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Late 1600's Sir Henry Morgan first discovers the secluded chain of islands at the edge of the known world. The formations of the islands and their geographical location make them the perfect place to settle down and hide out from Royal naval ships pursuing him and his ships. They land and stay for four months before again leaving, but Morgan had plans for the islands. When they again depart Morgan heads for the pirate town of Tortuga, and gathers up a following the likes that the world had never seen. Pirates from all sorts of rival bands, simple towns folk: carpenters, blacksmiths, mill workers, families; and sails them all back to the islands to set up a new civilization where the pirate tradition could gloriously thrive. Unfortunatly for Morgan he never lived to make sail again for his islands to see his dream come true.

1753 The first city is built, Port Blood in the hidden coastline of the largest island in the group. Here their society miraciously thrives in an alliance of people unrivaled in history. Soon all types of pirates seek out 'Morgans Isle' as a hideaway from Royal frigates after plundering and looting. Paul 'Butcher' Berret, Morgans first mate, became the self appointed govenor of the islands and welcomed these crews with open arms, only asking for a small portion of their plunder for a docking fee. Over the years pirates such as Calico Jack Racham, Edward Teach (Blackbeard), Captain England, Captain Avery, and Captain Bartholomew make port at 'Morgans Isle' where they know that they can find safe harbour. The only law of 'Morgans Isle' was respect your fellow citizens, from crew to crew each person was considered an equal and the Pirates Code and its punishments of theft among bretheren, fighting among bretheren were strictly enfoced.

1800's The age of piracy see a fierce decline, all the notable captains are dead, only to be replaced by a pitiful band of men, whose skills a far away from their predecesors. This decline leads to a new independance for the citizends of Morgans Isle, desendants of the great pirate captains and their crews, these people forgo this rich herritage and begin a time of self reliance. This is a time where the civilization of Morgan's Isle thrived, piracy and theft gave way to farming, fishing, and industry. The population tripled and before long each island in the chain had towns and cities, usually segregated acording to what pirate clan they desended from. This tradition lasts for nearly eighty years before the first war amongst themselves in 1877.

1869: The citizens of Port Blood, arguably the largest city in Morgans Isle, decide that by right they are superior to the rest of the population of the islands. They far outnumber the rest of the clans and they have much more wealth and decided to act upon this. Forming the first actual government of the islands, in 1869, they elect Chancelor Mannuel Estrada to be the next govenor of the islands, and as they saw themselves as superior they did not include any of the other provinces into the election. Chancelor Estrada was unlike Morgan in his governing, he ruled through the might of his larger city and taxed the smaller towns, ravishing the productions of these towns and villages. The people of these provinces were content to live with this Chancelor, anticipating his steping down or replacing him in another election, however a new election didnt come and the Chancelor soon grew to become a dictator and the first revolution of the islands was under way.

1877: The citizens of all the other islands band together and pick up the weapons that they had given up years ago and fought against the growing army of the Chancelor and Port Blood. The war looked bleak from the outset by the rebels, loosing several of the early battles it looked like they wouldnt be able to stand against Port Blood and would be worse of than before. But then the tide of battle swayed to their favour with the comming of an unexpected allie. From the middle east, medeteranian pirates who had heard of their pirate civilization had come to build their own city and live in peace with their bretheren. Wanting only to live in peace and freedom they joined with the rebels in hopes of ousting the Chancelor while at the same time preserving Port Blood because of its importance as an economic center and symbol of their society. After two years of fighting and roughly 54,000 deaths the Chancelor was killed and Port Blood gave in to the demands of the rebels. A new Chancelor was never elected and while trade and cooperation between the islands went back to normal a rift grew between the people that would take over a hundred years to restore.

1916: Hurricane Simon hits Morgans Isle causing massive damages to every city in the islands. Industry was devastated, and the economy collapesd. As it grew again a new era of society was formed in the islands, a time of isolationism. The boats stoped traveling and trading between the islands and each city was left to its own devices to grown at its own speed. The past feelings of resentment grew as they no longer saw the need to trade with one another as each clan was able to produce what it needed to sustain itself. For sixty years this trend continued, with only the occasional boat shipping from island to island. Each city fell out of contact with each other, and the pirate traditions of their ancestors were all but forgoten.