Intelligence agencies of Zaire

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National Service for Intelligence and Protection

The National Service for Intelligence and Protection (French: Service National d'Intelligence et de Protection, better known by the acronym "SNIP") is both the secret police organization of Zaire as well as its intelligence organization. It has undergone several name changes over the years: among its previous incarnations were the National Documentation Center (Centre Nationale de Documentation, or "CND") and the National Documentation Agency (Agence Nationale de Documentation, or "AND"). Its first incarnation was the CND, established in 1969 as a successor to the Sûreté Nationale, a special-purpose police and investigative unit established by the Belgian colonial authorities. It has had the name "SNIP" since August of 1990. It is currently headed by Honoré Ngbanda Nzambo-ku-Atumba, a brilliant and ambitious Ngbandi who speaks impeccable French, Ngbanda was talent-spotted by President Mobutu. In addition, Ngbanda serves as minister of defense and national security advisor to the President. An enigmatic and sinister man, Ngbanda is known as "the Terminator" by Zairians. Ironically, on Sundays he can be seen on national television hosting a Bible studies program. He is fervidly religious, and in fact once considered becoming a priest.

SNIP enjoys total impunity, and readily utilizes whatever methods it wishes, be they rape, torture, or murder, to carry out its other purpose: intimidating and curtailing dissent. SNIP operates its own interrogation centers and prisons and relies on a vast network of informers. There is a rumor that SNIP even has intelligence agents abroad, notably in Europe, which infiltrate anti-Mobutu groups operating in exile. Due to its highly politicized nature, SNIP's assessments are regarded by critics - mostly outside Zaire - as being of dubious nature. Nevertheless, few would deny its efficiency, and ruthlessness, in suppressing any semblance of opposition to the government.

Military Intelligence and Security Service

The Armed Forces of Zaire operates an intelligence agency of its own, called the Military Intelligence and Security Service (French: Service d'Action et de Renseignements Militaire, or "SARM"). Like SNIP, most of its activities involve surveillance of potential dissent and the physical elimination of said dissent. SARM is not as effective as SNIP, nor does it enjoy such far-reaching powers, but it is widely feared among the populace nonetheless. SNIP does, however, have one purpose that SNIP does not: surveillance and intelligence gathering on the armed forces themselves.

National Immigration Agency

The National Immigration Agency, ostensibly created for the maintenance and protection of Zaire's borders, actually has a much different purpose. Like the other intelligence agencies, it has its own network of informers, its own secret police, and its own interrogation centers where they can torture and harass to their heart's content and enjoy complete impunity doing so. The National Immigration Agency has a secret special operations force, whose existence is denied by the government, known as Les Hiboux (French: The Owls), so named due to its predilection for nighttime visits. Vast numbers of individuals deemed "subversives" and "counterrevolutionaries" have been abducted by the Owls under cover of darkness; many have never been seen again.

Other intelligence agencies

The President also regularly consults several personal, unofficial intelligence networks, which he has spy on the official agencies as well as each other. He often combines the information from all the reports he receives to evaluate the validity of what is reported to him. He receives updates every six hours. Due to the President's tremendous personal wealth, the personal networks are believed to be extensive in scope and well paid.