East Bloumany

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The Constitutional monarchy of East Bloumany was formed when the people of the region wanted a freer life away from the oppresent government, they found a strong leader who was willing to lead them and give them a much more freer life style he was Prince Ludwig the younger brother of the king, King William III. While the hostlites escalated with no side giving quater and the country poised for civil war the emperor Otto III moved in and with the rest of the Blouman army to resolve the issue the emperor decided to give the people what they wanted for the sake of the empire and appointed an area where support was the strongest in the very eastern end of the country and proclaimed the new land The Consitutional monarchy of East Bloumany and proclaimed Prince Ludwig as King Ludwig VI and made him defender of the faith. The rest of the country was proclaimed The kingdom of Eastern Bloumany and kept King William III as the king. Five years later emperor Otto III died and his eldest son Grand duke Henry of Truingren was elected leader and reproclaimed King Ludwig VI as King Ludwig, his eldest son and heir to the throne is Crown Prince Ludwig. The currency of East Bloumany is the eastern herzog its national animal is the grey eagle and the current govenment in power is the Democratic liberals, a left winged party that holds 95% of all seats of govenment The head of the govenment is Prime Minister Kane Dunn with his party bringing in many laws with a left wing side.