Iriyan Broadcast Service

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Iriyan Broadcast Service
Headquarters: Polonium, Dorval
Nationality: Iriyan Jaya
Specialty: Government News Agency

The Iriyan Broadcast Service (IBS) (Senet: Iriada Boromisiora Sabitsu) is the government-run radio news agency of Iriyan Jaya. Its government mandate is to provide an unbiased source of news and information in all languages of the Island to all corners of the Island. The motto of the IBS is Janal iakeniken janal (Nation shall speak unto nation). It is headquartered at Broadcast Tower, Polonium.


In 1954, amidst the chaos of the Iriyan Independence Wars, Shu-Mai and Lowland Shiriyu rebels took control of a shortwave radio station in Polonium. They then began to broadcast news from the South to the rest of the Island, naming themselves the IBS, jokingly adding on "World Service" for their non-existent global audience. The station, a 13 mW broadcaster, unexpectedly reached sites beyond the Island, and Islanders and non-Islanders alike were overjoyed to have an independent source of news.

After Independence, the station began to lose listeners as it turned to advertising dollars to finance its operations. It bought a station in Tukrook, Crown Free State in order to break into a new market, but this proved to be the final straw for the cash-strapped station and it filed for bankruptcy in 1973. In 1974, the Island Government bought out the station and transferred it to the Ministry of Culture, where, funded by tax dollars, it flourished. The IBS now owns over 240 stations and transmitters across Iriyan Jaya.

IBS World Service

The most famous station of the IBS is the IBS World Service, the international service of the IBS. It broadcasts from each of the three hubs of the IBS, Kirikeet, Tukrook, and Polonium. An independent marketing survey in 2001 estimated that over 170 million people worldwide listen to the IBS on a daily basis. The IBS broadcasts in Senet, Chalkyitol, Neal Gretch, Brigolian, Shritol, English and Pacitalian.

Programs include The Island Today, a newsmagazine about Island events; This Week in Women, a program highlighting the contribution of women to society, Global Newshour, a collection of stories from across the world, and Senet Sentence of the Day, a Senet language class.

The interval signal for the IBS is a stylized introduction to The Butterfly, and its ident phrase is "This is Tukrook/Kirikeet/Polonium calling - the IBS World Service".

National Stations

The IBS operates stations of a national focus from Tukrook:

  • IBS Radio One - hit music
  • 'IBS Two News - Senet language news and commentary
  • IBS Third Programme - classical and folk music

Provincial Stations

The IBS also operates stations aimed at each of the provinces of Iriyan Jaya:

Local Stations

FInally, the IBS has news stations in the major cities of Iriyan Jaya:

Cultural Impact

As the Island has been historically home to oral cultures, the IBS is the primary news source for the vast majority of Islanders. Radio signals from the IBS cover every corner of Iriyan Jaya without exception. Because of this presence, the IBS has been given nicknames like "Mother" and "Wind Radio". A popular saying goes, "An Islander needs three things to survive - a wool blanket for the elements, a fishing pole for food, and a radio for the IBS."

In spite of this dependence, many are growing increasingly suspect of the IBS's finances. In 2000, the IBS controversially bought a rebroadcaster near Lareina, the capitol of Brigolia, in order to improve the signal there. Outrage in the House of Senators caused the IBS to sell this back, only to purchase it again in 2003 when listeners complained again of the lack of signal strength in Brigolia.