Terry Singh

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Terry Singh

A football player who competed in the World Cup as part of the team from the People’s Democratic Social Republic of Ariddia, the World Cup founder.

In the early years of the Cup, Terry Singh, wearing the number 16, was the great name of Ariddian football, along with team-mate and goalkeeper Michel Boulanger. He was part of Ariddia’s original team, in World Cup 1, a team that made it to the round of sixteen before falling to Livland on the somewhat embarrassing score of three goals to seven. In World Cup 2, however, Singh and team captain Boulanger led Ariddia all the way to the quarter finals, setting an achievement which was to inspire the team through nine more participations in the World Cup. He retired after World Cup 4.

The early years of the World Cup were a very long time ago, events shrouded in the mists of time, fading memories and incomplete records. Sadly, Terry Singh died without ever seeing Ariddia win the World Cup it had founded.