Guild of Saint Christopher

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Guild of Saint Christopher
Headquarters: No. 2 Merchant's Street, Martinique
Nationality: Sicinia Salis
Specialty: trading concerns
Storefront: None

The Guild of Saint Christopher is one of the oldest trading interests in Namura, and is the most powerful economic force in Sicinia Salis. Founded in 1465 C.E. as trading syndicate, it expanded quickly and today controls 70% of all shipping in the Gulf of Semantaria.

Similar to a franchise in its workings, the Guild has hundreds of contract ships and merchant interests. A ship captain of merchant will pay an initial membership fee into the Guild, and then pay 10% of all profits to the Guild along with a small monthly premium. In exchange the Guild grants tradign rights, insurance in case of cargo losses, and protection. The fact that the protection is from Guild-paid privateers is generally not remarked upon.

In addition to its clients, the Guild owns almost a score of large, well-armed merchant vessels called Guildsmen who take special cargo or passengers as well as the Royal Post. The Guild also keeps a fleet of almost 80 vessels to protect its interests, along with a large number of mercenary marines. The Guild maintains the largest private military force in the world.

The Guild is controlled by a ten-man Board of Directors, consisting of six Sicinians, two Borriads, an Avalyan and an Akaeian. The current chairman of the Guild is none other than the Premier of Sicinia Salis, Comte Peter du Chanaud, who makes sure the Guild always gets the most from Sicinian trading interests.