The Gevon Wars

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The Gevon Wars were a bleak time for the Caldari State as well as the Federation of Allied Nations in general. Up to this point, this has been one of the laregest conflicts the region has ever seen. In the end, the Armed Republic of Gevon became a mandate of the Caldari State.

First Gevon War

In the First Gevon War, The Armed Republic of Gevon under Lord Steven declared war on the Armed Republic of Maraudersoft (ally of the Caldari State). The Ministry of War still has yet to figure out the real reason behind the declaration of war. At first, it was only a minor conflict but then grew into a regional war, causing some of the region's largest powers to fight against each other. The DMD (or allies) made up of the nations of Maraudersoft, Velenora, Heltzholm and the Caldari State vs. the Enemies or in this case, the Tzen Empire and the Gevon Lordship.

Several Weeks into the War, the Tzen Republic began an invasion of Maraudersoft at Fort Neptune at location Turtle. A heavy firefight on the beaches happened when Tzen Imperial Forces landed on the beaches, Caldari Legionaries fired several hundred rounds until they were outnumbered and they flef from the field to take up ambush positions.

As Tzen forces move into towards the capital, Caldari forces won a victory in a small town about 20 miles southwest of Raven City. However, this victory caused the Tzen Air Force to attack Perimeter Island and assulted the naval base there, the attack was a failure. A few weeks after the invasion landed, Gevon forces moved in to surround the city and were soon decimated by Operation Venus Fly Trap and most were exteremated. Tzen forces after the failed attack on Raven City, the Tzen pulled out of the war but Gevon forces continued. Caldari forces attacked Hong, capital of Gevon and almost completely leveled it. In the end, the Gevon State surrendered and that ended the first Gevon War, but a much deadly but faster Gevon War happend only a few years later.

Second Gevon War

In the Second Gevon War, the Gevon attacked the Caldari State, the main victor of the 1st war. The cause of the 2nd war was pure aggression and the want to destroy who had defeated them. Gevon Forces blocked all ways out, the mainland bridge, the Bay of Tovil-Toba and Perimeter Naval Base. Gevon forces moved in and took most of the Caldari major spaceports and even Haki. A full scale evacuation was called for, only a few military personnel stayed to protect the refugges.

Later that week, Typophiles entered the war on the Gevon side and with that, the Typophilen Government supplied the Gevon with a space navy, which almost decimated the Caldari Terra Fleet who were protecting the jumpgate.

After Several days, the Citadel and Lonetrek Militas met with the Navy and they launched a full scale retaking of the State and they won, the Gevon were in retreat and the Caldari regained Haki. In the end of the 2nd Gevon War, the Wachi-Skymorse Treaty was signed and all Gevonians came under Caldari Rule. At this present moment, the Gevonians are citizens of the Caldari State.

In the aftermath of the 2nd War, the Caldari State evicted all Gevonians from their present homes to be relocated to the newly-opened region in the Bleak Lands. The State then handed all former Gevonian Territory to the Grand Duchy of Heltzholm. Also from the aftermath, created the Caldari-Tzen Cold War.

3rd Gevon War

Coming Soon!