Langarra (The Distant Future)

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Langgari History to this point:

Since it's birth sometime after the fall of the last Persian civilization, the langarri have existed.

In the early days of their conception they were a semi-isolationist society. The Council of Twelve ruled the society peacefully and everyone followed them without question. Through their Langarri the Langarri people were sent out into the world to learn from selective societies. However, once the learning process was complete the society closed itself from the world and focused solely on internal development of the people and the nation.

For the next one hundred years the langarri people were bread to study constantly and inherit through each passing generation a strong need to know more. Over the years due to this need to "know more" the society left behind it the need for material things and the ideology of the acquisition of things. It was because of this that the society banished the need for money.

With money now obsolete the Langarri society provided itself with everything everyone need according to guidelines provided by the Council of Twelve. All food and materials were closely regulated by the Council however due to this intense regulation no one with Langarra went without.

With such burdens relieve the individual Langarri was left able to expand their mind in the fields of mathematics, science, history and literature. Great leaps forward in these areas for mankind were mostly made first in Langarra, however because of their isolationist policy they share nothing with the outside world.

It wasn't until the development of "The Prime" that Langarri society began to become over shadowed. Currently Langarri society feels threatened by The Prime for their heavy use of AI's and due to the fact that most inhabitants of The Prime are linked to the Calculator, a unit the Langarri simply refuses to trust. The Langarri are a peaceful people however and due to such have yet to engage in any war with The Prime or other society on Earth.

Langarri Technology:

Langarri technology is some of the most advanced technology in the world due to the fact that the Langarri's isolationist history allowed them to develop much faster than most societies on earth. All technology classified as a "weapon" is nonviolent in design and nothing that the Langarri have engineered can end a life. Worried that in the wrong hands some technology can be used as deadly weapons, the Langarri have safeguards in their technology which only allows Langarri to operate it.

Techno Gene

Because the Langarri fear the "savage outside world" they have bioengineered and genetically implanted within all citizens a gene with activates all technology within Langarra. Without the gene present in an individual the technology is useless. It is because of this gene that to an outsider it would appear that Langarri can simply wave their hand over a device to make it work. The gene was designed so that carrier's can pass it on to their offspring, however both parents must have the gene for it to be passed on.

Techno Crystals

In most Langarri technology it has consisting within in a mainframe completely constructed of crystals. There are several different types of crystals that range from crystals which perform functions of power regulation to those which store information. Microchips, circuits, wires, cords, and motherboards are all obsolete in Langarra.


Langarri shield technology is the high light of all Langarri technology. First Developed to completely encased the nation (the national shield) shields have always been used to protect Langarra from the outside world which Langarri people have always feared to a certain degree. All Langarri shields are safe to the touch and usually give a little went pressure is applied such is the case of the national shield. This is so that aircraft and ground craft that bump into it won't simply be crushed. When first designed, the national shield was impenetrable when put against projectile weapons and explosives including that of nuclear bombs. However, after the emergence of energy based weapons the shield was modified and now is capable of defending against most energy attacks as well. Most shields are also designed to act as filters, as is the case of the national shield. The national shield acts to filter out harmful poisons in the earth's atmosphere so that all Langarri receive is the cleanest air possible. It also protects against the harmful UV rays. Other Langarri shields include personal shields and craft shields.


Langarri teleportation devices work on the same principles as most other nation's teleporters do. Matter transported through a langarri transporter can only be transported from one device to another. Langarri teleprotation devices in simplest terms works on the principle of converting a person or object into an energy pattern (a process called dematerialization), then this pattern is then beamed to another transporter where it is reconverted into matter. Now more technically speaking the transporters operate by reading the precise quantum state of every particle making up the person or object to be transported and then transmitting this information to a receiver where the reassembling process of the person or object from this information takes place.

Now for many years transporters were deemed impossible due to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, a quantum physics principle which generally speaking states that one cannot know the quantum state of a subatomic particle to arbitrary precision. Therefore, matter transportation in this way should be impossible. However, Langarri scientists worked diligently on this problem and finally developed the Heisenberg compensator which eliminates this problem. How the Heisenberg compensator works is a closely guarded secret within Langarra.

Gate Portals

Because Langarri teleportation devices have a range which only allows for transportation globally and to points just within the orbit of a planet (such as starships), Langarri scientist developed a new technology which allows for instantaneous travel of people and objects over vast distances throughout a galaxy and beyond called Gate Portals (mainly referred to simply as "gates"). Gates are ring-shaped device which creates a stable wormhole between itself and another gate. Gates are marked out by nine chevrons spaced equally around their circumference and 39 symbols displayed on an inner ring. Each of the 39 symbols are constellations and by identifying six constellations in space, a single point can be extrapolated that corresponds to the destination desired. Gates are typically 22 ft (6.7 m) in diameter, 64,000 lbs in weight.

Gates operate usually on seven-symboled addresses, meaning that other gates within "the network" use seven symbols to act as their address. This diagram illustrates how Gate symbols translate to physical coordinates:


However Langarri scientists designed the gates so that they could operate between galaxies as well. In a case where a Langarri needs to travel between galaxies, an eighth symbol will be added to represent the galaxy from which they are from. A dialing device is used with the Gate to input the address.

Once an address is dialed, the gate creates a stable wormhole between itself and the gate dialed. This involves the generation of the event horizon which is completed by the ejection of an unstable energy vortex, resembling a surge of water or quicksilver. The actual portal of a Gate appears inside the inner ring and has the appearance of a vertical puddle of water. This puddle may then be entered by travelers who will emerge from a similar pool at the destination Gate. A draw back to the Gate is that transit is strictly one-way and any attempt to travel backwards causes the traveler to be destroyed instantly. Also, although the Gate is ring-shaped travelers must enter the Gate from the same side as the gate's vortex is formed or again they will be instantly destroyed.

Safeguards for the Gate include hyperspatial buffers. When an object passes through the event horizon it is not immediately transferred to the destination Gate, but rather the portion that has passed through is dematerialized and held in the hyperspatial buffer. An object that hasn't completely passed through the event horizon may be pulled out again and its atoms will rematerialise from the buffer as it is extracted. The Gate does not begin transmitting an object until it has entirely passed through the event horizon. This ensures that only complete objects are transferred. Objects in the buffer remain in a state of suspension however, when a Gate is shut down everything still in the buffer is destroyed. This is because when a Gate completes an address and the unstable vortex is created, it wipes the buffer clean so that the buffer is able to receive new information every time the gate activates. Another safeguard is that the transmitting Gate does not allow the air molecules of the local atmosphere to pass through it. Gates are built so that they can differentiate between objects attempting to pass through the event horizon and things that would naturally exert pressure, such as water, air, lava, etc.

Also matter emerging from a Gate retains any kinetic energy it had while entering. So a person running into one Gate will hit the ground running upon emerging from another. A draw back to this is that weapon projectiles also maintain their trajectory upon transit so a bullet fired through a Gate is just as dangerous as it would be otherwise.

Though nothing official has been released by the Langarri, it is widely speculated that they have visited other worlds throughout the Galaxy and now use the Gate system to travel from Earth to these worlds often.