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Forum: [1]
Population: 25 nations
Delegate: Santa Francisca
Founder: {{{founder}}}
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


Torino is a wonderful region. Torino is an average sized region with many active members, and a small kingdom with 3 colonies. It is a wintery paradise filled with many things to do. Torino is a constitutional monarchy however democracy still lives in Torino. Founded on the first of July two-thousand and six (1 July 2006) it became a large region filled with many activies. The region has its own forum in there is a Parliament, media center, and much much more. It is mostly popular for its mountains. Today Torino is on the verge of a new begining in which it plans to have a strong empire and a population of 200 by 2008.

The History of Torino

This is a brief history of Torino for more further details see The History of Torino in NSWiki. Torino was founded on July 1st 2006, the day it declared independence. During that time Torino was a small region of several active members. The founder, New Canada City, wanted to rebuild Torino in the aftermath of declaring independence. NCC began to recruit, he wasn't quite successful. Then he decided to negotiate with this region called Santa Ana and its empress, Santa Francisca.

New Canada City encouraged her to come to Torino for the best and promised her a senior job in the governemnt. She agreed and today is third ranked as Supreme Chancellor of Torino. When she was made Supreme Chancellor, immediately the people fell in love with her. She was considered by many "The People's Empress" or "The People's window to the Monarchy". She is also the most politically powered head of state. The Supreme Chancellor presides over the House of Commons, Torino's Lower House of Parliament where all members have a seat. She is now also the Foreign Minister of Torino and Delegate of Torino.

A few weeks after finding Santa Francisca, NCC recuited this other person that will shake the region to its foundations. His name was Foxcollar. Foxcollar was a very active member. He was hailed by many as "Torino's First General" when he helped enlist members to the army. Along with helping make an army he also helped recruit new members to the region. The region later grew to a huge population of 25 members where it remains today. He also recruited a region that became Torino's first and most prized colony, Isle De Foxcollar. To reward him for his deeds, NCC knighted him as Vice President and later Prince of the Isle, and heir to the thrown. Today he is second in command in the armed forces and the monarchy. He is also the defense minister.

On July 27th, Torino was once again hit with much more good news. They have now elected their first Prime Minister. He was elected by 1 vote and was considered a "Dark Horse" in the exit polls. His name was Corporate Ninjas. Corporate Ninjas, a hardworking politician was inagurated as prime minister August 3rd, 2006. He works hard as prime minister to keep peace in Torino, however is ready to fight for the people when their rights are threatened. His term has just began so there is not much to say about him. But many say that he will be the best Prime Minister for the job.

The Empire

The Empire of Torino is a small kingdom with only three colonies: Brussels, Niagara Falls, and Isle de Foxcollar. One of the most prized of them is Isle de Foxcollar. It was founded by Prince Foxcollar. It is currently populated with several members and is on the verge of establishing a government itself.

All colonies of Torino will have a Governor. The governor is elected by their people. They will also have an Empress and Emperor. The Empress would be the Supreme Chancellor. The Emperor would be New Canada City. The Empress has more power and is considered "Queen of the Commonwealths".

Today there is a dispute on how to exend the empire. NCC and other believe through invasion of weak regions they will build an empire. NCC believes in the "Conquest Theory" in which it states that if you conquer a region, the recuitment will go much faster. While others including the Prime Minister believe it should be founded from scratch. However it may go they all agree that the empire will be extended.

The Government of Torino

King of Torino, Emperor of the Colonies: King Charles Louis VII (New Canada City)

Prince of Isle de Foxcollar: Foxcollar

Supreme Chancellor of Torino: Santa Francisca