The Mindset

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The Awakened Star Empire of The Mindset
National motto: The mind is the greatest weapon of all.
National anthem: Power to Us
Capital Midna Beta
Approximately 14.5ly from Sol.
Largest city M-1, ~2.1 billion.
Official languages None; English is de facto.
Head Senator
Non-hereditary monarchy, democratically elected Senate.
The Trinity (of The Mindset)
Tybalt Origin
 - 5068AD est.
 - Density
Over 4.4 billion.
 - 5068AD est.
 - Per capita
$175,581,816 million
Currency Commercial Credit ()

The Eternal Empire of The Mindset is an interstellar economic power situated approximately fifteen light-years from Sol, and is the founding member of the Extra Solar Union of Systems. Usually known simply as The Mindset, or inaccurately as Mindset, The Mindset is composed of a highly educated population approaching seven billion.

The Empire, which in the past has suffered decades of economic mismanagement under the tyrannical rule of Prime Nurik Dancos, is a highly industrially developed space-based nation with a non-hereditary monarchy and a democratically elected Senate of 480 seats. The Mindset is a traditionally libertarian state, with progressive policies in regards to drugs and sex. However, many purist liberals argue that The Mindset is nothing more than a dictatorship hidden behind the guise of free elections.

With a population descended from Scottish emigrants protesting the encroachment of Socialism into their society, The Mindset is an outwardly devoutly anti-Communist and anti-Socialist nation. However, in reality, The Mindset has evolved an economic system approaching that of Communist China during the early 21st century, where the state controls most industry, but actively supported free trade with those corporations not state-owned. A non-hereditary monarch called the Prime, who is not bound in powers by a constitution, controls the government on a national level. An elected Senator oversees local government.

The Mindsetti people are traditionally pacifist, often opposing times of war with mass demonstrations in front of the Imperial Palace in the city of M-1. For over one thousand years, under the benevolent and enlightened rule of Prime Pr'Varia Dancos, The Mindset did not control any military assets. This time was known as the Golden Age. After this age ended, the Mindsetti Stellar Navy and it’s corresponding Mindsetti Ground Corps grew in numbers with Mindsetti involvement in ESUS politics.

The Mindset's home system of Midna Beta was consumed by an unexplainable stellar phenomenom in 5068AD. This event has come to be known as The Loss, as it meant over six billion Mindsetti, their homeworld and their star disappeared into thin air in the blink of an eye.

Origin and History of Name

The Mindset is derived from a philosophical book published in 2009AD by Prime Brett Dorrans. It detailed a system of logic upon which the foundation of Mindsetti law remains based upon to this day. Though the book does not survive in complete form, fragments of the original text are stored in the Imperial Palace, and are a popular tourist destination. The Office of the Prime was established in accordance with the laws written in the book; in this way, some have compared it to Plato's Republic in that it was intended to describe a utopian society. Admittedly, the utopia envisioned by Brett Dorrans has not yet come into power (though scholars have argued that the Golden Age equates to this utopia), but the Office of the Prime bears the duty of achieving headway lest their reign be deemed unsatisfactory.


Main article: Mindsetti territory
Midna Beta as seen from Earth

Mindsetti territory is, in general, lightly defended. Most claimed territory is in fact empty space, devoid of value, and so the navy rarely sees reason to actively patrol it. This system changes in times of war, where regular patrols are maintained. The most heavily defended territory is by far the homeworld of Midna IV, where the main shipyards are based. As well as planetary shielding, FTLi, orbital and ground based ion cannons, the planet is protected by a wormhole generator capable of spamming missiles across the entire solar system. Mindsetti territories encompass a roughly spherical cone of space ranging from the surface of Midna IV out for 100,000AU in all directions. Approximately 80% of the claimed space is defended in times of war, with approximately 1% being classified as "occupied."

The Mindset maintains some extra-solar colony worlds, which are slaved to the capital system by virtue of the Mindsetti hyperopolises of M-1, M-2 and M-3 being unable to produce sufficient food for self-sustenance. Because of this, the majority of land upon colonised planets was considered agricultural in nature, providing basic food supplies for the city populations. These worlds are lightly defended in times of peace, but during times of war the planetary wormhole generators are retrofitted to missile spam (in a similar fashion to the Midna IV ones).


Race and Ethnicity

Most Mindsettis are biologically descended from ancient Scottish emigrants, and are essentially human bar a few artificial enhancements. For several hundred years, The Empire has practised a policy of compulsory eugenics and genetic profiling to establish the most desirable bloodlines to ensure the genetic purity of future generations. In contrast to the sensationalist tabloid beliefs about the eugenics program, The Mindset has never discriminated against anyone based upon the colour of their skin, their race, or even their religion. The eugenics program seeks to eliminate genetic diseases through selective breeding, and "merge" all races (caucasian, black, asian and arabic) into the most genetically stable strand of humanity possible. As of 5000AD, this program has been utterly successful.

Mindsetti Culture

The Mindset is renowned for its education system, which by far receives the most funding than all other government departments. It is due to this emphasis on the importance of education that The Mindset has firmly established itself as a nation of enlightened thought and technological progress.

Those who observe Mindsettis from a more conservative society may consider Mindsetti society to be morally corrupt, where only the strong and smart survive, with drugs and sex being exploited at every street corner. For the most part, they'd be correct. Mindsetti culture lays heavy emphasis upon self-motivation and pursuing dreams without outside help. This cultural phenomenon is perhaps best shown through the complete lack of a subsidised welfare state, and the expectance of citizens to perform civic duties in order to gain free healthcare and education.


Religion, in all forms, had been outlawed since 2066AD. Those caught practising or preaching within Mindsetti space, regardless of religion or nationality, are executed as per orders of the Prime, under the charge of "Disrupting the National Intellect." Briefly, in 3114AD, the Senate overturned the law. The Prime declared this to be a direct violation of the rights to a fair, secular education - as guaranteed by The Mindset - and overturned the law, executing all members of the Senate in the process. Shortly thereafter, the Prime formally stripped the Senate of its constitutionally binding powers over his office, and created the reformed Senate, with power only to deal with local issues. It is for this reason that The Mindset is officially atheist. Religion remains illegal to this day, upon pain of death.


Main article: Mindsetti timeline


The Mindset is composed of two separate branches of government, the democratically elected Senate, and the Office of the Prime. The Senate as no powers beyond regional administration, and is not granted authority to influence the decisions of the Prime in matters that do not concern local government. The Prime is appointed for life by the previous Prime shortly before their death. Any Mindsetti citizen is eligible for the office. Legally, upon assassination of the current Prime, the title is passed onto the assassin. This was taken advantage of by Prime Pr'Varia Dancos's son, Nurik, who was angry about the succession of the title being non-hereditary. At rare times, the title of the Prime is awarded to more than one person.

Composition and Elections

With forty Senators for each Mindsetti territory represented within the Senate, plus eighty for each cityship (of which there are three), the Senate presently has 480 members. When it first convened on 6th March 2132, the Senate had 21 members. Senators serve for terms of six years; the terms are staggered so that approximately one-third of the Senate is up for election every two years: each time there are elections in about three worlds for one of the two seats.

Before 2142, state legislatures appointed the Senators (an example of indirect election); since the passage of the Ratification of the Prime's Republic, Senators have been elected directly by voters. Senators are elected by their world as a whole; if both Senate seats are contested in one election year, the elections will be separate and all voters will cast votes for one candidate in each of the two races. Because of the staggered terms, this will only occur when a Senator fails to complete a full six year term due to death or resignation, or when a world joins the Empire, in which case one of the two usually serves a four year time. If a vacancy occurs between elections, generally the governor of the world appoints a replacement to serve as senator until the next biennial election. The Senate has the ability, by a two-thirds vote, to expel one of its members. This right has not yet been exercised, although this is partly because many Senators choose to resign before being expelled.

The Senate itself is headed by a Head Senator, the most current of which is Senator Tybalt Origin of M-1. Election as Senator of M-1, the largest population base in the Empire, is automatic qualification as Head Senator. The Head Senator is responsible for communicating the needs of the Senate to the Prime.


General Overview

The economy of The Empire is generally highly advanced. It is one of the larger (though by no the means largest) economies currently active in space. However, it has been long plagued by a sizable trade deficit caused by much higher levels of internal trade than external. Exports generally consist of hydrogen, advanced alloys and technology. Imports are generally raw materials, food and technology. The currency is fairly strong, and exports tend to make healthy profits in foreign markets, where Mindsetti technology is seen as "unique" and valuable.

The internal market is not taxed, and is highly diverse. Major corporations help fund the defence of The Empire in pittance for a highly free market economy. The primary contractor for the Mindsetti Stellar Navy is the MUAND Corporation. Corruption is generally fairly low, though the lack of laws governing the growth of companies results in low levels of successful business start-ups. Three major corporations produce approximately 95% of all products consumed within the Empire.

Energy Resources

The Mindset draws much of it's industrial wealth from an abundance of raw materials located in a huge asteroid belt formed by the unpredictable gravity tides of the binary stars of Midna Beta. In addition to this, The Mindset also employs controlled cold fusion technology to obtain common isotopes as a by-product of generating energy.


The Directorate of Economic Affairs, as the name implies, directs trade in the name of the Prime within the Empire. It is a large government organisation that is trusted with seeking out and arresting those who do business that is against the law. It is also tied with the Central Bank of The Mindset, negotiating inflation rates, and attempting to control the value of the Commercial Credit. In agreement with the Prime, the Directorate has not raised taxes from 0% for over three thousand years.


General Overview

The Mindsetti education system is renowned for it's hard, compulsory and strict practises, resulting in one of the most highly educated populations. The government devotes approximately 17% of it's GDP to education each year. Education in The Mindset is compulsory between the ages of 2 and 25. There are no private schools - education is entirely controlled by the government, to the dismay of many libertarian political parties.

All Mindsetti citizens are expected to complete a degree level, or equivalent, course before the age of 30. Failure to do so often results in high-unemployability. Heavy emphasis is based upon self-learning and developing practical skills out with the boundaries of schooling. Those children who show exceptional talent will be allocated greater time with a tutor than those who seem inclined to menial jobs. Laziness is not permitted, and is harshly punished.

Pre-School and Primary Education

From the ages of 2, students are expected to attend a pre-school education course in basic arithmetic and language skills. Between the ages of 3 and 10, children are obliged to attend a Primary learning facility, progressing through seven grades before graduation. Within this time, students will be expected to grasp complex mathematics such as calculus, be fluent in both English and Mindsetti and understand the finer points of geography, physics, information technology and more. All levels of education are free, provided the student completes a fixed number of hours of "civic duties" (usually five hours minimum per week), usually amounting to tasks such as cooking meals for the elderly or cleaning public places.

Foreign Affairs and Defence


The Mindsetti military has a long and proud history, but in recent decades has suffered massive budget cuts as a direct result of the implementation of a pacifist foreign policy. Conversely, since the rise of Prime Nurik Dancos, the military has been reinvigorated with a massive cash injection. There is currently a huge rise in military recruits, mostly from lower income families, and those who failed basic degree level education.

Mindsetti Stellar Navy

Main Article: Mindsetti Stellar Navy

The Mindsetti Stellar Navy is the backbone of The Mindset's ability to project military power across the vast gulf between star systems. Using the latest technology, and the largest machines ever constructed by the Empire, the navy enjoys considerable military prowess. The feared Battleforge class heavy battleship is stuff of legend, distorting planetary orbits with it's sheer size.

Mindsetti Ground Corps

Main Article: Mindsetti Ground Corps

Though less impressive than a fleet of massive warships, the Mindsetti Ground Corps is nonetheless one of the most important military assets controlled by the Empire. The Corps are large enough to populate the entirety of a small nation, and are known for their skills in hand-to-hand combat when all else fails.

Mindsetti Special Forces

Main Article: Mindsetti Special Forces

The Mindsetti Special Forces (colloquially known as the Thors) are used to enforce the whim of the Prime, and as such act as internal security agents for all Mindsetti territories.

Foreign Policy

The Mindset, being the founder and current co-Senior Director of the Extra Solar Union of Systems, plays an important role in promoting the ideals of the ESUS, and upholding it's constitution against corruption. Though sharing no formal alliances outwith it's ESUS binds, The Mindset considers itself "friendly" with many nations, including Klonor, Central Facehuggeria, Metallinauts, Jordaxia and various others.

Though not a member of the United Nations, The Mindset sees itself as part of the universe, with an economy greatly geared towards external trade. The Mindset is not interested in spreading it's ideals to other parts of the unviverse, and is slow to provoke, but is often devastating when angered.

The Mindset considers itself at war with any nation aligned with the Shivans, or who are anti-ESUS.



Formerly member of

External Links

The Extra Solar Union of Systems Forum

The Mindset on Nationstates