Xanthalian terminology

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With some Xanthalian terminology, simple dictionary translations of their Mirfakan names are inadequate. Following are selected Xanthalian terms and what they mean. For a more basic and extensive word list, see the Mirfakan entry.

General terms

Beyörö Tö Oĭdli Sord [Sord Exploration Fleet]: Small fleet, usually two Jĕl, two Bodemeä, and one Karĭn, in service charting new sords under the command of the Alphin. Five such fleets are currently in-service, and frequently operate beyond their normal range with coordinated resupply from other Xanthalian ships. Ships assigned to this duty run under the designation ‘BTOS’, and retain a unique serial number.

Dädaäks [normal space]: the dimension of space-time we generally live in; an infinitely large three-dimensional area with a consistent temporal flow.

Diskön bĕsfrädĭväl [international communication]: international transmissions are sent from Xanthal with the following address information:

  • Format
  • Carrier
  • Classification
  • Origin
  • Destination

Fräsäs [space-time bubble]: a spherical energy field created by a jĕnret fräsäsăl that allows three-dimensional objects to travel through fwäs without experiencing the severe spatial and temporal distortions natural to that realm. Anything that leaves the bubble without its own operational jĕnret fräsäsăl in fwäs will be instantaneously converted into energy and cease to exist.

Fwäs [planespace]: a dimension where space and time are distorted into a two-dimensional plane, allowing for incredibly fast travel relative to normal space for objects protected by a fräsäs. Fwäs is connected to dadeocks through naturally-occuring dimensional gateways called sords. Navigation in fwäs is next to impossible without a computer system specifically designed for the purpose.

Gäkö [substance fuel]: pure, liquid xenon.

Gol pötälos/leötkos [space-time fusion/separation]: fräsäse can join or separate in fwäs as long as there are two or more jĕnret fräsäsăle involved. In gol pötälos, two seperately-generated fräsäse make contact with one another and become a single fräsäs, its center focused around the largest mass in the fräsäse. When this occurs, the volume of the fräsäs naturally and instantaneously grows to approximately ten times the size of the combined volume of the independent fräsäse. Theoretically, this can be done with as many generators as desired. Gol pötälos is used primarily for formation flying in planespace and for battle between lighter vessels using energy weapons, which cannot be fired past the outer wall of a fräsäs. Gol leötkos is simply the reverse of gol pötälos; the separation of two or more fräsäse into individual fräsäse, which occurs naturally when a ship passes outside the perimeter of the combined fräsäs.

Seölĭte [axes]: the imaginary lines running through a ship that lay out cross-sections of its three dimensions.

  • Seölĭte rosal [x-axis]: port-starboard.
  • Seölĭte sosal [y-axis]: fore-aft.
  • Seölĭte tosal [z-axis]: dorsal-ventral.

Sord [space-time gate]: a two-dimensional rift in space-time that allows a properly-equipped vessel to transit between dadeocks and fwas. Usually found near areas of gravimetric distortion, such as solar systems and spatial anomalies. Though sords vary in size, they are usually between two and fifty kilometers in diameter. Sords are passive anomalies that do not significantly affect normal space or even register on most sensors unless actually used. Transit in and out of fwas is strictly regulated by a set time interval, during which only one type of transit is allowed.

Vĕş [antisubstance fuel]: pure, liquid xenon with its atomic electrical charges reversed.

Military terms

Yogoe jĭnĕl Läböläl [Labule alert statuses]

  • Yogodozvos käsnä [combat status one]:
    • Situations: hostilities imminent or in progress.
    • Systems: all offensive and defensive systems active and ready for combat.
    • Crew: all hands to stations. Observe battle rules.
  • Yogodozvos mätä [combat status two]:
    • Situations: hostilities expected or probable.
    • Systems: all defensive systems active, all offensive systems on standby.
    • Crew: all hands on alert, all primary personnel to stations.
  • Jĭnĕl totäl [general alert]:
    • Situations: any non-hostile encounters requiring increased alertness or on-duty personnel.
    • Systems: all sensor systems online, defensive systems on standby or online as situation may require.
    • Crew: exercise caution and diligence. All personnel on-call.
  • Yogo basäl [normal status]:
    • Situations: any normal operation not requiring increased alertness or defense.
    • Systems: combat systems offline, all others operating as situation may require.
    • Crew: standard duty shifts in practice.
  • Yogo tĕpärkäl [standby status]:
    • Situations: landed, docked, or adrift and performing passive operations only.
    • Systems: all control systems on standby, all active sensors and unused systems offline.
    • Crew: essential personnel only on duty, all other personnel on thirty-minute standby.
  • Jĭnĕl rĕm [evacuation alert]:
    • Situations: full-scale evacuation of facility or vessel.
    • Systems: all control systems to full automatic.
    • Crew: abandon posts and man escape vehicles; launch at discretion.
  • Jĭnĕl oken [intrusion alert]:
    • Situations: unauthorized person or object aboard.
    • Systems: all controls restricted to authorized access, internal defenses online. Self-destruct on five-minute command-deauthorized cycle.
    • Crew: all nonessential personnel defend essential personnel and systems.
  • Yogo känleos [docking/landing status]:
    • Situations: docking/landing procedures in effect.
    • Systems: fine control systems on full, alignment sensors online, docking/landing implements online.
    • Crew: exercise caution and diligence.
  • Jĭnĕl rĕgeos lănănäl [manual control alert]:
    • Situations: electronic attack or interference in use.
    • Systems: all systems set to manual control. Automatic control systems and remote receivers offline.
    • Crew: all hands utilize manual control, disregard unconfirmed computer instructions.

[Pläsĭntĕpe Köfäzăl Läböläl] Labule duty shifts

  • 0:00-3:40
  • 3:30-6:70
  • 6:60-10:00

Rĕgnäe [Ranks]

  • Grähälĕl: high officer and administrative director of the military at large, with full jurisdiction in the Labule. The power of this position is divided among the nation’s three Länălfĭne.
  • Frod: a temporary position to which a Bomowäs may be appointed by a Grähälĕl. A Frod acts as commanding Bomowäs when multiple fleets or ground regiments are working together. The authority of a Frod only extends to units specified by whoever appointed them.
  • Bomowäs: one presides over each fleet and regiment. Their authority is limited to their individual units, though they can temporarily take command of others if their Bomowäse are killed or otherwise rendered unable to command.
  • Mănowäs: one commands each starship, facility and ground battalion. Their authority is limited to their unit.
  • Mätsŭt: can hold one of three positions: second in command aboard a starship, commander of a minor vessel, or ground company leader.
  • Sĕnmon: one leads each department in a starship or facility and each ground squad.
  • Gönkäk: has completed basic military training for one or more positions, but has not been approved for command. Gönkäke serve as basic crewmembers and soldiers.
  • Jöĭn: has no military training and no real rank. Jöĭne are subordinate to all other levels of the chain of command and generally employed in staffing positions.

Yäzö Fäbrelăl Yönĕke Deväl [Special Weapons Development Facility]: a secret establishment known only in name beyond a few insiders and the highest levels of the Xanthalian government. Run by the Military alongside the Ministry of Science, the nature of YFYD’s operation, and even its location on Trasnia V’s outer moon, are a closely guarded secret.

Technological terms

Äpsa [ion engine]: Xanthalian sublight-speed travel is achieved primarily with the use of standard ion engines, accelerating charged Xenon atoms through exhaust ports to generate directional thrust. There are a wide array of designs, and the potential speed and acceleration of a vessel driven by the system varies based on the mass of the ship compared to the power of the engine(s).

Obkäs [artificial intelligence/computer]: Xanthalian AIs are not much more complex than Earth's early twenty-first century computers, though they are fairly modern in terms of speed. This lack of sophistication makes them unable to perform the complicated control tasks that can be delegated to advanced AIs, but the extensive hardwiring means that they are very difficult to sabotage. Because the Xanthalian military does not use them to control shipboard systems, they also make most forms of electronic warfare ineffective against Labule targets.

Gĕnş [substance/antisubstance reactor]: the primary electrical energy generator aboard most of Zănŧäl’s ships, the gĕnş mixes gäkö and vĕş in a controlled reaction chamber. The amount of energy output varies based on how much is combined in the reactor and how quickly the reactants are pumped in. Reactors can vary the flow of fuel into the reactor chamber to provide optimum energy output for any given situation.

Häksä [space-time mine]: the häksä is the Läböl's most powerful ship-to-ship weapon. Its large size is more than compensated for by its incredible ability. More fast, maneuverable, accurate, and powerful than most missiles and torpedoes, and equipped with its own space-time bubble generator, the biggest drawback of the hoksa is its limited availability, meaning their strategic use is essential to victory. Häkse can be reloaded in most military ports or by properly-equipped supply vessels.

  • Explosive yield: 200 megatons

Jĕnret fräsäsăl [space-time bubble generator]: jĕnret fräsäsăle generate the spherical space-time bubbles that allow vessels to travel safely through the severe spatial and temporal distortion of planespace. A relatively simple device in terms of hardware, it must be enlarged only fractionally compared to the volume of space it must enclose. Thanks to its small size, everything from the man-sized häksä to the largest starship can carry the generator aboard. Due to the nature of its design however, the generator must be an integrated system. Anything less than a perfectly installed generator will result in a heavy imbalance that will severely cripple a ship in planespace. Another feature of the jĕnret fräsäsăl is that the mass of the bubble it generates relative to the bubble's size has a strong impact on the speed at which a ship can travel through planespace. If more mass enters a bubble, or if the mass within it is unevenly distributed, the potential speed of the bubble will decrease exponentially. Frasas jenreet consume about 10 megawatts of energy for every cubic meter of frasas independently generated.

Länĕsbögä [armor]: the Labule uses duranium and tritanium alloy in constructing its hulls, and each class has a different thickness and overall strength of armor depending on how it is built.

  • Armor rating index:
    • 1: light outer hull design
    • 2: light to medium outer hull design
    • 3: medium to heavy outer hull design
    • 4: heavy outer hull design
    • 5: heavy outer hull design and reinforcement

Lĕnyöjö [antiproton cannon]: lenyujui are the most powerful of the Labule's energy weapons. The weapon fires a large stream of charged antiprotons at a target from a specially-designed rod, usually housed in a sealable compartment of a Labule starship or station, for one to three seconds. This stream is capable of dealing significant damage to enemy shields, or even overloading higher-capacity defense grids. The destructive antiprotons can literally impale an unshielded target with their beam. Primarily an offensive weapon, the lenyuju can also be used defensively, usually against tight formations of enemy projectiles or cluster weapons, which it can destroy completely in a single shot. The antiproton cannon has a very limited rate of fire, and will overload if used more than once every ten seconds.

  • Power rating index:
    • 1: 20 petawatts
    • 2: 40 petawatts
    • 3: 60 petawatts
    • 4: 80 petawatts
    • 5: 100 petawatts

Sönĕsböga [energy shield]: Xanthalian energy shields are of average quality, utilizing a modulated energy field to absorb the destructive energy of incoming attacks. Most effective in blocking beam weapons, they have limited ability to protect against explosive projectiles. The strength of the barrier is determined by the power of the projector, and more powerful projectors generally take up more space. Xanthalian energy shields must be maintained in a spherical form. Their modulation allows objects to leave the sphere, but not enter. As they absorb the energy of impacts, their energy drains accordingly.

  • Power rating index:
    • 1: 1 exajoule
    • 2: 2 exajoules
    • 3: 4 exajoules
    • 4: 8 exajoules
    • 5: 16 exajoules

Väk lĕnyö [laser cannon]: vok lenyu are of slightly less than average power for light ship-to-ship energy weapons, and can fire at a rate of two shots per second. Labule starships use burst fire laser cannons with highly accurate targeting systems to allow them to shoot down incoming projectiles such as missiles, torpedoes and mines. Not very effective against well-shielded targets, they can be used to help wear down an enemy in battle if not needed for defensive purposes.

  • Power rating index:
    • 1: 1 petawatt (industrial grade)
    • 2: 5 petawatts (defense grade)
    • 3: 10 petawatts (combat grade)
    • 4: 15 petawatts (offensive grade)
    • 5: 20 petawatts (assault grade)

Fun facts

Frelăn: The modern Mirfakan name for Trasnia’s sixth planet is actually the name “Freeland,” given to the world by its original English-speaking settlers. The absence of a terminal “d” in Mirfakan comes from many generations of widespread mispronunciation. Prior to Y.Z. 311, the Mirfakan dictionary still listed the proper spelling of the word as “Frelănd.”

Mĕgökögä: The Mirfakan name for Than’s fourth planet is a transliteration of its Old Xanthalian name: “[Land] blessed with poison.” The title is in reference to the atmosphere, unbreathable by many sentient species but perfect for the than, who were first to settle there. The planet’s Thanic name, “ֱֲֳֵָּּׁׂ,” defies pronunciation by most humanoids.

Rĕnkö: The Mirfakan name for Mirfak’s third planet is a transliteration of its Old Xanthalian name, meaning “New Purgatory.” This unfriendly-sounding epithet arguably has two origins: it can be thought of as a reference to the barren desert that characterized most of the planet before it was terraformed in Y.Z. 141, or as an artful description of the function it served prior to that time as an exile planet for Xanthal’s career criminals. Either way, the moniker has stuck despite the radical changes to that world since it was originally named.

Wäkemişö: The Mirfakan name for Than’s sixth planet is a transliteration of its Old Xanthalian name, which was a hodgepodge abbreviation for “World of the Great and Wise Insects.” This amusingly literal choice of terms obviously originates from the fact that it was the site of Xanthal’s first encounter with the bug-like than. The planet’s Thanic name, “ֱֻֿֿ,” defies pronunciation by most humanoids.