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This article deals with Liberalism as it relates to NationStates. For more general information, see the Wikipedia article on this subject.

Liberalism is a political current embracing several historical and present-day ideologies that claim defense of individual liberty as the purpose of government. It typically favors the right to dissent from orthodox tenets or established authorities in political or religious matters. For more information on what liberalism is and what different kinds of liberalism there are in RL are, see Wikipedia:Liberalism

Political positions

The policies of liberal parties are always more or less based on the right to self determination of the individual, and the reciprocal responsibility of the state to protect and promote the individual citizens which make it up.

In general, liberals favor constitutional government, representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals in NS have embraced both constitutional monarchy and republican government. They are generally opposed to any but the milder forms of nationalism, and usually stand in contrast to conservatives by their broader tolerance and in more readily embracing multiculturalism. Furthermore, they generally favor human rights' (or sentient rights) and civil liberties, especially freedom of speech and freedom of the press (while holding various positions on whether people have an inherent right to the means of economic subsistence).

Liberals generally believe in a neutral government, in the sense that it is not for the state to determine how individuals can pursue happiness. This self-determination gives way to an open mind in ethical questions. Most liberal parties support the 'pro choice' movement and advocate the emancipation of women and homosexuals. Equality before the law is crucial in liberal policies, and racism is incompatible with liberalism. All liberal parties are secular, but they differ on the issue of anti-clericalism. Liberal parties in countries such as Knootoss tend to be very anti-clerical.

Liberals agree on the idea that society should have very limited interests in the private behavior of its citizens in the areas of private sexual relations, free speech, personal conscience or religious beliefs, as well as political association. Assurance of personal liberties and freedom, particularly in the case of individual expression, is highly important to liberalism.

Liberalism and the economy

Liberals also typically believe in a free market and free trade, but they differ in the degree of limited government intervention in the economy which they advocate.

Since liberalism is broad, and generally pragmatic in its orientation, there is no hard and fast list of policy prescriptions which can be universally assumed to be "liberal". In some circumstances there will be tax increases, in others tax decreases.

Liberal alliances

Nations that consider themselves liberal

(have to look over this. People can also add themselves)

Liberal political parties

(have to look over this. People can add themselves)