Nicksyllvanian Imperium (Earth AV)

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The Semi-democratic Collectivist Imperium of Nicksyllvania
Language: English/Japanese Hybrid
Capitol: Nickograd, Japan
Population: 2,264,000,000
Currency: Luxery Credit
Government: Liberal Totalitarian Collectivist Monarchy
Leader: Emperor/SCG Nicholas Masakaze Sawatsky
Motto: Strength, Discipline, Prosperity
National Anthem: Nicksyllvania is the Greatest


Last Updated May, 31 2006

The Nicksyllvanian Imperium is an egotistical creation of Nicholas Akido Sawatsky. The Imperium began in the Homeland of the Emperor, Japan, where the Parliamentary Corruption and various military defeats brough public confidence down. Akido Sawatsky Led the growing Social Imperialist Party, which advocated Socialism with Militaristic Imperialism and finally through a successful coup d'etat, managed to slaughter the parliamentary government, then through unknown measures he managed to marry into the Imperial Family and declared himself Emperor and Declared the Formation of the Nicksyllvanian Empire which will unite the World under peace and prosperity with our superior culture and Technology. The Empire quickly expanded, invading South Korea, Liberating Vladivostok and Manchuria. His Successor and current Emperor Masakaze, Continued the Expansion with the annexation of Mongolia and Amur.

New Nicksyllvania has one of the Largest GDPs in the World as well as having one of the Largest and most funded Military. The Country Claims to be Semi-democratic, allowing people to freely elect MPs to the politically weak parliament. Its founding Nation, Japan is also the Densist populated landmass in the World and Home to the Largest City in the World, Tokyo, which now has an estimated population of 55 million people. The Japanese Islands Itself houses 70% of the Nicksyllvanian Population. THe people usually live in Large Apartments that burrow underground.


Refferred as: "Frightening"

Economy Type: Complete State Control, Private Enterprise Illegal

Exchange Rate: 1 Labour Credit = $1.6609

Gross Domestic Product: $72,087,706,958,558.28

GDP Per Capita: $31,840.86

Unemployment Rate: 0%

Population in poverty: 0%

Currency: Luxery Credit

Nicksyllvanian National Budget:

Administration: $12,360,410,314,900.827 17% National Production Allocated to Public Facilities, Public Entertainment, Industrial Facilities

Healthcare: $9,452,078,476,100.6313% National Production Allocated to Food and Medical Services

Education: $8,724,995,516,400.5812% National Production Allocated to Educational Facilities and Services

Defence: $23,993,737,670,101.5933% National Production Allocated to Military

Law & Order: $7,270,829,597,000.4810% National Production Allocated to National Media, Propaganda and Security Systems

Commerce: $5,816,663,677,600.388% National Production Allocated to Luxery Goods Production

Public Transport: $5,816,663,677,600.388% National Production Allocated to Transportation

Agriculture Products: Rice, Grain, Corn, Sugar beets Vegetable, Pork, Goats, Poultry, Beef, Dairy Products, eggs, fish

Industries: Complete Range of Mining and extractive industries producing uranium, coal, oil, gas, chemicals, and metals, Auto manufacturing, Electronic Equiptment, Arms Manufactoring, Machine Tools, Steel Refining and other metals, Chemicals, Textiles, Processed Food, Industrial Equipment, consumer durables, Printing. Wide technological orientated business.

Current Enviromental Issues due to Industry: Air pollution from power plant emissions results in acid rain, Acidification of lakes and reservoirs degrading water quality and threatening aquatic life, air pollution from heavy industry, emissions of coal-fired electric plants, and transportation in major cities; industrial, municipal, and agricultural pollution of inland waterways and seacoasts; deforestation; soil erosion, scattered areas of sometimes intense radioactive contamination, groundwater contamination from toxic waste, urban solid waste management,abandoned stocks of obsolete pesticides.

Nicksyllvania is quite a Highly Polluted and industrialized nation with scant traces of wildlife to be found anywhere. Most people live in Underground apartments to escape the frequent smog and acid rain. The Government justifies such destruction of the plant as being the future of mankind, and that nature is "highly overrated" despite this many Nicksyllvanians use their vacation times to visit unmolested regions of the Empire and to travel abroad to beautiful countries.

Explanation of the Nicksyllvanian Economy: All Industry is Completely Nationalized by the State and is administrated by a Bureacratic Class. This allows for an efficient use of the Nations decreasing natural resources and allows for a satisfactory lifestyle for all Citizens. All Citizens are Garunteed Housing and Food, free clothing is provided by their Employment. Employment is mandatory for all citizens and schooling and education prepares children for their Future jobs. Citizens are payed a varied amount of Luxery Credits depending on their Employment, Ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 worth of goods if adjusted to USD. Their are large amount of Public services provided to citizens including Libraries, Internet Cafes, Arcades, Threates, etc. All of these Services are provided free of charge, although excessive useage my require LC payment. These services are also public which may limit an individuals availablity to them, encouraging them to buy their own.


Official Name: The Glorious Semi-Democratic Liberal Collectivist Totalitarian Imperium of New Nicksyllvania

Chief of State: Emperor Nicholas Masakaze Sawatsky

Head of Government: Supreme Comrade Generalissmo Nicholas Masakaze Sawatsky

The Emperor serves as the Representative of the people, and chooses the Supreme Council who serve as the main political branch, creating legislation and enforcing it. The Parliament may veto any legislation the Supreme Council makes with a 30% opposed vote, although the emperor can veto the veto. The Supreme Comrade Generalissmo is elected from the Supreme Council members to be the head of the Supreme Council, he is given the power to directly veto any decision the Supreme Council makes regardless of imperial permission. The Emperor may choose his heir, which must be male. The heir is not limited to the bloodline and members of the Supreme Council or parliament may be chosen, as long as they wed a direct descendent of the Emperor (Although gay marriage is legal, Homosexuals are not permissable to be Emperor)

The Parliament has 500 seats and is determined by porportional vote. THey are given the power to submit legislations to the Supreme Council, who may edit it to suit national needs, unless they are vetoed by parliament unless they are vetoed by the emperor unless vetoed by the Supreme Comrade Generalissmo. Elections are Decadely due the the Nicksyllvanian Bureacracy's obsession with easily calculated numbers. Voting is voluntary for all people, however if someone doesn't vote, their vote is automatically registered to vote for the current ruling party, since they took no effort to vote it is safe to conclude they are happy with the current party. Since all Industry, Property, and Media is state controlled there are no political meddling by Corporations, private donations to parties are banned. Parties must apply for a timeslot with which to advertise their party.

Main Politlcal Parties of the Nicksyllvanian Imperium The Social Imperialist Party of Nicksyllvania (Sippies): Political Doctrine: Liberal Socialist Imperial Totalitarianism Current number of Seats: 368

The Imperial Socialist Party of Nicksyllvania (Isppers): Political Doctrine: Liberal-Conservative Socialist Imperial Totalitarianism Current number of Seats: 113

The Imperial Party of Nicksyllvania (Imps) Political Doctrine: Nationalist Socialist Imperial Totalitarianism Current Number of Seats: 7

Democracy Now Party (Demons): Political Doctrine: Democratic Liberalism Current Number of Seats: 6

Marxist-Leninist Party of Nicksyllvania (Marlens): Political Doctrine: Marxist-Leninist Communism Current number of seats: 4

The Silly Ferret BBQ Party: Political Doctrine: Nationalist Surrealist Fringe Party Current Number of Seats: 2

The National Fascist Party of Nicksyllvania (NatFats): Political Doctrine: Nationalist Fascism Current Number of Seats: 0

The Green Nicksyllvania Party(Greeners): Political Doctrine: Enviromentalist Hippies Current Number of Seats: 0

The Calassian Union: Political Doctrine: Seperatists Current Number of Seats: 0

The Very Silly Ferret BBQ Party: Political Doctrine: Very Nationalist Very Surrealist Very Fringe Party Current Number of Seats: 0


The Nicksyllvanian Imperium adheres to both the traditional Samurai Bushido code and Liberal ideals, taking the most beneficial elements from each.

The Five Virtues:

Gi – Rectitude

Yū – Courage

Rei – Respect

Meiyo – Honor/Glory

Chūgi – Loyalty

These Virtues are taught to all children at a young age, especially to breed Extreme Nationalism and Militarism. Failure to meet the standards considered the norm makes one an "outcast" shaming their family, the state adds to the insult by issuing names of outcasts and openly denouncing them. Outcasts can redempt themselves by doing Honourable deeds, usually in the Military.

Antagonism to any of these virtues are dealt with severly, especially on the Battlefiled. Cowards are executed by Impalement. Insubordination to Superiors is dealt with brutal beatings and sometimes execution. Treason and surrendering is dealt with most severely, usually weeks of painful torture before an agonizing death. Also the victims family is shamed and will be considered outcasts, forcing them to redempt themselves. The Victim also will not be qualified for a "rebirth".

These traits are also expected to be followed by the enemy, Nicksyllvanian Soldiers are extremely brutal to whomever surrender or show cowardice towards them, with the exeption of those who surrender before fighting takes place, as it is considered that the enemy is showing Rectitude by joining the Imperium.


Freedom of Speech (but not outright uneducated slander, ex: "The Emperor is Stupid")

Freedom of Privacy (but not privacy of location)

Freedom to Protest (In certain monitored districts, and not during work hours)

Freedom from Religion

Freedom of Assembly (Non-terrorist)

Freedom of Press (All of which are Nationalized)

Freedom of Thought

Freedom to Bear Arms

Freedom of Marriage

Freedom to Challenge to Duel

Equality of Women (Unless Military or work related)


Nicksyllvania is an Atheist State which seeks to destroy religion and other "barbaric" practices. Religion of all forms have been banned, although there may be private sessiona occuring in homes, where the Citizens right to privacy allow them to worship in safety.

Many nations may argue that the Emperor and the State themselves serve as religion. Nicksyllvania can be characterized as a Cult of Personality where the Emperor and Supreme Council are seen as Superhuman beings which all children of the state should emulate. Nationalism is rampant as are rascism and xenophobia, due to the frequent propagandazing many citizens become Fanatical and usually irrational devotees to the state.

The People however strongly believe in reincarnation, the Government encourages this idea claiming that they have taken cell samples from all citizens to allow them to be reborn should they die for the state. Although there is no direct evidence that this is even possible, the Government promotes the idea to remove the fear of death from the people.


Ground Forces Basic Overview:

Military Size: 170,720,000

Combat Soldiers: 18,200,000

Non-Combat Soldiers: 152,400,000

Imperial Guard: 120,000

Reserve Size: 1,800,000,000

Funding: $23,993,737,670,101.59

Military Percentage of GDP: 33%

Combat/Logistics Ratio: 1:9

Tanks: 300,000

Artillery: 575,000

IFVs/APCs: 400,000

More Coming Soon

Media and Communications

Telephone Code: 112

Internet Suffix: .nik

Television Channels

01-NNNNN (New Nicksyllvanian National News Network)

02-Television Listing

03-NNEB1 (New Nicksyllvanian Entertainment Broadcast 1)

04-NNEB2 (New Nicksyllvanian Entertainment Broadcast 2)

05-NNCTV (New Nicksyllvanian Comedy Television)

06-NNMKids (New Nicksyllvanian Male Children Programming)

07-NNSports (New Nicksyllvanian Sports Channel)

08-NNCOMBAT (New Nicksyllvanian Military Channel)

09-NNFKids (New Nicksyllvanian Female Children Programming)

10-NNPBC (New Nicksyllvanian Public Broadcast Channel)

11-NNAN (New Nicksyllvanian Animation Network)

12-NNCM (New Nicksyllvanian Classical Movie Network)

13-NNMTV (New Nicksyllvanian Music Television)

14-ECTV (Emperors Choice Television)

15-NNEB3 (New Nicksyllvanian Entertainment Broadcast 3)

16-FEC (Foreign Entertainment Channel)

17-IHC (Imperial History Channel)

18-FEC2 (Foreign Entertainment Channel 2)

19-NNSFN (Nicksyllvanian Science Fiction Network)

20-ComputeNick (Nicksyllvanian Computer/Gaming Channel)

21-NNPP (New Nicksyllvanian Pornographic Programs)

22-IPA (Imperial Pornographic Archives)

23-NNPBC2 (New Nicksyllvanian Public Broadcast Channel)

24-NNRC (New Nicksyllvanian Request Channel)

25-NNRC (New Nicksyllvanian Request Channel 2)

26-NNEB4 (New Nicksyllvanian Entertainment Broadcast 4)

27-IDC (Imperial Discovery Channel)

28-NNEB5 (New Nicksyllvanian Entertainment Broadcast 5)