived was to blame for the lack of Forum activity. To end this he started to clear the boards to get people to post on the forums. Emerica posted on the WFE and in his advertisements that only right wing nations would be accepted. The region would not allow gays, or non Christians into the region. It was a conservative, Christian, capitalist region.

After a while, there was a growing annoyance with Emerica's actions. Many of the natives demanded an election for president and a change to the government style. The region demanded an official voice, so Emerica proposed a congressional election. He then suspended the election due to "lack of interest", claiming that no one was running (the reality was, no one knew what to do to run). Many in the region saw this as simple appeasement, claiming Emerica never intended to have a congressional election at all.

Emerica continued to tick people off with his authoritarian tendencies. He'd propose and make alliances on his own, without any regional feedback, make declarations on behalf of the region and in general act as a dictator. At this point the region began to divide, with Emerica and his small collection of followers (mostly too inactive to know what was going on) against the rest of the natives. Emerica was be quoted as saying "Democracy will never accomplish anything," the quote that prompted the official departure from the GRA.

Emerica had a habit of blatantly insulting citizens of the region; he called Pascalini dense multiple times, and would often resort to personal insults against any who disagreed with him.

Tensions grew stronger and stronger against Emerica, with quite vocal debates taking place between he and Cristia Elite on the regional message board. At this time, several of the stronger dissenters began planning to exit the GRA, and the web site was started for the ECC.

At that, Pascalini, Cristia Elite and South Land left the region and created a new region called the Elite Conservative Circuit (the EEC which is still around today).

Emericas last days in the GRA however are surrounded with mystery, with many versions being said. South Land States ‘With many of the active nations moving to the new region, Emerica decided to leave the GRA as well. He stated that if the region did not want him as a leader, he wanted to see how they did without him. As he left he closed the offsite forums refusing to create any new mods, leaving the region without a place to gather and discuss the goings on.’

Cristia Elite however has a different view ‘Emerica did not leave the GRA because he "wanted to see how it did without him", he claimed that NS was taking too much of his time and he was quitting the game altogether. In accordance with our demands, he turned delegate controls on. Yet, he still remained in the region, sparking wariness of how he would wield his founder powers. It was at this point that the ECC was officially founded, with its first members being the former GRA nations Pascalini, South Land, Baron von Schmitt, Tranconia, Lovers Rock of Weird, and Fropland’

The following declaration was posted on the GRA RMB by Cristia Elite following his departure to form the ECC and in response to Emericas Infamous comment "Democracy will never get anything accomplished."

‘’Wow. Just, wow.

"Democracy will never get anything accomplished."

Wow. And you call yourself conservative.

Emerica, I understand that you are leaving, and I can't say I'm upset, but I fear and refuse to even attempt to resurrect the Global Right Alliance from the ashes you've left it in. Therfore, with deep regret...

CITING the many transgressions of New Emerica against his citizens, including the blatant insults, rude disrespect (even accorded to those who are 35 years his elder) and blatant attempts at dictatorship;

FEARING Emerica's startling comments on democracy;

NOTING Emerica's complete failure to address the demands made;

REFUSING to attempt to resurrect a region with a poor reputation, without control of the regional founder post;

AND MISTRUSTING Emerica's claim that he intends to totally leave, instead believing he will return to the region and use his founder position to wreak vengeful havoc;

I, the Consulate of the Borderlands of Cristia Agape, hereby leave the Global Right Alliance.

I fear it's a necesary step; the reputation Emerica's given this region is too far gone to save, and as I said, I refuse to allow Emerica to retain the founder's position.

However, to those of you who have found yourselves giving more respect to more mature leaders, such as Lovers Rock of Weird, Pascalini, the Cumberlands, Baron von Schmitt, the South Lands, and Tranconia, I offer to you a new home: follow us to the Elite Conservative Circuit, which we promise will be everything we hoped the GRA would be.

After leaving the GRA, Emerica began to spam the regional message board for the Peoples Revolutionary Party. After continues spamming, only days later Emerica ceased to exist via the Mods for his actions.

At this point, the GRA was down to only a handful of nations, founderless and with no forum.

Many Different Views have been given on the next era of GRA history leading it to be called the ‘Dark Ages’ of the GRA due to the lack of reordered information during this era.

South Land gives his view

After Emerica ceased to exist, that night proved to be a battle with an unexpected rival. Due to the spamming of the PRP boards, the PRP decided to take the Global Right Alliance as a colony and make it a museum to run in Emerica's face. They started to send in UN puppets to take over the region immediately. South Land and Baron Von Schmit (old Z) led the defence of the GRA for its independence.

In calling up friends where ever we could, SL and Old Z tried to amount a defence by endorsing a puppet of SL's named Truebelievers. That night, the invasion and defence, turned into a chess match led by Old Zertaxia and the Leaders of PRP. Old Zertaxia used his diplomacy to convince the PRP that we were in fact natives and that we were here to return GRA to democracy and would not support fascism regimes here in the GRA.

On the first night, PRP won control of the region. On day 2 of diplomacy and discussions, it was decided that South Land using Truebelievers would become the interim president of the region. The PRP changed their endorsements over and on the update of day 2, TrueBelievers/South Land became the first delegate of the modern GRA.

PRP remained for a few days until we had recruited enough UN nations to keep our region secure without their assistance.

Cristia Elite shares his knowledge of the events:

The PRP involvement in the GRA was always a weird event; a dozen different accounts of been given over what exactly the PRP was doing in the GRA after the departure of a handful of nations to the ECC and Emerica's deletion. The PRP themselves gave two claims to their involvement: one was that they wanted to secure the GRA after its founder was deleted (New Emerica was deleted for spamming shortly after our departure); however, due to PRP's rivalry with Emerica I can't imagine that this is true - additionally, PRP has never been the liberator type. Another explanation is that it was a retaliation for Emerica spamming the PRP board; however, the attack did not come until after Emerica was deleted. South Land's explanation is a third one, not proposed by the PRP but likely far more probable. At any rate, after a series of talks involving two PRP representatives (Martin and Shane) and a GRA representative (Old Z, I believe - correct me if I'm wrong), with an ECC representative mediating the talks (myself), the GRA was handed back over to the local government, with the PRP able to leave claiming the moral high ground, having willingly let the locals take their region back.

Recently, I have been able to discuss the actions of the day with a former PRP associate who now resides in the ECC, and his explanation is basically the same as above: no one knows what was going on, not even in the PRP's inner circles. It almost seemed like the PRP was so on-edge against Emerica that the slightest 'invade the GRA!' battle-cry was met with a resounding response before anyone stopped to ask why.

The PRP 'invasion' may very well have saved the GRA, I daresay - it maintained interest in the region after it halved in size, and brought Old Z's and South Land's attention back to their original home, causing him (I believe) to focus on rebuilding the GRA. However, that is a discussion for another time.

Some clarity however has been given to this Era, with former member of the RKKA, Feldmarschall Charles, stating: The GRA was to be a museum - a testament to the failings of right-wing ideals controlled by the RKKA through the PRP (remembering that at the time the PRP was one of 15 major communist regions that were part of the RKKA). [The RKKA] had done it plenty of times before, and the GRA just happened to be next after the Fascist Reich.

The Peoples Revolutionary Party later merged into the NS Communist Party following a lack of activity. (most recently they have attempted to turn Holy Land, former Ally of the GRA into a museum)