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The country of Roms used to be a large and prosperous country of states. It was a nuetral country, it's only involvement in wars being the manufacture and sale of weapons to any and all countries. Roms was often criticised for it's mercenary tactics of selling to both sides of a war, which is thought to be one of the reasons why other naions were slow to help Roms during it's crisis.

In the year of 2004 the dead began to rise and attack the living. It is not known what caused the dead to rise, but many experts think it is simply the byproduct of one of Roms numerous tests with biological weapons. Various religions believe it was the wrath of God brought down on Roms. Whatever the cause Roms was devasted within a week as the numbers of walking dead rose.

Roms is now a region of communities focused soley on their own survival. Not much is known about these communities as Roms has closed it's borders to outsiders. The only contact with the region is made through the Community of Babylon, a small island outside of Roms that escaped the country's devastation.

There is no government ruling this region as each community rules itself. Roms' current main exports are rare diamonds made from the ashes of the dead. These small diamonds, called 'Gray Zombies,' are popular among the rich for their novelty.