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The Holy Republic of Chubbica

The Holy Republic of Chubbica is an ever-growing nation filled with conservative capitalists. Citizens are free to spend their money in any way they wish, and are encouraged to vote in the free and open elections. Chubbica's main concern is keeping the economy as strong as possible. Government officials also concern themselves with keeping liberals on a short leash, and keeping crime at a 'manageable' rate.


The government of Chubbica is set up with three branches: The Judiciary Branch, The Legislative Branch, and The Executive Branch.

The Judiciary Branch consists of The High Court. There are 7 members of The High Court, and they are elected to 10 year terms. The purpose of The High Court is to enforce the laws of The Chubb COnvention (Chubbica's constitution). Members of The High Court tend to lean toward the conservative end of the spectrum, and are highly influenced by large corporations.

The Legislative Branch consists of two houses of elected officials: The House of Representatives, and The House of The Elite. The House of Representatives consists of one member for every 10 million citizens. Each member of The House of Representatives are elected to 2 year terms, and cannot hold a position for more then 3 consecutive terms. The diversity in The House of Representatives is low, with 98% of the elected officials being Republican, and 2% being Libertarian. The House of The Elite consists of 1 member for each state in the region. There are 5 members of The House of The Elite. The House of Elite is run by 5 CEO's of 5 major corporations. Each memebr fo The House of The Elite is elected to 5 year terms, and has no limit on how many terms they can serve.

The Executive Branch consists of The Holy Ruler. Lord Claude Chubb is the current ruler, and has been in power since 1948. The position of Holy Ruler is a position bestowed upon a person by God. The person bestowed with this power tends to live longer then anyone else in the nation. For example, Lord Chubb was born in 1855. The average life span for everyone else is 115 years.


The ecomony is one that focuses on the internal success of the nation. Rarely does the nation look to outsource positions. However, many nations have moved their workforces to Chubbica because of the national resources Chubbica has. Chubbica does import some goods, but as time goes on that need is decreasing. Chubbica's main import is cottage cheese, and its major export is automobiles.

The unemployment rate in Chubbica is normally low, although it has seen it rise to over 25%. Many citizens complain that they would like to obtain work as manual labors, but criminals incarcerated for major crimes are forced into manual labor camps, so there is no need for the citizens to perform manual labor.

The currency is The Illigal Immigrant. The Federal Bank monitors the unemployment rate, and GDP, the rate of inflation, and the strengh of the Illigal Immigrant, and makes adjustments to the Federal Interest rates accordingly.

The Military

The military consists of The Holy Army, The Holy Seamen, The Holy Air Dominators, The Holy Guardsmen, and The Holy Marines. Each branch of the military is run directly by The Holy Ruler, with generals of each branch assisting. The military has been used many times, including during The Holy Crusades of 1986, the invasion of The Nation of Evil-Doers in 1994, and the defense of Chubbica during the War of 1998 (when The Nation of Evil-Doers attemped to invade Chubbica). The military has not lost a war, but tends to sustain heavy casualties due to friendly fire.

Enlistment into the militray is compulsatory for males at age 18, and are given the option to leave the military at age 21. Females are encouraged to join, but not required. There is no draft.


The culture of Chubbica tends to lean on the conservative side. Males are expected to hold open doors, pay for dinner, and pull the car up to the front entrance fo the store in bad weather. Fines are imposed for those that do not.

The arts in Chubbica are not supported by the government, but have been able to survive upon their own power. Many plays, poetry readings, and other 'happenings' occur all over the country.

The nation sees hitory as its most important part of its culture. The government is constantly erecting statues of different historical figures all over the country.

Other Information

Region - Republicans

Member of The United Nations

National Anthem - Hail to Chubb

National Pastime - Stock Car Racing

National Animal - The Chubbie

National Currency - The Illigal Immigrant

National Religion - The Holy Catolic Church of Chubbica

National Plant - The Weeping Willow

State Drinking Age - 21

State Voting Age - 21

State Driving Age - 18

Age of Enlistment into Military - 18

Age of Maturity (When citizens are considered adults) - 18

Public Education is compulsatory. It is against the law to drop out of primary and secondary education. This offense is punishable by watching the movie 'Titanic' continuously until the individual agrees to re-enter school. No one has gone longer then three days.