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The Age of Expansion, In the Year of our Lord 2015

In the Year of our Lord 2015 the Empire of Christstan, formerly and at this time the Republic of Rothar, was gradually falling from its former glory. A military graduate and very wealthy man rose up and saw that the lands beneath it, held by the hated Guthenburg Republic, had great promise and would yield great rewards for his home nation. The man used his own money and connections to raise his own military comprising of many fighters, a single outdated battle cruiser and ground vehicles and a great many infantrymen. He got the governments sanction as a recognized military, the man became a recognized Generalfeldmarschall (Feild Marshal) and was given the governments blessings to attack the bordering nation of Guthenburg. This man was Heindrick von Weiger.

Final Conquest, in the Year of our Lord 2024

After nine years of hard fought battles, the Guthenburgians were forced to sign an uncompromised surrender which included that they would be ruled under marshal law for six years by Generalfeldmarschall Heindrick von Weiger, signed at Guthenburg Palace, the seat of the former Guthenburg republic.

Gathering Power and Respect, In the Year of our Lord 2026

After two years of Marshal Law, Heindrick, after gaining considerable power and respect from the devout Guthenburgians, founds the NationalechristlichePartei (National Christian Party). The party hierarchy was comprised of his leading Military officials and many church leaders, also the former Guthenburg Prime Minister with Heindrick as its supreme head. Many Guthenburgians and members of Heindricks Army join the party and the parties military.

Rising dissent of Atheists and Non-Christians, in the Year of our Lord 2028

Four years into the Martial Law period the NationalechristlichePartei members dominate the court system, police force and Heindricks army. Heindricks Chrisitan views were implemented with many laws he passed (Including the outlawing of Gambling, prostitution ect.) and his whim was faithfully carried out by his fanatical police force.

Many Atheists and Non-Christian religious groups despised the NationalechristlichePartei. Not because the land was horribly governed, on the contrary the National Bank finances doubled and education was booming. They despised the NationalechristlichePartei solely because of their Christian views and because the laws and courts were biased towards those beliefs. By this time an armed group of Anti-NationalechristlichePartei had formed and began raiding Christian establishments and the people inside of them (Which was illegal to harm a person inside a church or to desecrate a church with the later being a capital offense).

Heindrick quickly rallied his army and the police and they stamped out the rebellion and put its leaders to death, and probated the survivors.

With this Heindrick felt that the population was not ready to be taken off of martial law for they were still "An unruly populous of traitorous ruffians." He extended the Martial Law period for four more years on top of the remaining two. Heindricks respect for Non-Christians lessens greatly.

Growth in popularity and backing for Heindrick by Guthenburg and rising Tensions with Rothar, in the Year of our Lord 2029

By this time close to 95% of the area governed by Heindrick and his NationalechristlichePartei are Christian and very loyal to Heindrick, not Rothar as a country. Guthenburg under Heindrick at this time almost completely ignored Rothar, though none of the Rothar officials dared oppose his Regime for fear of him breaking from the Government.

Heindrick could not stand the Atheist standing of Rothar. He viewed many of their laws immoral and ungodly (Like legal gambling and Gay Marriage.) He sent many of his party members and reverends to Rothar to commence "Operation save Rothar". The campaign went well for the short time it was implemented. It was banned by Rothar after they passed a law stating that it was illegal to impose your religion on another Human Being. They must come to you. The law was passed by a large majority in the Senate and by popular vote (90% voted for the law to be introduced and considered in the Senate then it was passed 86-14).

Heindrick was outraged. He then decided it was time to gain power in the Rothar government. He ran for Chancellor and had his officials run for the other positions come election time. It was a disaster as most Rotharians were atheist and knew that if the NationalechristlichePartei came into power then they would change everything and thus did not agree with him. He lost only having 30% of the votes (Which he only gained by his natural Charisma) ,with the winner holding 60%. Only four of his officials were elected to the Senate (Holding 4/100 seats) and none won the governor races. Guthenburgians could not vote as they were not as yet admitted to Rothar as a state.

As he watched the democratic movements and development of Rothar, and with the utter defeat in the elections, he began to believe along these lines of thinking "Humans are sinful by nature, and will opt for their sinful ways to become right in the eyes of men and a majority of men are sinful. Democracy has brought an end to morality as the people have strayed from the traditions of old. Men must be kept inline and watched by a man of morality, man of strength, man of the people and loyal to his country, and most importantly a man of God." (This was a part of one of his speeches in Guthenburg at a party rally after the elections.)

Rebellion! in the Year of our Lord 2031

Heindrick along with the NationalechristlichePartei became absolutely fed up with the Rothar government at this time at that they decided to declare independence and War against the Government of Rothar at a meeting in Guthenburg Palace, which by now was called "Weiger Palace". Heindrick renames the Nation "Christstan" and is requested by his people to become Emperor. (This is probably due largely to the fact that he was a great administrator and that his propaganda and teaching suggested that large scale voting would end morality.) He gladly took the position.

Many people in Guthenburg were thrilled at the thought that they would now rule over the Rotharians and the Heindrick was their permanent ruler.

Heindrick invaded Rothar only two hours after the declaration catching the Rothar Peace time defenders off guard. His army crushes them under their feet in the first battle and the south falls to Heindrick at the end of the year.

Final Victory, in the Year of our Lord 2032

The Republic of Rothar is able to summon their reserves and gather their army but all is done in vain as Heindrick had already taken most of the country by mid year. Rothar barely had an army as a large group of anti-war parties began winning seats and cut military budget a few years before. Heindricks army of veterans crushed Rothars Peace-core, and forced the government to abdicate, surrender and hand the country to him.

His party officially set him up as ]]Emperor of Christstan]] and began the six years of Martial law. Heindrick brought over all of his Christian laws but never once forced the populous to convert or for the other parties to leave though he did set up many chruches started convertion campaigns. He had finally brought his country inorder and saw his dream a reality.

Current, in the Year of our Lord 2032

Now most citizens have converted and accepted the new regime. Voting has now gone under way for Governor(Like our mayors) positions and for seats in Parliment, although this is heavily monitored and very difficult to form a political party. Dukes (Like our Governors), are choosen by the Emperor and Parliment is granted more power every year.

And a note - I am not a Nazi. My people are basically German so I decided to pull from German history (I.e. the flags, generals and the like). I have made sure not to put any Swastikas on my pics or any reference to it.

Also Note, Christstan goes by a different calander, and that will explain the difference in the dates