User:Psyker Bearzerkers

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Pb flag.jpg

Yellow: Silica, Glasswater Blue: Farrilan, Iron Den Red: Ashplain, Black Hive Brown: Red Grass, Blood Moore Purple: Ice Cap, Night Glacier Grey: Kurze, Stone Spirit Green: Srigi, Burnwood

UN Category:Compulsory Consumerist State ' Civil Rights: Below Average Economy: Powerhouse Political Freedoms: Outlawed

Psyker Bearzerkers is ranked:

97th in region, 5,390th in world:Rudest Citizens. 106th in region, 4,551st in world:Largest Insurance Industry. 109th in region, 5,439th in world:Largest Soda Pop Sector. 159th in region, 6,389th in world:Highest Police Ratios. 162nd in region, 6,912th in world:Largest Cheese Export Sector. 206th in region, 8,167th in world:Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry. 165th in region, 7,162nd in world:Largest Gambling Industry. 261st in region, 10,640th in world:Largest Basket Weaving Sector 289th in region, 13,583rd in world:Largest Cheese Export Sector. 306th in region, 12,599th in world:Largest Mining Sector 311th in region, 14,195th in world:Largest Information Technology Sector. 325th in region, 14,893rd in world:Most Corrupt Governments. 374th in region, 20,125th in world:Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector. 380th in region, 49,516th in world:Most Politically Apathetic Citizens. 485th in region, 39,754th in world:Largest Pizza Delivery Sector. 729th in region, 107,472nd in world:Most Rebellious Youth. 752nd in region, 108,480th in world:Nicest Citizens. 809th in region, 112,956th in world:Most Cultured.

Psyker Bearzerkers inhabit the region of Gatesville and follow it's values with a fantical ferver...

Psyker Bearzerkers were first known as The Lost Tribes. Stemming from the fact that when the Bearzerkers were either somehow separated or expelled by the Norse community for their dangerous temperaments’ and actions on the battle field. Being natural exoplorers they followed the path laid down by Lief Erikson and Erik the Red. Blown off course in a freak storm and pushed by the NAC to the land of Meso-America.

The provinces that Psyker Bearzerkers governs are devided by the type of biome, though all biomes in Psyker Bearzerkers contain active volcanoes. Since 'The Quakes', the landscape changed dramaticly, giving way to Ice Cap, the only Province that snows in Psyker Bearzerkers.

The capitol 'Black Hive' was for almost 5 centuries the only place that housed all 32 tribes, because of this isolation little remains of their Norse ancestry except for their 'Berserker Fury'. Black Hive is an incredible Mega-Ferric city that literally resembles a gothic hive full of spires rising from its oblong curves that reach 2 1/2 miles into the sky, and often conjures visions of cathedrals, as common place architecture.

The State Religion is called by many names, including; Pantheon, Nada and Mooki, thought the name most common is Sonor. A collective of four gods representing; death, fire, metal and the moon. As a militant society all gods offer some kind of element to the Psyker's warrior spirit.

Necroviox, or the 'Rotting Skull' is the eldest of the sibling gods. With a predatory and rotted visage His Origins come from the south and was brought to Psyker Bearzerkers by the Strigi 'Hed Hunters'. A bitter god, he punnishes and purges the weak and the sick to collect more skulls and fill the ranks of his dead army. His most dedicated of followers are a cult of assassins known as 'Death Artist'.

Nocturna is the eldest sister of the four gods, she is The lady Mother of Wisdom. In Sonor Mythology, she is the wisest and the only able to tame the youngest sibling Pyrex. her ability to reason and pursauade make Necroviox ever more resentful of her infinit wisdom. The living embodyment of the moons of Psyker Bearzerkers, she is represented as a pale maiden with hair and eyes of spaces' infinite wisdom. (Ref. 'The Black Pages': Birth of Wisdom) She ogiginates from the Northern provences of Silica and Red Grass and her involvment in war is logistics and strategy, she is said to visit officers and even grunts before a final battle, were she inspires the army to great feats of stragegy and cunning.

Ferria is the youngest of the sisters, She is the patron godess of craftsmen and technology. She is methodical and purposeful, never accepting without first inspecting. Her orgigins are Ice Cap and Kurze, were the finest quality mineral, including the sacred PsyOre is located in the greasest of quantities. She is secrative, but as a pratron godess, she freely gives all her followers with knowledge to advance and improve themselves to make them more powerful. her contributions may be the greatest when she grants her followers new technologies of war.

The Bearzerkergangs most feared were those of the 'Fire Tyrant' houses. Fanatical Templars of Pyrex, the youngest and firey god of destruction. He is energy without restraint, his Templars burning entire cities and their populations alive. Only after a follower army of the three other gods subdued them did their insanity upon their fellow Psykers stop. Cults of Fire Tyrants have been known to stping up every so often, but their activity has ceased for almost 200 years.

The current government had emulated that of The Kraven Corporation, but only mlitaristicly and never really intended to support Kraven or it's ventuures. Former 'Oberstadt Marshal' Caulna Pox has made it apparent that her nation will never lie down and certainly not, after the last Marshal's cowardess in the battle for Kravenokia, the nations 'parent', having supplied it with PMT and the ability to turn the once benign civil war torn state into an aggressive corporate military powerhouse.

Now a former member of The Consortium Allince, Psyker Bearzerkers fights for its own sovreignty while The Kravn Corporation fights four of the greatest Warcheifs from the Automagfreek, including Damian the Destroyer.

Though the current political climate has been unvaforable towards Psyker Bearzerkers, Caunla Pox has made sure that she will not send her nation into downright suicide and destruction after she has worked so hard to gain respect for PB. Seeing that Black Hive is compleate warzone, Caulna's plans hae not gone perfectly though with the destruction of the Kraven Battalion, Psyker Bearzerkers will be a free and sovreign nation.

There was a Tournament for Caulna's hand in marrige, the two prospective from runners are from Theo and Green Sun. In a few days she will be married to the victor and for now anything can happen.

Durring the tournament PB forces defied The Kraven Corp, activating the Battallion strong Garrison in Black Hive. Green Sun has declared war with Kraven and Kahanistan, a former enemy, has sent its elite XIII corps to the hardest fighting in Center Core.