Zváyóú Aídan

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Zváyóú Aídan
Birth and Death:
7 February 1882 - 14 July 1923 (41 years)
Time in Office:
16 July 1906 - 14 July 1923 (17 years)
Randall G Myers

Early Life

Zváyóú was brought up in the suburbs of Heerput. His father was a employee at the local needles factory and his mother was a housewife. As a youth Aídan was rebellious and left home and school at 16 to the city of Liberate. He got a job as a waiter in a large Eemo hotel but was fired after being late to work repeatedly. Sickened at the state of transport in Liberate, which caused him to lose his job he aimed to push the issue to the local MP.

Political Career

Becoming an MP and rise to PM

Zváyóú's interest politics began when he visited his local borough hall, The MP told him that his issue was pointless which outraged Aídan so much that he ran for MP just so he could get his problem sorted. Zváyóú won the election with 83% of the vote. He then improved his local area immensely and even built the Golden Rail Underground system. His area boomed and became the most wealthy, prosperous and a upper-class haven. Within 2 years Zváyóú was facing another opposition, this time to be Prime Minister of Cannadiar. Aídan was favourite to win and went on to recieve 88% of the voting share.

Time as Prime Minister

As he had done to his local area, Zváyóú proceeded to perform a revolution of change, The whole culture, economy and politics of Cannadiar took a revamp. Thousands of Schools and Hopitals were built, he introduced Minimum Wage and formed The Sweedish Army. Political Tensions rose with Selvino, which ultimately turned to war.