La Zaïroise

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La Zaïroise has been the national anthem of Zaire since 1971, when it replaced the former anthem, Debout Congolais. The lyrics to La Zaïroise were written by Joseph Lutumba, while the music was composed by Simon-Pierre Boka Di Mpasi Londi.


Zairians, living in rediscovered peace,
United people, we are Zairians;
Let us go forward, proud and dignified.
A great people, a people forever free.
Tricolored flag, light in us the sacred flame,
Which binds us to our ancestors and our children,
Peace, justice, and work;
Peace, justice, and work.

Tricolored flag in the wind,
which revives the ideal,
Which links us to our ancestors and our children,
Peace, justice, and work;
Peace, justice, and work.

External link

Listen to La Zaïroise

Flag of Zaire.PNG République du Zaïre Flag of Zaire.PNG
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