Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire

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The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (French: Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre) is a defunct resistance faction that nearly toppled the long-time dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko during the Great Central African War. Led by Laurent Kabila, a former follower of Pierre Mulele, it was in effect a proxy army directed by Uganda and Rwanda, both countries that had a strong desire to see Mobutu go. Its rank and file were comprised of a diverse array of people, from radical egalitarian Marxists to corporatists to victimized Tutsis to former members of the FAZ. The bulk of its members, however, were Ugandan and Rwandan child soldiers provided arms and rudimentary training by the governments of Museveni and Kagame, respectively. Though utterly ruthless, indisciplined, and ineffective in combat, they nevertheless enjoyed massive popular support, and their performance was far superior to the severely underfunded, under-trained FAZ, which crumbled before the advancing hordes. Also crucial to the AFDL's (near) success was the extensive support it received from the Angolan military and, to a lesser extent, the militaries of Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi.

Most historians, political scientists, and commentators, in Zaire and abroad, believe that, had it not been for the decisive intervention of Parthia, Mobutu would have been toppled by Kabila.

Parthian forces, provided support by DSP reinforcements as well as mercenaries and troops from African countries friendly to Mobutu, succeeded in virtually eradicating the AFDL, and it is believed that its few surviving members, if such they exist, voluntarily disbanded the alliance.

Flag of Zaire.PNG République du Zaïre Flag of Zaire.PNG
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