National Police of Ganchelkas

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The National Police (Police Nationale) is one of two national police forces and the main civil law enforcement agency of Ganchelkas. The other main agency is the military Gendarmery. The National Police comes under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior and has about 10,000,000 employees.

Ranks in the Ganchelkean National Police

English French Dutch
Senior Police Officers - Agents supérieurs de Police - Hogere Agenten van Politie
Commissioner-General of Police Commissaire-général de Police Commissaris-generaal van Politie
Deputy Commissioner-General of Police Commissaire-général adjoint de Police Adjunct-commissaris-generaal van Politie
Divisional Police Commissioner Commissaire divisionnaire de Police Divisiecommissaris van Politie
Chief Police Commissioner Commissaire principal de Police Hoofdcommissaris van Politie
Police Commissioner Commissaire de Police Commissaris van Politie
Aspirant Police Commissioner Aspirant Commissaire de Police Aspirant-commissaris van Politie
Subaltern Police Officers - Agents subalternes de Police - Lagere Agenten van Politie
Chief Police Inspector 1st class Inspecteur principal de Police de 1ère classe Hoofdinspecteur van Politie 1ste klasse
Chief Police Inspector Inspecteur principal de Police Hoofdinspecteur van Politie
Aspirant Chief Police Inspector Aspirant Inspecteur principal de Police Aspirant-hoofdinspecteur van Politie
Police Inspector Inspecteur de Police Inspecteur van Politie
Aspirant Police Inspector Aspirant Inspecteur de Police Aspirant-inspecteur van Politie
Chief Brigadier Police Officer Agent-brigadier-chef de Police Agent Hoofdbrigadier van Politie
Brigadier Police Officer Agent-brigadier de Police Agent Brigadier van Politie
Police Officer Agent de Police Agent van Politie
Student Police Officer Élève-agent de Police Leerling-agent van Politie
Auxiliary Police Officers - Agents auxiliaires de Police - Hulpagenten van Politie
Auxiliary Policeman 1st class Agent auxiliaire de Police de 1ère classe Hulpagent van Politie 1ste klasse
Auxiliary Policeman 2nd class Agent auxiliaire de Police de 2ème classe Hulpagent van Politie 2de klasse
Aspirant Auxiliary Policeman Aspirant Agent auxiliaire de Police Aspirant-hulpagent van Politie