Tomanian High Culture

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Tomanian High Culture is the Marduuk policy of Tomocentric superiority. It centers on the belief that Tomanians are inherently superior to others.

There are also several other undertones that carried over into anti-sentiments and anti-female chauvinism, which also manifested against Tomanian females who were, with few exceptions, barred from the higher echelons of power in the Empire's military and government. Those not meeting the standards of Tomanian High Culture are marked as being Dúnadain, traitors, blasphemers°, heretics°°, or "sympathetic to unforgivable heresy."

At the time of the foundation of the Marduuk Party, there were several active, large populist groups within Tomania that advocated concepts of Tomanian supremacy. (In fact, supremacy of Tomanian society has been taught in schools for generations.) These were quickly assimilated into the nascent Committee for Pure Tomania.

The chief tenet of Tomaian High Culture is that Tomanians are the only truly intelligent and productive members of any society. They cited that it was almost exclusively Tomanians who had formed and led the ancient world and the Tomar provinces of the world are some of the oldest, richest, and most advanced in the world.

As such, the people believe that only things Tomanian are worth their time or energy. Though, some exceptions do apply, for example, Morindirans are not seen as inferior as other Dunedain and thusly referred to as Anatari.

Tomanian High Culture is enforced and imprinted upon the Empire's citizenry by the Committee for Pure Tomania, Ministry of Propaganda, Ministry of Culture, and the Young Marduuk Leauge.

(°Blasphomy, is considered to be people against the Imperial Monrachy, i.e. renouncing the Divinity of the im-Bashi, renoucing alliance to the Crown, etc.)

(°°Heresy is considered to be people against the Party. Since the Party has been given "grace" by Heaven, the Marduuk are the undisputed leaders of the empire in the Name of the Holy Empress)