Doma Rega

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Doma Rega is the Tse Moana Royal Palace where King Horan II lives with his wife and children.

It is located on a hill (Mona Rega) just outside Abredin. The elevation, while not very high, is high enough to give the residents a superb view over the city. It takes only ten minutes by car to get to the outskirts of Abredin and only twenty to thirty minutes to reach the city centre.



Up until the reign of King Comre (1794-1843), the monarchs of Tse Moana had always lived on a large estate in the centre of Abredin. Comre had never liked living in the middle of a city, even as a child, so when he became King, he commisioned a group of architects to plan a new Royal Palace outside of the city.

It took the group four years to come up with a plan. The architects proposed that a Royal Palace be built on one of the two hills just outside Abredin. They suggested it be named Mona Rega, Royal Hill, and the palace Doma Rega, Royal House. For the other hill, the architects planned Governments buildings and suggested it be named Mona Civi, Civilian Hill.

Comre approved but it took another two years before building commenced. Finally, in 1809, the building of the Doma Rega was completed and Comre and his family moved in and it has been the House of the Monarch and his family ever since.

It was renovated in 1916. During the renovations, sections of the palace were turned into separate living units with their own outside doors as the current King, King Pirath II, preferred to have his married children living close to him.

The palace now holds, besides the Monarchial Section, three living units for married couples with one or no children and three living units for couples with two to five children. The Monarchial Section itself has room for a couple with ten children.


The grounds of the Doma Rega are enormous and include several gardens, acres of woodland and fields and many pastures where the royal animals are held.