Durats ē Calk: Crepblum

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Durats ē Calk: Crepblum

Durats ē Calk: Crepblum (Rexxarean: Stick and Stones: War-Zone), is a Rexxarean science-fiction movie released in 1999. It is the first in a trilogy of science-fiction films by C. R. l'Optilas released recently. The naming of the movies - "sticks and stones" - is based on the famous Einstein quote: "I don't know what weapons World-War-Three would be fought with, but World-War-Four would be fought with sticks and stones." The movies take place before, during, and after a fictitious world war 3.

Plot summary

The story is set in the early 23rd century. Under the dictatorship of the Galactican Party, Rexxarae is now an evil empire of destruction, ruling most of the world. Any area which is not directly controled by Rexxarae is put under an economical and military blockade. The only truly free, safe place is the Moon.

Bolshevik seperatists have gained hold of nuclear weapons in Siberia. The wicked and power-hungry Rexxaraean Field Marshall Awali Abysstus (Michael Felix Deloges), a barbaric war criminal and one of the Galactican Party's leaders, is in-charge of fixing matters. Abystus has created an artifically-super-intelligent being, Mickey. He appoints Mickey as commander of the assault force that will take Siberia. However, Mickey's intelligence has made him benevolent and peacful, as he refuses to command the troops. Abystus threatens Mickey with a computer-virus that simulates human pain, forcing it to comply.

David Aller lives on the Moon. He is a troublesome, careless young man, disrespecting anything and everything. Aller is the universal champion of "P.A.I.N", a virtual reality game that simulates actuall combat; P.A.I.N is so realistic, that people actually die when killed in the game. The secret reason Aller is so good at the game, is because he was once part of a guerilla army fighting for freedom: "the Bleeding Crescents".

Aller is contacted by an old friend of his, Nigma(Arkadi Duchin), who was one of the leaders of the Bleeding Crescents. Nigma has joined with the Bolsheviks in Siberia, and has lain claims on a nuke. He asks Aller to come and help them fight-off the great Rexxaraean armada. He follows Nigma's orders and goes to an abandoned garage at the gutters of the city. There, he meets a CIA agent. She shows him a huge starship stashed underground, the RDV "Crepblum"(Rexxarean: war-zone). They then dock-out and emerge into the heights of the city. Hoards of hovering police vehicles chase them, killing the CIA agent in their way. Aller barely manages to fly the ship out of town, and then heads for Earth.

Meanwhile, in Siberia, the fighting grows intense. Men, jeeps, tanks, and robots are annhilated in the maelstrom. Unable to take the stronghold, Mickey resorts to the armada's ultimate wild card: the warships. He sends several enourmous heavy space warships, each capable of defeating an entire army on it's own, to attack the rebels.

Aller arrives in his giant ship from above, his crew barely countring a few friends and a dozen-or-so CIA operatives. They bash into one of the smaller ships, smashing it into the ground, and fearsomely engage the others. Amazingly, the undercrewed antique ship battles-off six of the mightiest fighting machines in the universe. Upset by this, Mickey sends-in the entire fleet - one hundred warships. The rebels realize they have no chance, and review their options. The only things they have left are their nukes, their only hope. Any of the enemy ships' shields would intercept and destroy a nuclear missile, but the Crepblum's would not. They ask Aller, who agrees. A tactical missile is fired from the ground onto the ship, causing an enourmous hydrogen-bomb-explosion. The enemy ships are also wiped-out.

Aller wakes-up. He is is suffering unimagineable pain, and is lying naked in the snow. He is undamaged however, and realizes the hydrogen explosion must of somehow altered his bio-structure. Aller also discovers he has a telepathic connection with Mickey, the artificially-intelligent super-computer created by Abysstus. Mickey leads Aller out of the snow, and in-return, Aller frees Mickey from the reginal Rexxaraean headquarters. Battling the guards, Aller discovers he has developed super-natural hand-to-hand combat capabilities.

Together, the rebels, Aller, and Mickey concieve a plan to liberate Rexxarae. Mickey, commanding the Rexxaraean troops, disbands the military. He hacks into the imperial television broadcasts and Aller speaks-in. He gives an inspiring peace of the fight for freedom, and the people begin to riot against the government.

Finally, at the peak of the film; Aller, backed by the rebels, faces off Abysstus, backed by the Galactican party's henchmen and secret police. The groups engage in a massive fight, beating each other to death. The Galacticans are defeated, and Abysstus flees in his own hover-copter. Rexxarae is free. The world is free.

In the closing seen, the camera starts zoomed into Abysstus' eye. You hear him say: "This is not over, Aller. It's not over." - the camera then zooms-out, slowly revealing a huge army mobilizing behind him.

See Also

Durats ē Calk: Contradibulas

Durats ē Calk: Glorūa

Rexxarean Culture

Rexxaraean Cinema Industry