Armed Forces of Ganchelkas

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Armed Forces of Ganchelkas
(males age 16-49)
(2005 est.)
Fit for military service
(males age 16-49)
(2005 est.)
Regular personnel strength
(April 2005)
Regular personnel per thousand citizens 5.16
Dollar figure
$3,126 billion
Percent of GDP
Ganchelkean Imperial Army
Main Battle Tanks 28,950
Infantry Fighting Vehicles 87,180
Armoured Personnel Carriers 310,000+
Artillery 29,500
Aircraft 15,850
Personnel (Regular) 12,270,000
Personnel (Reserve) 4,125,000
Ganchelkean Imperial Navy
including Marine Corps
Ballistic Missile Submarines 305
Attack Submarines 876
Guided Missile Submarines 64
Aircraft Carriers 154
Helicopter Carrier 75
Cruisers 353
Destroyers 765
Frigates 1255
Patrol boats 1725
Amphibious Assault ships 525
Amphibious Command Ships 135
Fleet Command Ships 61
Minesweepers 1210
Survey vessels 375
Landing Platform Docks 193
Landing Ship Docks 187
Salvage Ships 67
Submarine Tenders 32
Combat Stores Ships 126
Fleet Replenishment Oilers 225
Ammunition Ships 102
Aviation Training Ships 58
Fast Combat Support Ships 67
Ocean Surveillance Ships 59
Fleet Ocean Tugs 82
Other Ships in commission 216
Aircraft 14,750
Personnel: Navy
(Naval Reserve)

Personnel: Marine Corps
(Marine Corps Reserve)

Ganchelkean Imperial Air Force
Fighter 42,171
Bomber 6,218
Patrol 9,650
Transport 19,450
Helicopter 38,960
Trainer 7,860
Unmanned 843
Personnel (Regular) 6,870,000

The Armed Forces of the Empire of Ganchelkas are known as the Ganchelkean Imperial Armed Forces. Their Commander-in-Chief is His Imperial Majesty Emperor Geerhardt I of Ganchelkas. The Ganchelkean Imperial Armed Forces are charged with protecting the Empire of Ganchelkas, promoting its wider security interests, and supporting international peacekeeping efforts.

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