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Nenyan Language

High Nenyan

Roots and Origins

High Nenyan, properly known as High Nenya (the -n suffix is a Human (Dth'gari/Menjdari) addition), has its roots in Sindarin and Quenya - more dominantly the latter. Howver, it is not a 'natural' progression of the Quendi tongues, but is instead a constructed, artificial language designed for formal speaking or beauty of speech. High Nenyan is 'fixed' - that is, there are measures in place to help ensure that the language remains more generally the same than it would if it were not 'fixed'. It is unclear how succesful this effort will be.

Related Languages List

Quenya (root) Sindarin (root) Nenyan Common (descendant) Dth'gari (intermingled, minor) Menjdari (intermingled, minor)

Basic Grammar

Nenyan sentences containing a single verb always begin with the verb. Verb-beginning sentences thus always follow this format:

[verb] [noun] [{adjective}] [{pronoun}] [adverb]

For example:

English: "The dog goes to Nenya." The English direct translation, with Nenyan word-order format would thus be: "Goes dog Nenya to."

A brief Nenyan phrase using this format: "Anwarë, taura, poldar Atani surcávant."

Translation (direct): "True, mighty, bold (and) Men drink don't."

True translation: "True, mighty, and bold Men do not drink (alcohol)."

Nenyan Common

Roots and Origins

Nenyan Common, correctly known as Nenya Common, is the simplified form of High Nenya. It is largely derived from High Nenya, but is not fixed, and so in modern times has gained many Dth'gari, Menjdari, English, and Spanish words - as well as new words from the Menelmacari and the other Quenya and Sindarin speaking nations.

Related Languages List

High Nenya (derived) Dth'gari (intermingled, medium) Menjdari (intermingled, medium) English (gained words from) Spanish (gained words from)

Basic Grammar

Nenya Common is identical to High Nenya, but the word order may be relaxed here or there so long as the context does not alter. This is usually only carried out, however, in literature. It is not considered very acceptable, in practice, amongst speakers.