Culture of New Caldari

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The Caldari State is regarded as an semi-oppresive, hard-working and war-loving people, who wish to live as long as they can and live their lives to the fullest extent. Many Caldari believe, that although having fun and leisure is important, working is also very important, and many believe that hard work will lead to a succesful life. They do believe in absolute perfection, as it is possible. The wealth of a person is considered to be exteremly important, as many believe it is a reward given when one works hard enough in life. Wealth also is used to determine the social class your in.

The Caldari citizenry have some freedoms but they have no substancial poltical right but they have outstanding economic rights which allow free enterprise but not so much to infringe on the rights of other megacorporations. They will also accept some peoples and species of all races, beliefs, and cultures as long as they stick to the laws and traditions of the State.

The population likes ceremonies and military parades that will make them patriotic and nationalistic of their country and its glorious heritage. Military parades shows the populace that their nations does in fact have the one of the grestest militaries in the region. Their are also cultural parades, like during the the Caldarian New Year (April 13th-April 19th).

To control their more aggressive habits, the Caldari organize a variety of sporting activities, most of which involve some form of violent competition such as gladiatorial matches. Betting on these competitions is very commonplace, so much so that gambling has evolved into one of the larger enterprises in the Caldari state.

Official Languages

The Caldari State has 2 official languages and they are Caldanese and English.

Caldanese is a combination of Japanese, Chinese and Icelandic and its used only in everyday life but has well over 50 minor dilects including Ancient Napanii (began Modern or Standard Caldanese), Edoshi, Kalgii, Tandosh and many more regional dialects however Napanii is the most common of them.

English is used like the rest of the region, however this is only used to discuss foreign policy and regulate trade with other nations. Primarly however, English is only spoken within the government and even then only if needed.

Aproximentally 18.00 Billion speak Caldanese. The 1.8 billion Sushiians who have been intergreted into Caldari society and culture have become the most rapid learners of the Caldari language and almost 20% of them have gotten it down cold, meaning about 91% of the entire Caldari sphere of influence speaks Caldanese or one of its fifty minor dialects. while the Gevonians, who number around another 1.3 billion, only speak English and have no desire to learn the Caldari language.


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Movie Poster for the newest film: The Atholonian Threat.

The people of the State, as with other places, have numerous hobbies and activities in which they engage to entertain themselves. The video game and computer industries in the Caldari State are expansive and some of the most lucrative market sectors, at the same time providing entertainment to countless citizens of the nation. Visual entertainment forms are also quite expansive in the forms of movies and television. Currently, the most popular forms of these are those presented in an animated medium or in a science-fiction of fantasy setting. If asked for a reason for this, the locals will frequently reply that focusing on the fantastic, both in terms of story and medium, provides more inventive and creative works.

The Holo-Movies are a very populur entertainment as they show features in all dimentions, usually in 5D. Popular genres include State, Foreign, Historic, War and Popular. State movies basically are shows broadcasting propaganda to the masses, to make them more loyal to the State. Their are not many foreign movies and the CEP have censored several hundreds of movies they deem, non-patriotic. Historic and War movies are propaganda in a way but in theory, teach the little people of their past and what cause the State to be the superpower that is in this day and age. Popular movies are shows that people really, really enjoy and will see anytime they feel like it. The most popular films in the State after the end of the 2nd Gevon War were "The Fall of Almasy" and "The Siege of Hong".

Since the Ascension of President Onamori, the media has been opened up slowly and rapidly to the people, however the nation still regulates the major newspapers, radio stations and television networks.


Music is another popular form of entertainment. Egonics are a Caldari specialty and they are based on the tastes of what people like. The range is large between modern jazz to futuristic rock and roll. Egonics are based on DNA samples, social status and many other ways. Music is broadcasted to the Egone over wavelength, similar to radio, so in effect every Egonics customer is listening to his own personal radio station, playing only those songs he likes and has paid for.


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A Elementry Classroom in the State .

Education is important to any great and proud Caldari citizen. You will find hundreds of schools and universities, each specializing in a different field of trade or level of higher understanding. Children who graduate from the primary State program and do not go on to the special colleges and universities usually 99% of the time join the military via the State War Academy, the launching point of several historic military figures including Admiral Yakiya Tovil-Toba.

All Caldari children at the age of five begin attending a primary education facility where they are taught how to write, read, calculate basic mathmatics and its the first year the children are exposed physical education. Allowing the children to be exposed to physical education allows them to think like a Caldari soldier and commando. Once the children have reached the Secondary level of education [Freshmen Year of High School], they will be taught higher levels of Math including Algebra, English, Ancient and Modern History (both of the State and that of the region and world), Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Language as majors. Its at this time that students can choose optional electives in the arts and proformance arts. During the second and third years, students will continue to learn primary majors including English, Mathmatics, National Military History, Foreign Language and Life Sciences. Once students graduate from the primay network, they should know English, higher forms of mathmatics including trignometry and calculus; All histories, sciences, foreign language and other levels of educations.


Sports in the Caldari State are unusually combative, largely composed of wrestling, boxing, martial arts, warfare, and fencing. The largest sport, however, is known as Combat. This sport takes multiple forms with multiple sets of rules depending upon the variant. However, what it consists of is the combatants using weapons, composed of foam for safety issues, and shooting each other with them in battle. These weapons must conform to certain restrictions put in place for both playability and safety. Weapons generally take the form of stun rifles. Each player is responsible for keeping track of the damage they recieve, with different damage having different effects. Players who are dishonest about taking damage, as determined by the heralds, can be barred from the leagues though this is the rarest and least used punishment. In a way, Combat is like laser tag, as it builds charcther and improves people's training and wepons handling for the armed services.

Combat, as mentioned above, comes in a variety of forms. Large battles, frequently consisting of upwards of a thousand people on each team, are seldom used in tournaments for league purposes beyond having a good time due to the difficulty of analysis of individual performance. Smaller teams have different leagues, dependent upon team size, weapons, location, and other factors, which contain individual ranking systems. The other major form of tournament Combat is dueling, which, as the name implies, is one-on-one combat. As with team battles, multiple leagues exist for duelists with independent ranking systems. The sport is also widely used recreationally as it is accessable to almost any age.


The Caldari State has no state religion as they don't put any money into the Religion Ministry as its a department that doesn't exist. During the rule of Raata I, he declared that seperation of church and state must happen and so it did. To this day, Religion has not come into play in State poltics. However this does not mean people in the State are not at some level of spritutality or fanatically relgious.