Hymn of Liberty

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The national anthem of Neo-Erusea is the Hymn of Liberty, written by Jean Seos, a poet, during the Liberation Day of the Glorious Republic of Neo-Erusea. The song poem was very short but less than a year after it was written it was adopted as the national anthem along with a music backround.


Since Jean Seos only knew Russian so the original was written in Russian.

In Russian:
По голубым небесам
И изумрудные равнины
Где свобода и правосудие преобладают
С храбростью и силой
Мы будем бороться до конца
Для свободы на нашей земле

In English:
O'er azure skies
And emerald plains
Where freedom and justice prevail
With courage and strength
We'll fight to the end
For liberty in our land


When translated into English the poem became perfect for song. A very popular song with troops, a record was taken sung by pilots in the War of Neo-Erusean Secession.Listen to it[1] (wait about 10-15 seconds arfter clicking)