History of Rexxarae

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Ancient Times

Pre-Caesarian Age

Archaeological remnants in modern-day Rexxarae date back to the early mesolithic period. The area seemed to develop agriculture about the same time the rest of the areas in the region did. During the bronze-age, several small city-states rose at the place, occasionaly uniting to fend-off invaders. A king of one such city was once visited by the Greek explorer Phoespelse. After Phoespelse described the wealth of the land he dubbed "Dromos" (after the Rexxaraeite word "Dram", meaning royalty) to his ruler, the Greeks launched a conquest against Rexxarae. The be-visited king, Asael, was suprised by the hostility, but defeated the invaders never-the-less. Rexxarae remained as it was for two more centuries before being attacked once more.

Roman Rexxarae

Gaius Julius Caeser, Roman consul at the time, conquered all of modern-day Rexxarae in 54 B.C. He defeated the coalition of kings, lead by Mali IIX, at the famous battle of Yapan, where a Roman victory gate stands to this day. According to Rexxaraeite folklore, when Caeser marched victoriously through the Rexxaraen countryside he said: "This land is a worthy terf of a king". Not too surprisingly - generation later - Augustus Caeser declared Rexxarae his private realm. For centuries later, Rexxarae would be the domain of the roman emperors, an intimate area for them only. Thus came it's name: Rexxarae - land of the kings.

Decline of Roman Rexxarae

Germanic tribes invaded Rexxarae by the 3rd century A.D., with confused Roman officials not knowing what to do. Eventually, the invaders were pushed back, but for a cost. Rexxarae was decimated, and left weak for the next enemy to come. Atilla the Hun conquered Rexxarae in his conquests, carrying on the imperial tradition - declaring the state to be his own, personel domain. By the dark ages, Rexxarae was a dead pile of babies, with one at the bottom eating it's way up.

Medieval Era

The Spread of Islam

Before the 10th century A.D., Islam spread through Rexxarae like a plague. The religion became the dominant one of Rexxarae quite easily, with paganism and christianity pushed back. Religious leaders such as the imam Asael or the mofti Sheik Octavius had widespread influence traveling all the way to the middle east to enrich others with their phillosophy. Altarc became as important to the islamic world as Baghdad or Tibuktu. Religious wars became common in the far north and south, especially between the christians and sunnis.

Feudal Rexxarae

In 1214 A.D, at the peak of the religious wars in the north, the christian forces were cornered, forced into an alliance with the pagan Rexxaraeites in-order to battle islam. Just a year earlier, the comprimisive muslim leader Marcellus Ismail Caracella offered several peace treaties to the weaker christian armies, lands and turfs included. But Lord Michael De'Bowy, monarch of the christian alliance, refused. He dueled Marcel Isma Caracella and killed him, but was immidietly executed by Caracella's shahyd guard. De'Bowy's son - Alexander De'Bowy - rose to the throne at 1214 A.D. He requested the aid of the pope, the king of france, the rulers of several germanic princehoods, and his own family in venice. Overwhealming christian armies swept Rexxarae clean of muslim agression. In 1285 A.D, the final muslim military stronghold was captured, but the european monarchs would not fight for nothing. Michael De'Bowy II was exiled to Venice, with Rexxarae divided between France, Germany, and Rome.

Attemptive Inquisition

When Italian troops slowed down their advancement through the country, it was suggested by several prime cardinals that the occupational forces engage in an inquistion for religious heracy. The idea was quickly rejected, however, as Michael De'Bowy II, the formal leader of the occupied land, realized this would result in an extermination of the majority of the people of Rexxarae - muslims.


During the european occupation of Rexxarae, the spirit of Rennaiseance occupied it as-well. Many philosophical and scientific academies rose, especially in the french-hold territories. Muslim leadership became the oposing civil faction of the humanitarians - resulting in several violent clashes in the main cities. In italian-held Caesarium, the governing troops decided to side with the scientist in-order to avoid phillosophical or islamic empathism; this backfired, however, as astronomical research later accused the Church of being wrong. In french held Altarch, the governing troops preferred to side with the phillosophers against islam; this had the long-term consequence of anti-francois jokes implenting themselves in Altarch culture.

19th Century

Napoleonic Liberation

When Napoleon began his war in Germany, his first act was to liberate Rexxarae. The napoleonic temporary government in Rexxarae was the best thing that happened to the country in millenia. Rexxarean regiments even joined the imperial french army, fighting in germany and eastern europe. Rexxarea's unique demographic nature made it the trade center between Italy, Africa, and the Ottoman Empire. After the french defeat, the powers agreed on defining Rexxarae's demographic borders, leaving very few outsiders in, and very few Rexxareans out.

Industrial Revolution

Following the events of the early 19th century, Rexxarae formed as a loose republic of the low-calss nobled - an oligarchy. Such a government proved to be a threat to security and stability. Thus came a bloodless revolution, reorginizing Rexxarae as a democracy in the french model. Democratic Rexxarae saw an immidiet boom in industry, textile and mining the dominating buisnesses. Modern-day historians easily identify Rexxarae as one of the first capitalist nations ever, a system with a toll: a social toll. Children and women were highly overworked and underfed, corporate presidents forces their employees to their politics, and vital services such as sewerage, fresh water, and railways were under no government control what-so-ever.

World War I

In 1914, as war broke in europe, RexxarÆ tried to remain neutral. The young nation was erged by the Ottoman Empire, it's main religious counterpart, to join the Central Powers - which it did. Rexxarae joined the war on the last day of ramadan, 1914. The Rexxarean army engaged in several major battles against france, no force prevailing over the others. The Rexxareans became famous for their excellent mathematical education and military selectivity, because of their artillery's accuracy. The Rexxarean army soldiers were zealous and devoted, but poorly equipped. Rexxarean regiments were also secretly landed in spain to battle the portugese, but the assault was a failure. By 1916, Rexxarae's industrial system was devastated by the war. The king of italy, considered by many Rexxareans to be a direct descendant of Julius Caeser, and therefor the rightful ruler of the country, erged the republic to leave the central powers and join the entente. He even threatened to invade the nation. In August 19th, 1916, Rexxarae officialy quit the central powers. But before the formalities reached german command, the Rexxarean warriors murdered their german companions in the trenches, allowing the french to push forward.

World War II

In 1939, as war broke again in europe. RexxarÆ was nearly forced into a war. The young nation war erfed by Italy, it's old ally, to join the Axis powers. In the 1939 elections, by the smallest majority in the democratic histroy of Rexxarae(36%), the RAF (not royal air force, Rexxarean Authoritarian Facists) won the government. The facist leader, Christopher Brutus - a christian - was quite charismatic and enchanting. But he came nowhere near Ibrahim Paulus De'March, the leader of the socialists. De'March was a man blessed by god with an impressive physique, a beautiful face, a talent for speech, great charisma, and good humors. Without his presence or concent, the citizens of Altarch rioted and overthrew the police in De'March's name. Three months into power, the facist Brutus had plenty of problems: the citizens were demanding re-elections, rioting. An increased use of violent force as suggested in the "Fascist's Manual of Power" only insighted more rebellion. Brutus had to agree to a recount, but not before he had his act. In the morning of November 13th, 1939, Christopher Brutus had finished rounding up 1 million native Rexxaraeites. The 'inferior race', as they were called, were loaded onto armored trains and guarded trucks, and sent to Germany, where the reicht would take care of them. In an impressive move, De'March lead an army of loyal militia forces, recruited any military general that would help him, and stood in Brutus' way. After several small battles, the Rexxaraeites were sent back to their homes, with Brutus imprisoned. On December 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany opened a blitz on Rexxarae. The socialists held out as long as they could. German, Italian, and Spanish armies all landed in poor Rexxarae, which was quickly overrun. Only at the coasts and mountains did the socialist forces remain. In early 1942, the USA and USSR both sent heavy reinforcements to Rexxarae. In two months, Altarch was freed. In another two months, the original borders of the nation were in allied control.

The Cold War

Following the war, Rexxarae was divided. The whole of the nation was a stalinist communist state, maintaining a sense of democracy; there were several political parties, though the democratic socialists won every single election. The north-west area of Rexxarae remained under British and then French occupation. Communist Rexxarae, headed by Amin van Leo (1947-1968) then Mohammad Salim Jericho (1968-1991), purchased extraordinarily large amounts of arms and war equipment from Russia, eventually having an air force as large as the army. In 1968 the USSR placed strategic nuclear weapons within the boundries of Communist Rexxarae, insighting a global political conflict the nearly resulted in World War III.

Modern Days

The War of 91

On September 1st, 1991, the DSSR (Democratic Socialist State of Rexxarae), also known as Communist Rexxarae, was disbanded. As anarchy developed through the streets of Altarch, the military moved in. The generals, admirals, and air marshalls all assembled in Altarch, preparing for the re-election of a non-communist government. A new congress assembled, consisting of many islamic and neo-pagan religious figured. This time, the leadership and government were focused on patriotism and religious nationalism. With high morales and a pleased population, the Republic of Rexxarae was declared on October 10th, 1991. With the declaration, the newly elected chancellor - the imam Ali Evnagelus - kindly asked for the return of North Rexxarae to the united country. France refused. Thus began the war of 91', a full declaration of war by the Republic of RexxarÆ against the Republic of France, followed by an invasion of North RexxarÆ. The Rexxarean troops, with highly advanced russian weapons, defeated the french, until a ceasefire was singed on January 1st, 1992. Rexxarae was united once again.