Counter Defence Initiative

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Counter Defence Initiative

The CDi was created to see if the large defence organizations across nationstates can be countered, and promote invader unity. The CDi originally managed a treaty permitting member regions to request forces from other members to prevent invasions being compromised by defenders. It was later determined that defenders are far too numerous in comparison to invaders for the treaty to be effective. The treaty was revised to permit requests for forces needed to maintain an existing invader administration over a region under threat of retaliation by defenders. Later after the treaty revision, the CDi restructured to become The Empire.

The CDi comprised a simple government structure, eliminating much politics and division, and a treaty that did not obligate any member regions for anything, respecting regional sovereignty, wich helped keep the organization surviving and growing into its restructured version.

At its peak, the CDi had 22 member invader regions.

CDi Founder/CEO: Cosmo Kramerica