Josh Latimer

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President Josh Latimer
Political position(s) President of Minnesota
Term of office: April 11, 2006-
Birthday September 19, 1965
Birthplace: Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Height 5'8"
Weight 140 lb.
I.Q. 175
Spouse Benjamas "Beau" Tupthong-Latimer
Children None
Profession(s) Politician, historian, economist
Political party Minnesotan Liberty Party (MLP)
Political views
 - Economic
 - Social

Religion Lutheran
Languages spoken English, Thai, Spanish, Hmong, Somali
Hobbies Reading, debate, films, fine arts, dining, leisurely strolls, picnics, chess, travel, fishing
  • Doctorate of History
  • Master's of Arts in International Economics and Finance
  • Master's of Arts in Political Science
  • Master's of Arts in Public Administration

Dr. Joshua P. Latimer, born September 19, 1965, has been President of Minnesota since April 11, 2006. He is the founder and chairman of the right-of-center Minnesotan Liberty Party, a party which currently holds a majority of seats in both houses of the Minnesota Legislature. So far, his term has been highly successful. Thanks to draconian anti-crime measures, the crime rate has plummeted to a shockingly low level. Corruption, too, is drying up, especially after Latimer had several senior political and military figures publicly executed for corruption. Because of this, many see the new President as a strongman, but although he ruthlessly suppresses crime, corruption, and extremism, he is not a dictator. All political parties except those that are considered far-right and far-left, are legal, and Minnesota has a free press, freedom of religion, free speech, and most other basic rights. People accused of crimes are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and everyone has the right to an attorney, trial-by-jury, etc. While the death penalty is legal, torture is not, and several law enforcement and military officials convicted of misusing their powers have been sacked. Latimer is also known for his ardent admiration of Ludwig von Mises, and is a staunch follower of Misesian economics. Economically, Minnesota is without a doubt among the most libertarian countries in the world. Latimer has, for example: privatized all state-run industries; eliminated property and income taxes; repealed minimum wage, environmental protection, and worker safety laws; introduced a stable, gold-backed currency; privatized all social welfare, education, and health programs; dramatically slashed government spending; and eliminated all subsidies to businesses and farms, as well as all tariffs and other protectionist measures. As such, the economy has recently undergone an economic boom, with low unemployment, minimal inflation, a balanced budget, a favorable balance of trade, and an economic growth rate of over 10%. Latimer is known as a fair man who grants no special favors to anyone. He subsidies neither rich nor poor, appoints people based on merit rather than loyalty, and runs a highly transparent government which holds everyone accountable for their actions.


Latimer is said to be a deeply religious man. He attends church every Sunday, never drinks or smokes, and very rarely uses profanity. He is a quiet, modest, unassuming person, who rarely speaks unless spoken to, and speaks in calm, steady, measured tones. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive, but, like an elephant, "never forgets." He has an elephantine memory that never ceases to amaze. He can easily recall names, events, dates, and places years, even decades, after they happened. Even if the encounter was very brief, he nevertheless remembers the person as vividly as if they were an old friend or close relatives. Speaking of friends and relatives, Latimer is scrupulously honest and utterly loyal to his loved ones. His friends often admiringly describe him as "without a doubt the most honest man I have ever met." He is also very much a family man. He deeply loves his wife, and yearns to become a father someday. He is always ready and willing to help a friend or family member in need, provided they are willing to do what they can to help themselves.

He is widely known for his philanthropy. While a vehement hater of socialism and welfarism, he often says, "However, we do have an obligation to assist our fellow man. Not a legal obligation, but a moral one." While he frequently emphasizes "personal responsibility," he is more than happy to help those who cannot help themselves. He donates large sums to charities, takes time to volunteer at community centers, and even visits local schools to read stories to children. He is also very much a nature lover, and has financed the construction and establishment of several parks and nature reserves, entirely with his own money. He often adopts stray or abused animals, and lovingly nurtures them and nurses them back to health.

As a former activist (and a politician), politics is among his top interests. He enjoys debating rivals of his, and once spent seven hours debating a communist on such issues as the economy, the environment, and womens' rights.

While moderate on most social issues, he is very conservative on the issue of abortion, and is 100% pro-life. He is, however, tolerant of gay marriage and gay adoption, and in fact has several close friends who are gay. To religious fundamentalists who attack him for this, he retorts, "Hate the sin, love the sinner."

He is also a high-ranking Freemason (Grand Inspector General [33rd degree]) of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

Among his hobbies are fishing (he is poor at it, but enjoys it greatly), reading (he reads voraciously, and finishes three or four books per day), films (particularly horror films), and travel (he has been to over fifty countries).