The Grand Duchy of Zeon (Side 3)

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The Grand Duchy of Zeon Side-3

The Grand Duchy of Zeon Side-3 is a small, and relitively new nation located in the Derkan Islands, colloquially known as The Derkas. Its government replaced Republic of Derkaderkanistan which collapsed from civil war and gratefully accepted the UN government and imposition of the colonist led government. The nation, led by Sarah Zabi (She dropped Minerva after moving to Earth). It is designated as the homeland of the Republic of Zeon but has its own soverignty. It has always been a democratic republic with the leading member known as the Duke (or Duchess if the elected leader is female). It is an extremely techologically advanced nation whose major economical backbone is space industry and manufacturing( particularly space related and highly technical products). It is also well known for its continuing use of the Universal Century calender which started on the first of January during the year space colonization program began.

Side-3's Space History

The Republic of Zeon: The Republic of Zeon was initially founded by Zeon Zum Deikun, who declared the colony located at the second Earth-Luna Lagrangian Point, named Space Colony Side 3, independent from the Earth Federation in UC0058. For the next several years, Zeon Zum Deikun and his followers dealt with issues surrounding their independence, chiefly the economic pressure applied to Side 3 by the Earth Federation in their effort to force Side 3 back into the Federation. During this time Side 3 formed its first national guard unit. Unfortunately for the Republic of Zeon, Zeon Zum Deikun unexpectedly died in UC 0068, leaving Side 3 without a leader. After the end of the One-Year War, the Republic was reestablished briefly, with a puppet government which the Earth Federation controlled.

The Duchy of Zeon: After Deikun's suspicious death, his advisor, Degwin Sodo Zabi became leader and renamed it the Principality of Zeon, changing its flag as well. Degwin rapidly expanded the colony's national guard units into a full fledged army. Mobile Suits and other unique weapons made their first appearance, and not before long war was declared on the Earth Federation.

The conflict became known as the One Year War. The first week, known as the One-Week War (Jan 3 - Jan 10, UC0079) resulted in the death of 3 billion people (2.8 billion deaths in colonies by NBC weapons and 0.2 billion estimated by the colony drop on earth.), more than a third of the human population. In the following Battle of Loum on January 15, most residents of the Space Colony Gundam Side 5 colonies are also killed, resulting in the death of near third of humanityin the opening days of the war. After the colony drop, the estimated direct deaths are 0.32 billion and second causes deaths are over 2 billion by the after effect of the drop due to a lot of places lost contact and losses way for survival. An after war research lowers the number to a total of 0.2 billions in total during the first week of the One Year Was. As a consequence of the astounding losses, the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon signed the Antarctic Treaty on Jan 31, which prevented NBC weapons and colony drops.

The very next day (Feb 1) after the treaty, Zeon began the formation of its Zeon Earth Attack Force. By the middle of 0079, the Zeon forces had control of about 70% of the Earth. Nevertheless, after several major operations (Velvet, Odessa, et al.), the Earth Federation regained much of the lost ground. During that time many of the family members of the ruling family in zeon died. (assasination, death in the war, desease, ect.) The war eventually climaxed in the Battles of Solomon and A Boa Qu, where the Earth Federation's superior forces took control of both the fortresses. The Principality of Zeon finally surrendered with the Treaty of Granada, on January 14, UC0080. At the end of the war, the granddaughter of Degwin Zabi, Minerva Sarah Zabi, was the only known family member left.

The Second Zeon Republic: The Second Zeon Republic is a relitively powerful and peaceful space nation and is an active member of the UN. Minerva Sarah Zabi became a stong force within the government despite the resentments towards her other family members. The republic recently was granted the right to place a small colony of spacenoids in the Derkas.


The economy of the Duchy of Zeon Side-3 can be partially be attributed to the former Republic of Derkaderkanistan which it replaced. With the new rule of Zeon, the economy has quickly become a technologicaly based economy. It has a large space industry and has large manufacturing centers. It has become a shining star among the microtechnology and seiconductor industries. It tends to import energy and many agriculture products. Its people havfe low taxes to deal with but protective tariffs keep some prices of certain products higher than in other countries. The GDP is of the highest in the world for a counry of its size.


Info on the technologies of zeon and explanation of sides [1] The wiki explanation of Zeon, Used parts of that article in this. [2] Nationstates []