Keith E. Guuchueb

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Keith E. Guuchueb is the Head Coach of the Nomadic Peoples of New York Jet Fanatics


Keith E. Guuchueb
Head Coach of New York Jet Fanatics
Place of origin
Curtisland, New York Jet Fanatics
Political Affiliation
New York Jet Progressive Party

Head Coach Keith E. Guuchueb was born on 3/15/2335 in Curtisland, a small city in central New York Jet Fanatics. Keith was brought up as a Cyanetaloism, one of the three major religious sects in New York Jet Fanatics. Keith did extremely well in school. He took an interest in politics at a young age and to him it was always evident what must be done. When Keith Graduated from Gembartd College in Whitangren after earning a Masters Degree when he was just 25, he moved to Kreevoch and became an accountant. He announced his beliefs firmly in public affairs, and his sensible, intelligent arguments soon gained him a good reputation as a public advocate. He ran and was elected in a landslide for mayor of Kreevoch when he was 27. When he was just 30, Howard Langressanne asked him to be Special Teams coach under his administration, an offer that Keith could not refuse. Two years later, Langressanne asked him to be his Defensive Coordinator. However, Langressanne lost the election to the New York Jet Crazy Maniacs Party candidate, Phillip Greenwell. Immediately upon election, Greenwell changed the whole policy of New York Jet Fanatics, which eventually led to the Xarraong Disaster. The Xarraong disaster led to his almost immediate downfall. When the New York Jet Fanatics progressive party asked Keith to run for Head Coach of New York Jet Fanatics when Keith was only 38, Keith greatfully accepted and set out to first win reelection, and subsequently repair the nation.

Immediately after being elected, Keith became a busy man. His first task, he knew, was to immediately reinstitute a capitalist economy and dispense with all of the absolutely useless projects that Greenwell had started. He set strict environmental laws, improved social welfare, completely revitalized the education system, which was absolutely nothing from the Greenwell administration. He built a great system of public transportation. The effect of his reforms were instantaneous: New York Jet Fanatics' economy immediately got back on track and the populace thrived. Keith was the right man at the right time.

Keith continues to live in Meadowlands City and continues to improve New York Jet Fanatics. Unfortunately, his wife Alicia died when he was 41. He does not appear to be searching for a replacement.