WerePenguin Democracy

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The government of Retired WerePenguins is considered by many of the citizens of Retired WerePenguins to be a shining example of democratic institutions. In once sense it is unique, in that it creates levels of citizenship based on military service, and native/non-native born.

There are three classes of citizenship. The first class consists of retired military officers. Those who retired from the Tzorsland Navy are given the prefix of RTO. Those who will retire from Retired WerePenguin's Navy will be given the prefix of WRPO. Since the general policy of Tzorsland was to allow only female WerePenguins into the Tzorsland Navy, and since there are no retired officers from Retired WerePenguin's Navy, currently only females have first class citizenship. Non officers in the military who lead exemplary lives can be given honorary officer status upon their retirement.

Second class citizens are native born, and third class citizens are naturalized. In practice there is no difference between second and third class citizens. Only second class citizens can enlist in the Navy, although both males and females can apply.

There are two houses of the legislature, the Assembly of Senators, and the Congress of the People. The executive branch is elected by the Assembly of Senators, while the judicial branch is appointed by the executive branch and ratified by the Congress of the People. The four principle officers of the executive branch are commonly known as the "Chair Officers."

The Executive Branch

There are four major positions within the executive branch and these are known as the "Chair Officers." Each officer serves two two-year terms of office. After the second term they are generally promoted to the next higher chair by the Assembly of Senators, baring the case for gross misconduct or scandalous behavior. Thus in practice only the lowest of the chairs has any significant campaigning. The positions are based on nautical occupations. Only first class citizens can hold a position as a Chair Officer.

The Pilot is the lowest chair. The function of the Pilot is to coordinate between the executive branch and the legislative/judicial branches.

The Captain is the second chair. The function of the captain is to coordinate the various committee chairpersons, as well as various ministers of the cabinet.

The Navigator is technically the "highest" position of the Chair Officers and represents the Nation. She is commander in chief of the Navy, has the ability to veto legislation passed by the legislature, nominates people to the judiciary, and can declare special days of celebration or solemnity.

The Admiral is a position given to the most recently retired Navigator. The position allows a Navigator to remain with the Chair Officers after her retirement allowing her to give practical advice on a number of issues.

There are also three minor chairs which are held by Past Navigators. These are known as the Trustee chairs and there are three trustee positions. The term of office of a trustee is twelve years. Generally speaking the position is filled by the retiring admiral. When a trustee must leave their position for whatever reason, elections can be held to fill the position for the remainder of the term.

The Assembly of Senators


In the early years of the Assembly, all members of the Retired Tzorsland Naval Officers met together to debate and discuss legislation. It soon became apparent that the numbers of first class citizens attending was getting too large for the building to hold them, and so it was decided to limit the assembly to a certain number of first class citizens. Initially this was settled on 160 chosen by lot to those who arrived on the opening day. Several years later this was changed to an election of members based on a general election held one month prior to the start of the annual session. The 160 seats are divided into "red" seats and "blue" seats with red seats being elected on odd years while blue seats being elected on even years. The term of the election is for two years.

Chair officers are typically required to attend when the Assembly of Senators is in session. The Navigator will act as the chairperson, while the other chair officer are seated in important positions within the chamber proper.

The Congress of the People


The Congress of the People is a large body which is divided up into regions based on population demographics. There are a total of 600 congressmen elected but each congressman only serves for 3 months out of the year. Thus only 150 congressmen are in session at any one time. Each congressman is elected for a 4 year term. Only second and third class citizens can run for the office and can vote for their congressman. (Since first class citizens already vote for the Assembly of Senators.)

Over the years several political parties have developed and these parties vie to put their members into the congress. It is often possible that one party might have a greater control of the congress in one season than the next and so legislature from the congress often comes in seasonal waves. (Some political parties concentrate on one specific season of the year and are often referred to by that season, for example the "Winter Liberal Party." The idea is to concentrate their efforts to get a significant group that can influence legislation in at least one season of the year.)

Political Parties

There are a number of political parties in the Congress of the People. Political parties in the Assembly of Senators are formally frowned upon, although cliques do form among the senators from time to time. Some political parties are known for trying to concentrate their influence for a specific session of the congress, and are typically known for the season in which the session is held.

The Anti-Human party 
The Anti-Human party is a newly formed political party designed to promote the rights of non human sapient species especially that of WerePenguins. It was formed when the United Nations in repealing a resolution equated non-human sex with bestiality.
The Anti-Tax party 
The Anti-Tax party was the largest political party in Retired WerePenguins until recently. Its platform was based on the principle that the tax rate for the nation should be practically zero percent. The Anti-Tax party strongly opposed any form of spending. While it is no longer the dominant party it still maintains itself as a loyal opposition to any form of spending.
The Biker’s Union party 
The Biker’s Union party was formed by a number of leaders of various biker’s groups in order to promote legislation favorable to the various gangs. Because of the success of the Anti-Tax party, biker gangs were for a long time the only source of law enforcement in the nation. The Biker’s Union also encourages biker gangs not to go shooting local law enforcement agencies as long as those agencies are not deliberately trying to break up the gangs.
The Green Party 
Unlike similar named parties in other countries, the Green Party promotes the issues of the inland region of Retired WerePenguins.
The Sexy Sushi Party 
This party does not appear to have any platform whatsoever, but they promote themselves by hosting sexy parties with plenty of sushi.
The Winter Liberals 
The Winter Liberals is a liberal political party that concentrates their efforts for the winter session of the Congress of the People