History of Canada

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The Early Days

Much of the early history of the Region of Canada is sketchy.

It is known that the region was created by one of The True Domination's predecessor nations in late 2002. TD's predecessor nation was the sole member of the region in the early days. Eventually, TD's precedessor nation was abandoned while the number of nations in Canada remained at one. Sometime before the abandoned nation ceased to exist, other nations located to the region, unbeknownst to the TD's now extinct predecessor nation.

Pre 2004-Constitution Era

Six months after TD abandoned his first nation, the nation of The True Domination was created, and relocated to Canada. TD discovered that the previously sparse region that existed roughly six months earlier was now home to 175 nations, a recently created off-site forum, and lots of activity.

This offsite forum was created in early May, 2003. At the time of the forum's creation, there were 175 nations, which, by the end of June, 2003, had increased to 220 nations.

The earliest known delegate of the region was the People's Rep. of Taiga. Not much is known about Taiga's administration.

The Las Chupacabras Era

Sometime in April or May, 2003, The Peoples Republic of Las Chupacabras took over as delegate from Taiga. "Chups", as he was called, enjoyed two terms as Delegate. It was under his leadership that the first constitution and elections took place in the region. At the time, the region adopted an ambitious constitution with a very large cabinet and comparatively complex structure.

Initial elections of the Pre 2004-Constitution Era took place on May 30, 2003. The Results were as follows:

Prime Minister- Las Chupacabras
Attorney-General - The Maple Leafs Rule
Solicitor-General- The Mighty Mof
Minister of Defence- Christopholous
Minister of Finance- Headpiece
Minister of Foreign Affairs- Razamanaz
Minister of the Environment- Eel Cezno (bob)
Minister of Immigration- Eternal Abyss
Minister of Industry- Aarondia
Minister of Agriculture- Kamloopa
Minister of Health-Canadistan
National Librarian-Slis
Leader of the Opposition- GoNadsGo
Speaker of the House- Heywoodjablowme

Early diplomatic relationships also were forged, with the regions of Africa and Canada setting up embassies in each others regions. An intelligence service was created, called the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service ("CSIS"). However, it failed to get off the ground and was eventually abandoned.

Summer 2003

With Las Chupacabras unable to devote his attention to the region as he once did, in the summer of 2003, True Domination came on the scene and took over the region from Las Chupacabras in late July. True Domination was in power for a few weeks, before going on a voluntary self-imposed international assignment to the Rejected Realms.

With True Domination on sabbatical, Las Chupacabras briefly took over again. Elections took place in August, with the following results:

Prime Minister (none elected)
Minister of the Environment: Eel Cezno (bob)
Minister of Agriculture and Deserts: Kamloopa
Ministry of Defence: Christopholous
Ministry of Music: Jakeman

Late Summer Power Vacuum

In Late August 2003, as the number of nations dipped to below 200, a power struggle occurred with respect to the UN Delegate position. At one point, the region had an unprecedented three Delegates in three days. Las Chupacabras, the recently returned True Domination and The Queendom of Tofiti all had a turn as delegate in that three day period. Also, Razamanaz came one endorsement shy of gaining the delegacy during that time.

The True Domination Era

Eventually, the power struggle was ultimately resolved when True Domination succeeded in securing enough endorsements to become the unchallenged Delegate. As a result of the late August power vacuum, coupled with the sudden decline in regional membership, the elected and constitutional institutions put in place by Las Chupacabras slowly deteriorated. Also, diplomatic relationships with the region of Africa unfortunately ceased.

In December, 2003, near the end of True Domination’s regime, consultations began to remedy this situation. Consultations occurred within the region to canvass the member nations about re-establishing a government and a new constitution. With the participation of several member nations, it was determined that support existed for elections, and work began on a new draft constitution to facilitate new elections.

The Vancouver Crisis

True Domination’s second term was marked by Canada’s increased participation in international events. In early December, 2003, Canada assisted the region of Vancouver in repelling invaders from the region of Luxembourg. The invaders had taken over Canada’s allies in Vancouver by installing a hostile UN Delegate. Within 24 hours, Canada’s participation in a counter-offensive helped restore the rightful delegate of Vancouver in his position, and allowed their democratically elected government to be re-installed.

The Dogs of War

The Vancouver experience was the catalyst behind True Domination’s Dogs of War alliance, a home grown alliance aimed at having a readily available fighting force to aid democratic regions under attack by non-democratic invaders. The framework of the DoW alliance was put in place by True Domination. The DoW transformed itself into Canada's military wing under the guidance of Carbanousa in the year 2004.


Another legacy of True Domination’s second term was a proliferation of Diplomacy, aided by Bweezystan. With True Domination’s blessing, Bweezystan established an embassy in Portugal (with Portugal establishing an embassy in Canada). Further, diplomatic ties were forged with the region of Urbanites, a region with similar aims to Canada’s DoW alliance, and also with the region of the South Pacific.

Coinciding with these initiatives was a spike in the Region's population, which hit 250 nations in December, 2003.

Assistance to the South Pacific

Late in True Domination’s second term as Delegate in early January, 2004, a coup attempt in the South Pacific, led by allies of Franco of the Pacific (the greatest dictator in the history of Nation States) was stymied in part with the help of a small UN delegation sent by Canada. Led by Boards of Canada, the Canadian delegation helped the democratic regime in the South Pacific withstand the hostile take-over attempt. The South Pacific sent the region of Canada many thanks for its assistance in the crisis. As a result of his leadership in the crisis, Boards of Canada was named official Canadian contact to the South Pacific.

2004-Constitution Era

On January 11, 2004, after much consultation, a referendum was commenced to adopt a new constitution as a precursor to new elections.

The Bweezystan Era Constitutional Reform and Election Campaign On January 13, 2004, True Domination stepped aside and allowed Bweezystan to take over as delegate. Three days into the Bweezystan era, Canada's new Constitution was approved in a Referendum, by a vote of 20-0. Elections were immediately called for February 5-8, 2004. In the first week of the election campaign, the Canadian population hit a new record, peaking at 258 nations, and then hit a peak of 268 nations the following week. Also, concurrently with the election campaign, the Forums were completely overhauled, so as to allow for better communication.

Crisis in Alberta In the final week of January, 2004, the neighbouring region of Alberta was embroiled in turmoil as two conflicting factions vyed for control of the region's Delegacy. Eventually, invaders from four different regions were drawn into Alberta, sending the region into chaos. Some refugees came to Canada from Alberta on a temporary basis during the power struggle.

Canada was drawn into the conflict by request of both sides to help mediate a settlement and assist the region's return to democratic rule. After some tense diplomatic exchanges, Bweezystan was eventually accepted by Alberta as a special consultant to assist in restoring order, appointing a neutral party to the delegacy on in interim basis and laying the groundwork for a democratically elected government in the region. The Six Point "Bweezystan Plan" was put forth in order to restore democracy. Aided in part by this framework, Alberta's many factions eventually set aside their differences, and emerged into a (temporary) solid and stable democracy of 50 nations.

Bilingualism As an olive branch to a few francophones in the region, a bilingual forum was created in the final week of January. It was hoped that this would increase participation of francophones in the region, and durther promote the region's linguistic heritage and diversity.

The First Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded on February 8, 2004, with the following results: Minister of Regional Affairs: Checkers McDog Minister of Jusice: Micon Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Dunefish Minister of Foreign Affairs: Hudson Bay Minister of Defence: Boardz Prime Minister/Delegate: Bweezy

The new government attempted to address a few controversial issues, including the issue of installing a founder. For logistical reasons, the founder idea was soon abandoned.

The Cabinet approved some constitutional amendments designed at making the mechanisms of the constitution work better, which were adopted by a vote of 17-0 in a referendum ending February 26, 2004.

That same day, Hudson Bay resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Meanwhile, Boardz, the Minister of Defence, was officially declared "Missing". Canadiiya took Hudson Bay's place ast MFA, while Cabinet slowly went about finding an interim replacment for the suddenly missing Boardz. Eventually, Boardz' friend Carbanousa was chosen as his successor.

The ChickenPants Crisis The evening of February 28 saw an unlikely international incident pop up when it was learned that a nation called "ChickenPants" proposed, at the UN, that all Canadians be rounded up and put in concentration camps. ChickenPants was a member of the South Pacific region. Prime Minister Bweezy asked the South Pacific's delegate to look into it, and also sent a message to the SP ambassador in Canada.

What ensued was a class in how not to conduct international relations. The episode escalated from a simple request to a full international episode with mounting hostilities between Canada and the SP. Clearly, there was a personality clash between Prime Minister Bweezy and the Promise of Joshua, the ambassador from the SP. Promise of Joshua eventually resigned as ambassador over the conflict.

With continued relations with the South Pacific hanging in the balance, and Prime Minister Bweezy publicly calling for an immediate break in relations with the SP, Minister of Regional Affairs Checkers McDog and Minister of Foreign Affairs Canadiiya steared Cabinet into a path of peace and continued international relations and diplomacy with the South Pacific.

In a post episode Audit, Prime Minister Bweezy placed some of the blame for the incident on his own poor choice of words and short temper, concluding that this was a contributing factor to an already tense situation.

In the end, it was determined that diplomatic relations between the regions continue, and ChickenPants left the South Pacific before ejection procedures were able to be put in place by the SP.

A new era is announced In the midst of the ChickenPants crisis, Prime Minister Bweezy announced that he planned to step down as Prime Minister on March 29th, 2004. He would set up the election campaign for the April elections, then leave Canada for 24 hours, allowing his endorsements to be wiped clean, and allowing a new delegate to take over as Prime Minister.

Bweezy's reasons for leaving were rooted in his conclusion that he had set out to write a constitution, form a government, and get the region active. With that objective more or less completed, and with no enthusiasm or new ideas for the region, Bweezy felt it would soon be time for him to step down, and keep the leadership of the region fresh and free of stagnation. In truth, Bweezy admitted that being Prime Minister was hard work, and that two months on the job was enough for him.

Active Recruitment In the third week of March, Cabinet undertook an impromptu, ambitious and highly successful recruiting campaign. The first stage consisted of visiting the six largest regions (the five pacific birth regions and the Rejected Realms) and targeting nations with Canadian traits with telegrams, letting them know of Canada's existence.

The second stage consisted of constructing a "roving billboard nation" called "Visit Canada" which would be sent through various nations as a signal that Canada was active, with hopes of generating foreign interest in the region.

The recruitment drive caused Canada's population to increase by three dozen nations in only three days, pushing the total population to an all-time high of 308 nations (there were 266 when the recruiting drive began). 7 days after the drive started, Canada was at 328 nations.

Trouble in the British Isles On March 22, 2004, it was learned that a group affiliated with the region of Ireland had overtaken both the regions of Northern Ireland and the UK. THe region of England felt threatened and sought support to launch a counterstrike to "liberate" the region of the UK. Upon hearing of the conflict, Canada assumed its usual role as a neutral nation, and Prime Minister Bweezy immediately openned dialogue with the Irish delegate, Bohola.

In the meantime, the English decided to erroneously public state that Canada was its ally and was committing forces for a UK invasion.

This sent Prime Minister Bweezy into a vintage tirade, where he openly criticized England, its Delegate His Majesty, and restated Canada's neutrality.

During the conflict, due to national security concerns, Canada's Military wing, the Dogs of War, officially declared a Red Alert status for the first time in its history. The Red Alert was short lived however.

Happily, eventually all sides were able to negotiate an Irish withdrawal from the UK.

As a result of this conflict, Canada and England agreed to open embassies in each other's regions. Canada also offered Ireland the same opportunity to exchange ambassadors.

The Checkers McDog Era On March 28, 2004, Bweezystan stepped aside, and at 5:00 a.m. March 29, 2004, Checkers McDog became the new Prime Minister and Delegate. Saskatoon Saskatchewan became the new Minister of Regional Affairs, as Checkers had to resign this position when she became Prime Minister.

Another SP Crisis As the transfer of power was taking place, another crisis took place involving the South Pacific.

It was learned that a nation named New Canamerica gained access to CIA documents, and then moved to the South Pacific. Tense moments ensued with fingers pointing between key actors between the two regions.

At one point, several SP operatives came into Canada, including three SP Cabinet Ministers, including the Secretaries of Intelligence and Defence. This prompted Bweezy, who was no longer a Cabinet minister, to throw his third hissy fit in four weeks, this time leaving the region in protest for 29 hours.

In response, Prime Minister Checkers McDog and her cabinet asked all SP personnel to leave Canada. They complied. Soon, high ranking official from the SP and Canada cooperated in finding the culprit. After a lengthy investigation which included sharing inteligence between the regions, It was discovered the New Canamerica had over a half dozen aliases in both regions. Ultimately, Lexwolf, a former high ranking member of the 10000 Islands region, was fingered as the puppet master who concocted the scheme. Motive was never made entirely clear, though it was thought that Lexwolf's aim was to further destabilize South Pacific - Canada relations. Lexwolf, New Canamerica and all allied puppets were ejected from the region after New Canamerica failed to deny the accusations against it.

After the crisis subsided, Canadian and South Pacific representatives were once again allowed to travel through each other's regions.

Pan Canadian Tour Bweezystan, now a private citizen, embarked on a tour of Canadian themed regions. The tour started off amidst much fanfare in Alberta. Two speaches were given, and Alberta consented to being the first region to join the proposed Pan Canadian Community - a multi-regional community hosted in Canada that was meant to facilitate communication between Canadian themed regions. However, the initial successes resulted in nothing but failures after that point. In the middle of the SP crisis, and after many failures in getting any interest in other Canadian themed regions, Bweezy abandoned the tour. Only Alberta and Saskatchewan showed interest in joining the PCC to that point, and neither bothered to christen the forums that were started for them in Canada.

The second Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era April 8-11, new elections were held, with the following results:

Minister of Regional Affairs - Bweezy Minister of Defence - Carbanousa Minister of Justice - Micon Minister of Foreign Affairs - Candia Minister of Doughnuts and Beer - The Cretonians

These five joined Checkers McDog into Cabinet. This featured the first election where all 5 positions were contested, showing maturity in the region's electoral and political system. A week after this Cabinet was sworn in, Canada's population hit an all-time high of 355 nations.

Parliamentary Innovations Early in the April-May term, Cabinet made several innovation that were designed to expand the democratic nature of the region. The Cabinet Disclosure Law was passed, fulfilling the campaign promise that won Bweezy the hotly contested Minister of Regional Affairs race over Saskatoon Saskatchewan. The Law forced Cabinet to release weekly reports to the public over its activites. This innovation was designed to create more governmental accountability, increased disclosure with citizens, and an increase in interest in regional politics. The law also had built-in mechanisms to temporarily protect sensitive information from disclosure.

Simultaneously, Cabinet openned the House of Commons. Intended as a place where non-government members could hold Cabinet to account by questioning their activities (as outlined by the Cabinet Reports), it also gave rise to Canada's first political parties. Within two weeks, four parties had been founded.

Thirdly, Canada's first ever Dispute Resolution law was passed, giving Canadians clear guidelines as to how disputes will be investigated and adjudicated.

Fourthly, a Conflict of Interest Law was passed, forcing anyone with a position with another government to disclose it, or face suspension from government.

Cabinet also commissioned Mr. Popo to be the Cartographer of Canada, who created Canada's first official map.

Cabinet Resignations There was much unexpected turnover during this term of government. The Cretonians, the Minister of Doughnuts and Beer, resigned abruptly two weeks into the term, citing concern over the Cabinet Disclosure Law. Ess was elevated to Cabinet in place of The Cretonians.

Meanwhile, in Foreign Affairs, Candia resigned and moved to the region of Zamboni. Zephyr Winds took over, then resigned, followed by Maikainzilion, who similarly took the position and quickly resigned. At the end of May, Beaver Country Canada took over the position, and appointed Horny Little Monkeys as her deputy. Bweezy offered to assist the ministry and provide some stability by creating the position of special ambassadorial coordinator.

Bweezy resigned as Minister of Regional Affairs following his suspension caused during the Nintendo Emerates affair. Drunken Hosers took over as his replacement.

New Diplomatic Ties Canada opened diplomatic ties with China early in May, and entered into talks with 10000 Islands about an exchange of ambassadors at the end of May, 2004. Similarly, Canada entered into talks with Western Europe exploring the possibility of establishing diplomatic ties. After much discussion, embassies were opened and staffed for both regions in June, 2003.

TITO Exercise At the beginning of May, Bweezy participated in a Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO) defensive exercise in the regions of Abbey Road and Minnesota. The exercise was typical of what TITO normally does (defending regions under attack) and brought home to Canada the tremendous organization required to successfully defend another region.

Canadian Sporting Agency Ess, the Minister of Doughnuts and Beer, created the Canadian Sporting Agency in mid-May, with the hopes that such an Agency would eventually create a region wide RP hockey league. Ishkebible was named CSA president.

Nintendo Emerates Incident Also in Mid-May, 2004, a rogue Alberta nation called Nintendo Emerates attacked and flamed Prime Minister Checkers McDog. When Alberta refused to appologize for the action, refused to control its members, and gave Canada veiled threats, Canada broke off all ties with Alberta, and suspended access to these boards of non-resident Alberta nations. Due to a conflict of interest (as an Alberta resident nation), Oilers Fan had to resign as Deputy Minister of Defence.

In the aftermath, it was learned that Bweezy sent a very angry and rude telegram to Nintento Emerates, which breached board guidelines. As such, he was suspended from government for five days as punishment.

IM2, Delegate of Alberta, exacerbated the conflict by calling Canadians "Whack Jobs" and harassing certain members via telegram. As such, most accounts of Alberta based nations were disabled for a cooling off period.

Pr0g Incident Contemporaneously with the Nintendo Emerates incident, it was learned that a North Pacific resident nation posted a UN resolution asking that all Canadians be shot. After a complaint was filed, the North Pacific took swift and decisive action within its region to express its disgust and implement procedures to ensure that such an event would not happen again.

UN Vote Rigging A pair of nations that were controlled by the same person were seen to vote on a UN poll, one of which was no longer resident in Canada. The voting had no effect on the outcome of the poll, but changes were proposed to legislation as a result of the incident.

The Third Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era June 13th saw the end of an election campaign in which the following were either elected or acclaimed:

Minister of Regional Affairs: Drunken Hosers Minister of Defence: Carbanousa Minister of Justice: Micon Minister of Foreign Affairs: Beaver-Country-Canada Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Ess

They joined Checkers McDog, the sitting delegate and Prime Minister in the third Parliament of the New Constitutional Era. All the positions were uncontested, with the exception of the race for Minister of Justice, where Micon defeated Bob and St. Lawrence.

Also, concurrently, a vote was held on amending the constitution. The amendments dealt with making provisions related to UN vote fraud clearer, and imposing a time limit for announcing your intention to run for office The amendments were adopted by a landslide.

Roleplay Guidelines Based in part on the urging of Mr. Popo, Roleplayer extraordinaire, Cabinet put together a set of roleplay guidelines at the end of June, 2004. This was set up to advance the cause of roleplaying in the region, which was a noted area of weakness in Canada.

Amendment of Legislation The Conflict of Interest Guidelines were amended in order to more specifically address issues related to "threats to regional security".

Population Trends With the summer approaching, the region took its normal dip in population, dropping to 290 nations in early July. Conversely, Checkers McDog became the strongest Delegate in the history of the region by amassing 78 endorsements.

Alberta USSB replaced IM2 as delegate of Alberta. Immediately thereafter, USSB attempted to re-open ties with Canada. Much heated discussion ensued, with no change in status having been consented to by Canada. IM2 then unexpectedly took over as delegate again, thereby terminating all discussion with respect to further normalization of relations between the two regions.

The North Pacific and East Pacific In late June, 2004, the North Pacific delegacy was taken over by a NPO sleeper agent named UPS Rail. The NPO (New Pacific Order) is based out of The Pacific, and is known for its undemocratic tendencies. At the same time, the East Pacific's long standing delegate announced that he too was allying his region under the NPO umbrella.

In a quick series of events, the NPO delegate of the North Pacific ejected several long standing nations of the North Pacific, consolidated his power and then became angered by Francos of Spain, NPO delegate of the Pacific, and abdicated. This left the North Pacific with a non-NPO but totally unknown delegate.

Canada watched the skirmish from afar, without official involvement, though a few nations were told that they were free to travel to the North Pacific and aid Canada's old friend, Blackshear.

A group of rebels, led by the Alliance Defence Network and the Allied Liberation League hatched a plan to use a coding weakness to overthrow the illegitimate North Pacific government. Certain citizens in Canada were appalled at the precedent such action was setting, causing ADN heavyweights Kandarin, Crazy Girl and Ananke to visit Canada and attempt to calm fears. In the end, "Operation Puppet Master", as it was known, was a success, and the North Pacific quickly returned to its pre-invasion status.

Press Network Canada established a Press Network within its borders, used primarily to report on internal matters, and occasionally draft new stories for distribution in other regions.

Population Growth Canada undertook a massive immigration campaigned that saw the region become the tenth largest region in the world, and fourth largest user created region, topping out at over 550 nations.

Trouble in Tempest Canada was offered diplomatic ties with the region of Tempest. Canada tentitavely accepted. However, before any embassies could be opened, the government of Tempest was toppled, thereby putting an end to all talk of diplomatic ties. Also, the region became alligned with the region of utopiafootball, which threatened to invade Canada. The region of utopiafootall was an international light weight, and no attack on region was ever launched (or if it was, it was so feeble that no one noticed)

First Canadian Olympiad The first ever Canadian Regional Olympics were held. Here are the final results: Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total Amikdom 16 20 16 52 Kana Da 10 17 23 50 Micon 22 14 13 49 Checkers McDog 18 18 13 49 Esselldee 15 12 21 48 Scanada 18 14 15 47 Blackshear 12 15 16 43 Boreal Tundra 14 15 12 41 The USSB 13 12 16 41 Drunken Kanadians 14 13 13 40 Bweezystan 10 12 18 40 Batiara 17 12 10 39 Plebiland 14 14 10 38 Redundancia 9 18 8 35 Sankaar 10 7 7 24 Eel Cezno 5 2 5 12 Jessicia 3 5 4 12

The Fourth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded August 17, 2004, and unanimously returned an unchanged slate to government.

Minister of Regional Affairs: Drunken Hosers Minister of Defence: Carbanousa Minister of Justice: Micon Minister of Foreign Affairs: Beaver-Country-Canada Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Ess

Diplomacy in South America The region of South America offered to open ties with Canada. Canada agreed and the regions exchanged ambassadors.

New Government Positions In order to facilitate the growth in the Press and Roleplay sectors, Cabinet created two more governmental positions: Press Secretary and Role Play Coordinator.

The Death of the NPO and Rise of the PRP In August, 2004, the very core of the nationstates world was shaken when Francos Spain, leader of the NPO, left the game (some say he died, others say this was a hoax and he simply left the game). This caused a massive reorganization in the Pacific, whereby the NPO was officially scrapped and replaced by the Peoples Republic of the Pacific. On paper, the PRP appeared more democratic, though many of the NPO's leaders were also leading the PRP. The PRP attempted to end its international isolation in earnest and reached out to many regions, including Canada.

While regions such as the South Pacific, the North Pacific, the West Pacific and the Allied States of Euroislanders consented to opening diplomatic ties, Canada hesitated. Some non-government members challenged the PRP to open its forums to full disclosure as proof it did not have the same hidden agenda as the NPO. the PRP was further challenged to be more honest about its hand in a few attempted coups in other Pacific regions. The PRP refused answer to demands that it open its forums to prove its trustworthiness, and therefore negotiations at exchanging ambassadors abruptly failed.

The Proletariat Coaltion The Proletariat Coalition, a left leaning region, offered to open diplomatic ties with Canada. The offer was accepted and ambassadors were exchanged.

Regional Web Page Mr. Popo created a Regional Web Page for the region, making Canada one of the few regions with their own webpage and forums.

Guest Viewing Permissions Canada changed permissions on its boards, allowing non-registered persons to visit the forums. This was viewed as an attempt to make the positive aspects of Canada to be more easily accessible, and further acted as an olive branch to the rest of the world, showing the Canada was free and open to all.

Carbanousa's Fleeting moment of Glory On September 27, 2004, due to an unforeseen computer glitch, Carbanousa became delegate for 8 hours. The glitch was fixed quickly, returning Checkers McDog to power after a short period in the opposition benches.

Red Liberty Alliance Canada's trusted diplomatic allies, the Proletariat Coalition, offered Canada a seat in the diplomatic wing of the Red Liberty Alliance. The RLA was a multi-regional diplomatic discussion group restricted to left-wing regions. Though very tempted by the offer, Canada declined as the region is officially a multi-ideological region, and therefore not necessarily a good fit with the RLA.

The Fifth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded October 17, 2004, and elected the following cabinet. Minister of Regional Affairs: Drunken Hosers Minister of Defence: Carbanousa Minister of Justice: Oilers Fans Minister of Foreign Affairs: Beaver-Country-Canada Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Kana da

In the closest race in history, Drunken Hosers defeated Redundancies 9-8. Ess and Micon each stepped aside, allowing Kana da and Oilers Fans to enter cabinet.

Allied States of Euroislanders The Allied States of Euroislanders sent a representative to Canada, who liked what he saw. An offer of diplomatic ties was made, and was accepted by Canada. Ambassadors were exchanged.

The West Pacific Canada had a few nations in the West Pacific, scouting out this "superregion". Its representatives liked what they saw, and offered to open ties with the West Pacific. The West Pacific agreed, and ambassadors were exchanged.

The New Meritocracy The New Meritocracy sent some representatives to the region to investigate the possibility of diplomatic ties. Canada seemed very impressed with the highly advanced nature of the New Meritocracy and its unique and detailed governing systems. Canada did have a concern about the interpretation of TNM's ambassadorial oath, which was communicated to TNM for its response.

Kana da resigns Citing a failure to live up to campaign promises, and a desire to remove herself from a position of responsibility, Kana da resigned from the position of Minister of Doughnuts and Beer. Deputy MoDB Redundancies assumed the position on November 26th, 2004.

Roleplay Rules MrPopo drafted a set of rules for role playing within the Canada region. After a public vote and Cabinet approval, these rules were enacted on November 17th, 2004.

Constitutional Amendment Oilers Fans proposed an amendment to the Constitution to clarify the wording of the section that restricts individuals to a single Cabinet position, to specify "whether it be under different nation names or not". This amendment was approved in a public vote by a count of 16 to 1 and was enacted December 2, 2004.

Northern Ireland The Northern Ireland region requested diplomatic ties to Canada. After a discussion by Cabinet, it was decided to send a representative rather than opening an embassy right away.

Inactive Embassies In early December of 2004, Canada closed the embassies for China and South America, as both regions had been inactive in their diplomatic ties for some time.

December 2004 Elections The December elections were held late due to an error made by Minister of Regional Affairs Drunken Hosers. A vote was brought to the people to delay the elections, and it was decided that it was within the Constitution to hold the elections on December 30th-January 2nd, so they were held then. Drunken Hosers initially announced his resignation due to the error, but was convinced by Prime Ministress Checkers McDog to serve the remainder of his term.

The Sixth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded January 2, 2005, and elected the following cabinet. Minister of Regional Affairs: Saskatoon Saskatchewan Minister of Defence: Carbanousa Minister of Justice: Oilers Fans Minister of Foreign Affairs: Beaver-Country-Canada Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Redundancies

Nasicournia, North Pacific, Equilism The regions of Equilism, Nasicournia and North Pacific offered to open ties with Canada. Canada agreed and the regions exchanged ambassadors.

Western Europe Diplomatic Inactivity In mid-January of 2005, Canada closed the embassy to Western Europe with their blessing, as the Western Europe region had ceased to be a player in the international community.

The Seventh Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded February 27, 2005, and elected the following cabinet. Minister of Regional Affairs: Saskatoon Saskatchewan Minister of Defence: Carbanousa (acclaimed) Minister of Justice: Hudson Bay Minister of Foreign Affairs: Beaver-Country-Canada Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Redundancies

TSP incident A volatile international incident erupted in March of 2005 when a member of the South Pacific proposed changes to their laws regarding delegate succession and requested that a delegate challenger, Implied Mercenaries, be removed from consideration by a vote of no confidence. The subject was hotly debated between members of Canada and TSP but was eventually calmed when the proposals were rejected.

Ejection of Nationalist Canadians and Chris God In early April 2005, the nations of Nationalist Canadians and Chris God were ejected and banned from the region of Canada for insensitive remarks about French-speakers and separatists.

The Eighth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded April 24, 2005, and elected the following cabinet. Minister of Regional Affairs - Daemon (acclaimed) Minister of Defence - Carbanousa Minister of Justice - Hudson Bay (acclaimed) Minister of Foreign Affairs - Beaver-Country-Canada (acclaimed) Minister of Doughnuts and Beer - Redundancies (acclaimed)

TableLand Embassy The region of The TableLand offered to open ties with Canada. Canada agreed and the regions exchanged ambassadors.

Board Upgrades In an effort spearheaded by MoJ Hudson Bay, the board was altered to be more Canadian: the color scheme of the buttons and images was changed to a red-and-gold scheme; the post level pips were updated to be gold boxes and maple leaves, the latter for high-volume posters; and various "Easter egg" pips were introduced for post counts matching significant numbers, such as 42 or 1867.

Bweezystan ceases to exist The nation of Bweezystan ceased to exist on May 13th, 2005. This is significant as Bweezy was a driving force behind the adption of Canada's current government system. The man behind the nation has since returned to visit the region.

Additional amendments to the Constitution In early June 2005, the following two amendments were passed:

   * The seven-day mandate for choosing a Deputy Minister was relaxed, with the wording altered to "as soon as possible". This allows flexibility in the case where no one volunteers for a Deputy position.
   * The election period for Ministers was standardized to be once every three months and to take place in the end of March, June, September and December.

Diplomatic Standards In early June 2005, the Cabinet of Canada voted to enact a set of guidelines upon which to build diplomatic relations. The goal was to standardize the way Canada dealt with other regions and to specify which types of regions would be best suited for an exchange of ambassadors.

The Ninth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded July 3, 2005, and elected the following cabinet.

Minister of Regional Affairs - Daemon (acclaimed) Minister of Defence - Carbanousa (acclaimed) Minister of Justice - Parrrrtay Minister of Foreign Affairs - Judith Gap Minister of Doughnuts and Beer - Redundancies (acclaimed)

The Village With a demand for what was deemed "social RP", Canada opened up The Village, a forum where the board members could hang out and socialize. With restaurants, shops of every type and the ever-popular Bweezy Oracle, there is much to do in the Village.

Q102 In early August 2005, Canada and Q102 opened diplomatic ties with one another. A gala celebration was subsequently had.

Daemon resigns Citing a sense of having let down the voters on his election platform, Daemon resigned as Minister of Regional Affairs in mid-August 2005. His deputy Kana Da assumed the post shortly thereafter.

Public Recall of Canadian Ministers Cabinet ratified a law discussing the process for the public to recall a Minister they felt was not performing their duties properly. As soon as the law was passed, it was contested by some of the citizens. Cabinet then returned to work on revising the law to fit the current law structure.

Texas In late August 2005, Canada and Texas opened diplomatic ties with one another. An unrelated barbeque was held in the Village.

The Tenth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded October 2nd, 2005, and elected the following cabinet.

Minister of Regional Affairs - canada6 Minister of Defence - Carbanousa (acclaimed) Minister of Justice - hudson bay Minister of Foreign Affairs - Judith Gap (acclaimed) Minister of Doughnuts and Beer - Where Are the CBs

Two New Amendments The Constitution was amended twice in early October 2005, for the following changes:

   * The formatting and grammar were cleaned up.
   * The Minister of Defence was granted administrative powers on the board.
   * The amended Recall procedures were added.

Where Are the CBs leaves office In mid-October 2005, Where are the CBs was absent for two weeks, prompting his deputy Redundancies to be elevated to Minister of Doughnuts and Beer.

Vote of Confidence for the PM In late October 2005, the Constitution was amended to include a vote of confidence to give the UN Delegate/Prime Minister administrative powers on the forum.

Hyrule In early November 2005, Canada opened an embassy with the Hyrule region. No Rupees were required to change hands.

Deputy Minister Elevation law In early November 2005, the Constitution was amended again to speficy the process involved when a Minister vacates his or her position and the Deputy is elevated to the Cabinet position. This process includes a vote of confidence for the new Minister.

TSP and espionage In early December 2005, a debate centered around concerns with possible espionage was begun, with particular focus on the South Pacific. Because of this debate, Hudson Bay resigned as Minister of Justice. Deputy Parrrrtay was elevated to interim Minister and received a vote of confidence to make the promotion permanent for the duration of the term.

New Delegate In mid-December 2005, Checkers McDog stepped down as Delegate/PM. Carbanousa was elected as the new delegate, causing him to resign from his position as Minister of Defence. His Deputy, Liarg, was elevated to Minister. Both individuals received their necessary votes of confidence following the promotions.

United Federation of Planets In mid-December 2005, Canada opened up an embassy to the United Federation of Planets. This promised to help relations with Klingons and Romulans.

The Eleventh Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded December 31st, 2005, and elected the following cabinet.

Prime Minister/Delegate: Carbanousa (passed vote of confidence) Minister of Regional Affairs: 4:20 Celebrants (acclaimed) Minister of Defence: Daemon (acclaimed) Minister of Justice: Parrrrtay (acclaimed) Minister of Foreign Affairs: Judith Gap (acclaimed) Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: NoFunNinjas

Replacement of CIA and DoW In early January 2006, Cabinet decided to streamline the Defence department. This was accomplished by shutting down the Canadian Intelligence Agency and the Dogs of War alliance, and replacing them with a single entity known as the Canadian Regional Defence Force.

Realignment of Embassies In mid-January 2006, the embassies for The West Pacific and the United Federation of Planets were closed as it was determined that they no longer fit the diplomatic standards that Canada had set forth.

In the same time frame, Canada was approached to open embassies with the regions of Great Britian And Ireland, and Europa. Canada agreed to a diplomatic exchange with these two regions.

New forum permission masks Over the month of January 2006, Cabinet created additional forum masks to better identify how different members were aligned with the region. These included designations for Ambassadors, Visiting Digintaries, and Deputy Ministers.

NoFunNinjas resigns In early Februarry 2006, NonFunNinjas resigned from the post of Minister of Doughnuts and Beer. His deputy Omnivorous took over the ministerial position following a vote of confidence.

Lieralia Embassy opened In mid-February, Canada and Liberalia created formal ties with each other and an embassy was opened in Canada's forum.

Constitutional Amendment The Constitution was amended in mid-February 2006 to include a Vote of Confidence for an appointed Deputy Minister. This would eliminate the need for a Vote of Confidence in the event that the Deputy had to be elevated to Minister. Additionally, the Amending Formula was updated to allow Cabinet to change spelling, grammatical, typographical, or punctuation errors in the document without requiring approval from the region.

Forum Updates and Merges In mid-February 2006, the Citizen's Voice and House of Commons subforums were merged into one forum as it was determined that the two served similar functions. Also, the UN subforums were merged into one for obvious reasons.

Update to the Conflict of Interest Guidelines Realizing that the CIA and DoW had been disbanded in favor of the CRDF, the wording of the Conflict of Interest Guildelines was altered in late February 2006 to include "CRDF soldier" as a possible Canadian equivalent to an outside position that must be publicly disclosed.

Omnivorous replaced as Minister In late February 2006, Omnivorous was involved in an accident which left him temporarily unable to fulfill his duties as Minister of Doughnuts and Beer. His position was handed over to his deputy Redundancies for the balance of the term.

Judith Gap resigns In early March 2006, Judith Gap resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs. With no deputy, Cabinet seacrhed for a willing replacement, and King_Girl volunteered. Cabinet unanimously approved her as the new Minister.

Another Amendment The Constitution was amended in mid-March 2006 to require a Vote of Confidence for a new Minister that is appointed in the case that a standing Minister resigns without a deputy to take his or her place.

The Twelfth Parliament of the 2004 Constitutional Era Elections concluded April 2nd, 2006, and elected the following cabinet. For he first time in the 2004 era, all positions were acclaimed.

Prime Minister/Delegate: Carbanousa (passed vote of confidence) Minister of Regional Affairs: 4:20 Celebrants (acclaimed) Minister of Defence: Defectiveness (acclaimed) Minister of Justice: Parrrrtay (acclaimed) Minister of Foreign Affairs: Canada6 (acclaimed) Minister of Doughnuts and Beer: Redundancies (acclaimed)