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The Corporate Machine of Xerconia

The Corporate Machine of Xerconia has been uprooted and virtually destroyed in the Great Xerconian Revolution of 599 AF, and was replaced by the People's Republic of Kruschuchk.



Xerconia was first founded in 339 AF, in the north-eastern regions of Thorin. Once the Chancellor Mastruh Hand united the nomadic tribes of the Zirconian area, they banded together to form the fresh and warlike nation of Xerconia. The Xerconian nation unanimously bowed down to Mastruh, hoping his wisdom to see them through and, as a matter of fact, in the years following Xerconia quickly escalated to Superpower status, and few nations could well challenge it an many aspects. Xerconia was an iron-fisted, corporate police state, kept under steady analysis by the ever-pervasive and seemingly omnipotent government system, the Kylpzax. The Kylpzax resembled a sort of oligarchical government, with one Chancellor at the head. Although in that respect Xerconia may be called Republic in one way or another, it most certainly was still controllist and fascist, as the positions in the Kylpzax were based on corrupt, high-class only votes. Xerconia was admitted to the UN in 350 AF, and was elected by the region of Thorin to UN Delegate status in 369 AF, due to the Xerconian person's natural affinity for leadership and straightforwardness. However, only a few years later, Xerconia with its immense strength began to struggle with the Dominion of Thingamajiggers for power in Thorin.

The Cold War

Xerconia, nervous at the rise of Democratic-Liberalism in Thorin, began to act very sour towards Thingamajiggans. The Xerconians feared inherently that Democracy would overthrow the wise rule already established in Xerconia, and a rebellion would not go over well for the fascist radicalist party already in control of Xerconia (called the Kylpzian Fascist Party, or Kylpfas; see Language below). As such, the highly-liberal people of Thingamajiggers put Xerconians up in arms, and as the two nations began to compete literally by annexing land claims left and right of valuable mining areas in the Thorin Mountains, attempting to sieze uranium deposits and gold-et-silver mines, the tensions grew. As a result, the two nations entered a Cold War in the year 372 AF with one another, exchanging very little true blows but acting ever-cautious. In the year 398(?), Thingamajiggers, as well as Neonne and Romborg, found a major find in the mountains together, consisting of a major archaeological find which may trace roots of Thorinian people as far back as 5000 BF; this was a serious blow to the ego of the Xerconian people.

The Cold War ended in 451, and with the Zirmitov-Tarrentop pact the two agreed to non-aggression and mutual protection, and thus assumed an alliance which was anything but steady, and in fact Xerconian Guerilla groups continued to harass Thingamajiggan land claims until the Xerconian government tightened the belt and inflicted harder punishment for dissent. With this incline in law and order, and much harsher laws on the rise, civil uncomfort in Xerconia grew and grew.

The Everlasting Depression

From 497 to 712 AF, the people of Xerconia faced serious economic depression. Lasting almost two centuries, the economy of Xerconia was shut down, and the land was in literal anarchy. Even after the good feeling the end of the Cold War invoked, Xerconians had lost their patience with the oppressive government, and as such all control was lost. It was to remain this way until 683, when a rogue Thingamabobber named Koraneln El Imrail came to Xerconia with a makeshift nation, the Holy Empire of Pejite.

The Holy Empire of Pejite

Radicalist, racialist, extremist, are only a few words used to describe the Holy Empire of Pejite. Not adequate enough to be called its own Nation, it was merely Xerconia rebuilt into a highly xenophobic and radicalistic people. The government oppressing far more than ever before upon the people, the people of Xerconia were endlessly upset. In the year 733 AF, a man by the name of Crezth C. Hand started a secret underground movement called The Xerconian Liberation Front. As time went on, the XLF finally found a chance to strike and claim freedom for Xerconians.

The Kruschuchkikan Revolution

In the year 744 AF, the civil unrest which had been escalating from as far back as 497 finally reached a peak, when the Sultan of Pejite, Bab El Ehr, imposed laws the likes of which no public could tolerate. With the help of some military personnel, whom were even oppressed, the XLF struck down the Emirate and, in a bloody genocide known only as the Zirconicost, 600 million people lost their lives. This was the result of the conflict between the XLF and the Emirate. The XLF finally seized power in Xerconia and, abandoning the name which Mastruh Hand had given it 400 years prior, renamed it Kruschuchk which, in the Neo-Zirconian speech, means "The Pinnacle of Knowledge." Pledging itself to Socialism and eternal equality, Kruschuchk set an example for the rest of Thorin, and the political power that sprang up out of this vicious revolution now has incredible influence over Thorin. Read more at the Kruschuchk entry.


Emperors of Xerconia

  • Mastruh Hand: 339 - 362, rule ended in death
  • Rumutor Vanderguard: 363-398, rule ended by impeachment by Kylpzax
  • Jumoria Nyetsikxul: 399-444, rule ended by resignation
  • Dlanor Nagaer: 445-476, rule ended in death
  • Lief Lyxlyat: 476-497, rule terminated by economic depression
  • Koroneln El Imrail: 683-711, rule ended in death
  • Bab El Ehr: 712-744, rule terminated by revolution


The people of the Zirconian area had a very unique language, although not one unlike the Romborgian language (which is why it is commonly referred as though they were one and the same, because upon Xerconia's forming almost the same time as Romborg, they both used a language which came about from years of Cultural Diffusion, referred to as the Zirco-Romborgian language, or Zircoromo. The name Xerconia and the fact that in the Common tongue is similar in speech to Zirconia is not chance, but by design. The prefix Xer- was very much like the prefix Zir-, except the latter inferred a more tribal government system and the former inferred power or royalty. Con meant raiser, as in one who raises, and -ia was an ending signifying a Nominative-Accusative relationship. Ergo, Xer-con-ia meant "Raiser of power". The Kylplax finds its roots in A simple Suffix-prefix relationship. Kyl, meaning Justice, and -plax, a suffix meaning Genitive to-which, or ownership or lordship of something and the deliverance of that, Kyl-plax meant Bringer of justice.


The Xerkita

The Xerkita was the typical symbol of Xerconia until the end of the Cold War, symbolizing the complex matrices that made up the brilliant members of the Kylplax's minds, and the power that came with bowing to them. Naturally, this was very inspiring and nationalistic, and with it the Kylplax was able to keep the society in check, but after the Cold War it was deemed inappropriate, and tossed out.

The Snake-Tire-Knife

This flag had a tri-fold meaning. The snake symbolized the flexibility of Xerconia, able to fit into any situation, while also representing the strength and venomosity of a snake. The tire represented the law and the strength through which Xerconia was able to run its genius and superiority, and the knife represented the military power and nationalism of Xerconia which, according to Lief Lyxyat, all other nations should fear. This remained the flag far into economic depression, and even remained the flag in the Holy Empire of Pejite, representing much the same things.