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The Dominion of Jamiha (pronounced Ha-mi-yha' nationality :Jamih, a Jamih)is a small, citizen-minded island nation. It is characterized by almost flawless egalitarianism and beautiful sunsets on the Bay of New Wellington.


Jamiha was colonized as New Lancastershire by a group of British soldiers under the commander of Colonel James McDoughright in the 1600's. The men immediately built a fort and began to forage for food. By 1635, they were entirely self-sustaining, even sending small but commercial amounts of copper and granite to England. To mine and chop and forage, they forced into servitude the island's one tribe of natives, called the Jamillo. The Jamillo were treated as citizens of England, but not given the full rights thereof. This inequality is believed to be the root of the egalitarian beliefs held so dear to modern Jamilla. The colony gained some autonomy as the Dominion of New Lancastershire in 1750. As such, it played a small but crucial role in the American revolution, harboring Tories from persecution in North America. During the 1800's, a strong push for independance grew and some attempts were actually made to overthrow the Govenor-General. Finally, in 1919, as a reward for the brave service of the "Tan and Black Knights" of the 1st New Lancastershire Infantry Regiment in World War One.


The Dominion's economy is based almost equally on tourism and natural resources. The interior mountains are filled to the brim with coal, and the government takes a huge cut of all money made. There is a flat fee of $400,000 per 40 acre claim and 40% of all profits made. The coal is still present in such force that there are between 250 and 650 claims in the mountains, each holding ground from 40 to 800 acres. Because of the tremendous money made from coal, the government pays each citizen below the median per capita income a fee to help them. There is a flat 5% income tax with no deductions or right-offs. Most citizens work in the tourism sector, while the coal miners are mostly immigrants.


The nation is headed by a unicameral legislature known as the Parliament. There are twenty-one seats in Parliament, three from each "district", and there is a head of Parliament, who changes every fortnight according to a specific order. All that that head does is select the agenda and appoint committees. Each district has a model of this Parliament of its own, the only difference being that the juniormost of the district's three national representatives is also the head of the district parliament.
