Army of Makaar

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The Army of Makaar
Nation The Monarchial Assembly of Makaar
Manpower 11,321,000 active troops
21,415,820 reserve troops
Military Age 18 years of age
Conscription None - all branches of military are volunteer forces only, except in times of war

The Army of Makaar is the land fighting force of the Makaarian Armed Forces. It has undertaken many conflicts during its lifespan since it was formed, and is respected in The Youngworld as one of the most technologically advanced, disciplined and highly trained military forces in the world, fulfilling the Makaarian foreign policy of intervention in foreign conflicts to further Makaarian interests. Unlike its counterparts, the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, the Army does not bear the prefix "Royal", as it was formed when Makaar had no king and was under Jagorian rule.


The Army of Makaar was officially formed in 1692, when the country succumbed to Jagorian troops and became a Jagorian land. Several bands of resistance fighters fled into the Makaari mountains and bonded together, making attacks on Jagorian supply convoys and occasionally on troops and barracks. They were immensely successful, but could not face Jagorian troops head on because of their disadvantage in numbers.

When Jagorian rule ended in 1750, the King gave a mandate to the guerilla fighters. With more money and more resources, they were transformed from a small guerilla force into a larger professional army, with conscripts to form a large reserve force. The first records were made, and the professional army numbered 6,000, with conscripts numbering 30,000.

In 1930, after Jagor had taken and retreated from Makaar again, the decision was made to expand the army and invest in an air force and navy, to defend Makaar's new coastline.

Makaar remained a small power, building up its forces steadily, until the Van Stone war, when Makaarian forces moved to liberate the nation of Vekta, where President VanStone had embarked on a campaign of genocide. The war meant the end of the Makaar/Laskon alliance, and those two powers saw several skirmishes between their two militaries. However, the effectiveness of Makaarian troops, especially their parachute and Royal Guard special forces soldiers, paved the way for Makaar's status as a superpower on the Brave New World.

Makaarian soldiers taking part in an Urban Training Exercise at Seteropopol Army Development Camp, August 2006
Soldiers of the 1st Woodland Regiment perform a routine patrol on the Makaar-Laskon border

Rank Structure

Ranks are provided with the name in Makaarian and the English equivalent in brackets. Ranks are listed from highest to lowest rank.

Flag Officers

  • Overtarbad (Field Marshal)
  • Tarbad (General)
  • Dem-Tarbad (Lieutenant-General)
  • Dem-Dem-Tarbad (Major-General)
  • Brekader (Brigadier)


  • Obert (Colonel)
  • Dem-Obert (Lieutenant-Colonel)
  • Mador (Major)
  • Haptaman (Captain)
  • Overlutnant (First Lieutenant)
  • Lutnant (Second Lieutenant)


  • Varrant Offiker (Warrant Officer)
  • Elistsad Offiker (Sergeant Major)
  • Oversergent (Staff Sergeant)
  • Sergent (Sergeant)
  • Korpral (Corporal)
  • Dem-Korpral (Lance Corporal)
  • Overrekrut (Private 1st Class)
  • Rekrut (Private)
  • Kadet (Trainee)


In Makaar, conscription does not exist and the armed forces are made up entirely of volunteers. However, Parliament reserves the right to conscript those between the ages of 18 and 45 in emergencies. This section details the history of conscription in Makaar.

The Homeland Security Act

Passed in 1930, this made military service compulsory for all males ages 18-24. 2 years military service was required. This was regarded as necessary at the time, but soon became unpopular.

The National Act

Included in this bill was a provision that allowed conscripts to leave the services if they could prove they had family or other commitments. It also said that the government had to pay them a higher rate of pay than their civilian job, and if that was not possible then that man could not be conscripted. This was passed in 1954.

The Civil Rights Act

Though this bill centred mainly on giving black and other ethnic minority groups equal rights, it also included a provision that eliminated conscription completely, though all conscripts still serving had to complete their obligation.

Recent Conflicts

The following is a list of recent conflicts in which Makaarian forces were deployed:

The Fort Europe War

Known as "The Makaarian War" in Fort Europe, and "The Commonwealth War" by many in Makaar, this is not one single war but actually refers to a long list of small conflicts and high tensions between the two superpowers. The start of the war is not clear; however, many believe it to have begun when the Commonwealth threatened to blockade Makaarian ports. At the time, the Commonwealth was unquestionably stronger than Makaar, and as Air Chief Marshall Sir William Fowler said of the crisis later, "Had the blockade gone ahead, it is unlikely that the entire military might that Makaar could muster at any one time would have been sufficient to break the blockade for any significant period of time. Without control of our territorial waters, we would be vulnerable to invasion."

As it became more apparent that Fort Europe intended to go through with their threat, Sir Fowler and a group of military analysts put together a plan to cripple the Commonwealth fleet before any such blockade took place. Thus, an attack took place soon after on several Commonwealth ports, done by the Makaarian Air Force.

The event triggered a war between Fort Europe and Makaar, which culminated in the fleets of the two nations engaging and badly damaging each other. The event also lead to the short Makaarian Civil War, as a disgruntled military took control of much of the nation for a short time, long enough to assassinate the Prime Minister of the time. Peace was negotiated with Fort Europe, though both sides claim victory. Since that time, relations between the two powers have been cold.

Makaar was able to quickly rebuild, and the Fort European economy wasn't able to compete with the Makaarian economy. This has allowed Makaar's military capability to challenge and, in some areas, surpass the Commonwealth's in recent years.

The VanStone War

The nation of Vekta, ruled by dictator Willem VanStone, was an ally of Makaar before tales of genocide emerged from the secretive nation. Communications intercepted by Military Intelligence from VanStone admitted that "I [VanStone] have already killed 5.2 million people".

A declaration of war came shortly afterwards, and Makaar's alliance with the nation of Laskon fell apart. However, as Makaarian troops arrived, people in Vekta (particularly those who knew that they were going to be the next victims of the genocide) began to revolt. Soon, the nation had fallen into anarchy. Makaar denied responsibility for the peacekeeping operation and withdrew, in a move widely criticised by many across the nation.

The Jagorian Civil War

In the region of Jagor, officially part of Makaar but with some self-autonomy, was once a seperate nation, and indeed controlled Makaar. Many citizens of the area still consider themselves Jagorians, and nationalist and seperatist movements have been slowly gaining popularity for years. The Makaarian government has a policy of refusing to negotiate on the status of the area.

For more than 30 years, the Jagorian Front for Liberation (JFL, or FFJ in Makaarian) has maintained a campaign against Makaarian forces, designed to force Makaar to withdraw from Jagor and allow them to become their own nation. An indigenous force, the Royal Jagorian Corps, maintains order, along with troops from surrounding areas and the local police force. Bombs are a part of everyday life in the region, which is also the poorest in Makaar. The Army maintains a constant presence of at least 500,000 soldiers there at all times.