Allied Union Defense Force (Ground)

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Allied Union soldier wearing Sampson exo-armor and wielding a Armalite DAR-1.


The Allied Union Defense Force (AUDF, or simply, the Army, exists for the sole purpose of defending the territory of Velkya and her allies, both at home and abroad. However, this expansive objective is broken down into several specific subroles. These roles are paramount to the success of the Defense Force and the Velkyan military as a whole.

  • Protection of the territory and interests of both the Allied Union, the Allied Union's allies, and their respective citizenery and governments.
  • Protection of the land-based economic interests of the Allied Union and her allies, including fuel sources, human resources, settlements, and agriculture.
  • Projection of power alongside other military branches upon foreign soil in offensive operations.

History and Background

Formed officially as the Velkyan Army in 2001, the AUDF has it's beginnings and roots in nearly every organized armed force in the history of the Velkyan-sub continent. More, directly, the army is modelled on the principles of the old Osean Army, which in turn is heavily influenced by Western armed forces, particulary that of the United States and Great Britain. It emphasizes quick, decisive warfare, and a great portion of it's manpower and equipment are air mobile, and even the heaviest forces can be deployed to a combat zone within a single week.

Current Status

As of this fiscal year (2023), the Allied Union Defense Force currently consists of several hundred active duty divisions, 60% of which are based in the Allied Union herself, with the remaining 40% spread over the territory of allies and Allied Union military bases, most notably the Silver Sky, Allanea, Skinny87, Whyatica, and the Space Union, as well as the Velkyan territories of Ohaui in the Pacific Ocean, and Rocky Shores Joint Naval Base in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, several hundred miles off the southern coast of Tocrowkia.


The AUDF is issued, unlike the other branches, an overwhelming percentage of indiginous vehicles and small arms. The service rifle of the AUDF is the modular AR-59 MICW, the newest in a series of rifles dating back to the venerable AR-56 and ARC-1. The revolutionary design allows soldiers to change their weapon's characteristics to suit their current needs, and is a valuable asset in the doctrine and abilities of the Velkyan infantryman. He also uses the P-98 9mm service pistol as his official sidarm, with the Kriegzimmer made LAW-4 recoiless rifle and HAW-3 Javelin III top profile attack anti-weapon as the primary anti-vehicle weapons, and the AAS-9 shoulder-fired SAM as his primary hand-held method of dealing with aircraft. On the vehicular side of things, the AUDF employs the AM-4 Merkhev (manufactered by Soviet Bloc) as it's primary armored system.