The Vampyric Union

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The Vampyric Union is the name for the government for the Empire of Vampyro


After the fall of the old Dictatorship in Vampyro- The country went throug a reform period of several years- this is when important people around the country- including President Nikesh Jani, got together for talks on how to govern the country. The Reformists as they were called drew up a code of laws for the Vampyric Union- the new governing body of Vampyro. Due to his important part in the process of helping the country- Presindent Nikesh Jani regained his old post as President- To Become The first President Of teh Union. From now on The 10th of September will be known as Union day- and the whole week will be a national holiday for schoolchildren.

The Union

The union is the name for the governing body of Vampyro. The union is based in Vampyro state on Governers Island- in the Union House.

Union Seats

The Union has a republic-type format, with 40 seats. These are-

  • President,
  • Vice President,
  • Advisors Representative,
  • Supreme Court Representitive,
  • Random Citizen (x2)
  • Alterra State (x2),
  • East Alterra State (x2),
  • Naranjas State (x2),
  • Blaues State (x2),
  • Germont State (x2),
  • Periogan State (x2),
  • Armellas State (x2),
  • Bordellia State (x2),
  • Lilliax State (x2),
  • Grand Basin State (x2),
  • Rosemond State (x2),
  • Platinlar State (x2),
  • Marya State (x2),
  • Ionio State (x2),
  • Rojos State (x2),
  • Garalia State (x2),
  • Vampyro State (x2),

Important Union Officials

These are some Important Union Officials,


President Nikesh Jani (KVE)is the current president of the country- and has been for 37 years. During this period in time- he took over the struggling republic and turned it into a powerful dictatorship, then turned it back to a democracy- in the form of a union. Even though he was once a horrible dictator- he is known nation-wide as a hero due to the "reform period" chich he oversaw- the period in time where the union was created and the country gained more power, this is the reason he has stayed in power for so long. President Jani is due to resign during the next elections.

Vice president

The vice president of the union is the ex long term official of Garalia- Hemalle Maya. She is famous in Vampyro for being the first woman in the union- and also for turning Garalia's reputation and power within the union around. She is the favourite to gain power in the next elections- due to President Jani's arriving resignation.

Lower Houses Of Government

The Vampyric union also has 2 other "houses" which are represented in the Union- but have their own meetings and such.

The Presidents Avisors

The Advisors are as follows ;

  • Alex Hiroshka- Representative of The Advisors, his roles are- to lead the meetings, report back to the President, be the presidents chief of staff, and to represent the House in the union
  • Maya Ladya- Education and secondry Representative
  • Rawul J'bel- Defence
  • Sretah Kasakas- Health
  • Crystal Mien- Economy and Federal reserve
  • Nezsura Polat- Public Relations
  • Ahkran Mbale Fionaliamkoskantos- Foreign relations
  • Ferukh Njinah- Minister Without Portfolio

The Supreme Court

The supreme tier is the most important court in Vampyro- and is responsible for all other courts in the Nation- The Judges are;

  • Lydia Khan- Leading Judge and Union Representitive
  • Bekki Maratas
  • Mitch Utios
  • Martin Rowe
  • Pavi Kremos
  • Serena Phantosmio


The Seats in the Union are all gained by democracy- the states hold elections every 5 years for a long term representative, and every 2 years for short term representatives- who are also the state governers. The President is elected by the Union-Every 4 years- by the other 39 seats, the state "short term" officials must use their vote depending on who the majority of their state vote for in the presidential elections, and the ling term officials and other seats can use their vote for whomever they want. The supreme court is elected by the long term officials, and compromises of the supreme tier- 6 seats- the most important court, and the state courts, who then organise themselves however they want. The Advisors are appointed by the President- as is the Vice President.